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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Looking good. Makes me want to get my track car finished and back on the road!
  2. Fan failure is a common problem on zeds. Id try and short the connector out and see if the fan kicks in. If it does then it may be sensor.
  3. Small world eh? Thought it would be mine as there cant be many 313 roadsters with a K1 exhaust. Glad its gone to a good home! Heres an online review of your actual car when it was new by a journo.. its original number plate was L66 UST http://www.malextra.com/motoring/motorreviews/Nissan+350Z+GT-1326.html
  4. awesome. love the way he like cruises by looking casually out of the window!
  5. Welcome... and have to say if this is the car I think it is, then its a cut and shut, thrashed to an inch of its life, previously owned by a pie loving loony!!!! Yep, i think it might be my old car. I part ex`d it at BMW in Camborne for 9grand back in June this year and they passed it onto a dealer in Oxford who tried to sell it for £12999. I then noticed Honda in Soham had it up for sale after a bit. So if you have only just bought it in September then its taken them 4 months to sell it!! If it is my car then it was a total minter. I bought it from Nissan main dealer in Birmingham in March 2011 for £16k. I did the aux audio in mod - so there will be a 3.5mm jack plug in the central storage compartment near the hand brake which you can plug your phone or ipod into. I always ran it on v power. It did have cosworth air filters in it and I fitted the K1 exhaust - it was very loud..... You can sell it on for about £150 on here once you have it off the car. Car was on exactly 44,000 miles when I sold it. I also replaced the gearknob with a brand new one. I`ll drop you a PM.
  6. I had the exhaust on my golf snap just before the cat. As it was in the middle of winter I didnt fancy getting under the car so drove around with it like that for a week. As long as its not dragging on the floor its fine. Loads of zeds go in the same place.
  7. They are quick once you start throwing a lot of money at them. I used to have my mad Renault 5 GT Turbo on the road back in the day when cossys were popular and i lost count of the number of them who id seriously leave for dead. Used to really wind them up. In fact I used to have "bye bye cosworth" written under my back number plate. At one point I remember seeing Sierra Cosworths for sale for about 2grand, but as they are getting pretty rare now I think the prices are on the up. The RS500 one with the whale tale has always been quite rare though.
  8. I think the high fuel prices hasnt really helped with the zeds depreciation. I paid about 16k for mine in March 2011 and when I part ex`d it in June 2012 I got 9k for it (nearly 7k loss in just over 12 months). The dealer put it up on his forecourt for 12k. So the cars actual value dropped by 4k. Looking at other cars like BMW M3`s they too dropped by similar amounts, so its not just the zed. V10 E60 M5's can now be had for less than £15K - even given high running costs that's a proper bargain for us lot! Big time!
  9. I just pour a kettle of warm water over mine.... not boiling.... warm..
  10. Thats a cracking result! Well done and glad to see justice is done for once.
  11. shame, i was looking forward to more fireworks!
  12. I think the high fuel prices hasnt really helped with the zeds depreciation. I paid about 16k for mine in March 2011 and when I part ex`d it in June 2012 I got 9k for it (nearly 7k loss in just over 12 months). The dealer put it up on his forecourt for 12k. So the cars actual value dropped by 4k. Looking at other cars like BMW M3`s they too dropped by similar amounts, so its not just the zed.
  13. Put them in a pie Awaits flaming I don't think that's an appropriate comment from a mod Not sure id fancy cat pie to be honest! Prefer a bit of venison or rabbit!
  14. Fuel also seems to have been dropping slowly in price over the last few weeks. Unleaded is 131.9 near me and diesel is 137.9.
  15. The problem me & my missus have when it comes to dogs is that i think a dog should guard the house and so i prefer bigger dogs like Alsations rottweilers, German shepherds .. that kinda thing. Whereas my missus thinks dogs should fit in her handbag and so prefers dogs which look more like drowned rats...
  16. Mate, I even got more bedroom action when I was single too.
  17. Good luck is all I can say. My missus nagged me that she wanted a cat and I said no. She said she`d look after it, clean up its mess etc.. so anyway she gets one and guess who has to clean up after it? yes me... Then 5 months back she says she wants a 2nd cat.... I say no and point out that im cleaning the first ones mess up etc... she says she`ll clean up after it.. so she runs out buys another cat without my permission and guess what? Yes... I now have 2 cats to clean up after. I seem to spend half my life shovelling cat sh!t or being woken up by cats who want feeding.
  18. Had a few brown trouser moments myself this morning... getting off my drive! But once I was on the main roads luckily they had all been gritted! Phew!
  19. Id hardly say 54k miles is "high" for a 2004 car. I was doing 25k a year in mine!
  20. My favourite thing and one of the main reasons I bought a 350z was the rarity of them. Around where I live, during 18 months of owning a 313 Roadster I dont think I ever saw another one. I saw 2 non 313 roadsters, and less than a handful of coupes. I did see one 313 coupe and that was it. Compare that with seeing hundreds of boxsters & z4`s every single day! I think because they are so rare, I had no end of comments about "nice car". Id have complete strangers coming up to me complimenting me on the car. Kids would shout out "nice car mate" as I drove by.... I did also have some strange people shouting out other stuff like the time a random old lady shouted out "w*nker" at me as I drove past. Another old man waved his walking stick at me as I accelerated.... (i assume he didnt approve of the K1 exhaust on it). But all in all a cracking car and im pleased I bought it.
  21. I left my roadster outside too without any problems. Treated the roof twice a year with proper roof stuff and it still looked brand new. I made sure if it got snowed on id brush all the snow off asap as i didnt like leaving it under a foot of snow!
  22. Called an angle grinder in my case which is what i had to use to get the back box off in the end.
  23. You beat me too it, i was going to say all plugs seem to come with the correct gaps these days! Ive not had to use my feeler gauges for a long time!
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