Evening Zedders, ex-Zedders and soon-to-be-Zedders,
As some of you are possibly aware I developed Psoriatic Arthritis last summer with knees, arms, shoulders, neck, ankles and hands all damaged and swollen and of not much use. It was certainly scary times and being *cough* a touch over 40 certainly not a period of my life I was expecting to be dealing with “old persons disease”.
Whilst sat on my sofa at home contemplating a possible future of losing my mobility I decided to reach out to Arthritis Research UK, a charity that provides both financial support to researchers looking for the cause/cure for this disease, but just as importantly they offer free support to sufferers. They were absolutely amazing, responding to both my emails and calls with kind, empathetic and well-structured responses, not a copy/paste in sight.
10 months on and through their support, along with support from friends family & work colleagues, cutting out down alcohol, implementing a new lifestyle regime and being on the right medication I can now get back to doing some of the physical activities I used to love. So to pay a little back to I decided to do something challenging and raise money for Arthritis Research - I am going to take part in a 12km mud run on the 20th of May (Nuclear Races) which consists of plenty of mud but also 90+ obstacles - I am doing this with a mate who ‘volunteered’ to help me with the tricky stuff!
If you would be interested in supporting CLICK every little helps and I promise to share any hilarious muddy photos with you all w/c 21stMay