How do you know? Have you totted up track time, money spent on trainers, who did he train with, what were his formative years like? Did he have a storng team backing him growing up, did he have good recoveries from when he failed? Thats what I mean, tiny margins. I am sure if Lewis Hamilton spent his formative years bumming around he wouldn't be the driver he is now. Messi is not ten times better than every other player, he is probably 5% better but thats all you need to be seen as the best.
I was at Wimbledon watching Djokovic play yesterday, probably one of the best players of all time. The score would make it look like he breezed through the game but he played at around 95%+ of his max potential pretty much all through the game, the second he dropped to say 90% the other guy suddenly came back into it and the game threatened to sway.
As you can tell (!) I disagree, I think in general sportsman who succeed do so through dedication, hard work, self discipline, commitment and practice. I think it would be unfair and quite frankly inhumane if a magical hand tapped a baby on the head and gave that child an upper hand on the rest of the human race - and would be a bit weird that god feels the need to produce a British championship F1 driver as part of his rounds each day...