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Everything posted by coldel

  1. Bought my Zed and within 3 months had to change clutch, flywheel and cv joints. This is exactly why I shudder when I see people with barely budget to cover buying these cars go in a bit blind, with no slush fund to fix any issues as they are usually expensive!
  2. Its total likes, so you could in theory post one cracking post and end up over 100% if everyone likes it. But as said up top, its for fun, on a day when football is in the doghouse and politicians are arguing like 10 year olds.
  3. Your not a statistician gunning for MEP re-election are you ???? Nah, got it, your Uri Gellars apprentice Rob Just simple numbers and facts, something the leave campaigners even post referendum can't get their heads around
  4. Aye fair point, both sides are being so childish its stupid, but that's the exact point I was making, be the bigger man and don't rise to it - that's the sign of a real leader. My other point really is that the EU has an army of trade negotiators and more money to throw at this than we do - we need a few friends in the EU to make this work in our favour. Burning bridges at this stage is not professional and will not lead to our optimum outcome, in my modest opinion.
  5. Older members are also more likely to be grumpy old men
  6. The worst thing we can have is Farage walking in there and crowing like he has been doing this morning, there is such thing as winning with dignity and this will only turn individuals against us in any trade discussion. We had to be the bigger man in this but Farage sees this as his own personal vendetta - as did most of the Leave campaign, they almost don't seem at all engaged with the actual process of exiting the EU now and their behaviour is not conducive to making our position stronger.
  7. Yes meant the scottish referendum But its not 4% of the voting population voting to Leave over Remain, its 1.9% because if they had voted the other way it would then be 50/50 - if 1.9% of the people voting Leave had voted stay it would have been 50/50 so they were the ones that swung it. Its effectively the football 6 pointer. What this is measuring is effectively the 'swing' in voting, you take the rise in one group and the decline in the other and divide by two to measure swing voting. So the Remain camp would only have needed 1.9% of the voting to have changed their mind to have got us to a 50/50 result.
  8. You cant have a government on a tiny % though, hence the coalition we had last time. Which is why the small difference is very important. The turnout was pretty poor in my opinion, given the amount that turned out for Scotland. Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on it but 15m never bothered to vote?
  9. Yep Flex! For gross fraudulence!
  10. The 350z-uk,com Likability League Table: mouthwash 47% linus27 42% gmballistic 39% gappysmeg 38% bobbyz 35% i4n 34% juggalo 31% paddy78 29% brillomaster 28% wmr1980 26% coldel 22% jetset 20% rabbitstew 11% BBK 10% ian 4%
  11. Is there some 'Leave campaign' type cheating going on here, over claiming numbers
  12. Haydn, so yes typo 1.9% So if 1.9% had not voted Leave we would have been at 50/50 - so 1.9% of the total voting sample of the population were the defining percentage. To my point, thats hardly 'the will of the people' when the different is so small.
  13. Somewhat ironically, importing skills into the UK
  14. YES! No longer in the wooden spoon position!
  15. EU will enter into free trade with the UK, can't imagine they wont, but we will pay for it. We will be subject to all the EU regulation everyone else is plus freedom of movement of labour. All the things which the majority of Leave voters voted, what they believed, against.
  16. As to Petes point, a referendum on the deal on the table, to get to that point we have to enact article 50, if we vote No to the deal in 2 years time, can we then put everything back in place? Worth following the Times CEO Summit that is on right now, lots of influential people talking about exit. Sobering stat from minister trade and investment: Number of trade negotiators EU=550 US=500 UK=12
  17. To build the terms, we have to enact Article 50, can we retract it?
  18. Absolutely, all the 'sour grapes' levelled at Remain people by Leavers you can be damn sure boot on other foot would have been just as bad. Referendums are not constitutionally binding, but its bad form to ignore them. The issue for me as said above is that it was so marginal, that you are not really going with the will of the people in either way.
  19. Thing is every time I respond on this thread my liking % goes even further down...
  20. I'm feeling very unloved all of a sudden
  21. I can see this backfiring spectacularly!
  22. Which, as we all know, completely defeats the point of the first referendum and would set a dangerous and destructive precedent! There are plenty of humorous petitions doing the rounds at present - my personal favourite is the one asking to replay the Battle of Hastings! - but, if another referendum happened due to this current pressure, then virtually any voted result could be contested in the future, just because a certain faction in society weren't happy with the original outcome. Good or bad, I hope last Thursday's vote is the only vote on this subject. I agree we shouldn't vote again, but, if we do vote like this again on another subject we shouldn't be making a constitutional decision based on a swing of 1.8% when 30% of the populous didn't vote at all. I keep hearing that the people voted to leave, but its so marginal if you ran it again on Thursday this week it could in all likelihood show a Remain win. You have to be sure, that is to actually get a reasonable margin with enough people voting - those rules should have been in place before the referendum. To state that you are changing the country constitutionally based on a 1.8% swing is farcial, you wouldn't see that sort of behaviour in any reasonable business, yet we seem happy to accept it when the stakes are so high for a country.
  23. Just some fun, have a nose at your My Profile page under your username top left corner, I have 8660 posts and over on the right in the green box it shows 1911 likes. So I am liked 1911/8660=22% of the time. Who is the most likable person on here then, post it up
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