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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Ah, but statistically its more likely to get nicked in the garage, so depends on how much you want to keep your car! I added my 80 year old gran to my 350z policy and that reduced it no end. Amazingly insurance companies think an old pensioner is a safer person driving a 309bhp RWD sports car then a 39 year old bloke with a lifetime of fast car / motorbike experience.
  2. £800 is a bargain. I was quoted nearly a grand to insure my zed and i had 20 years ncb. You can try the specialist brokers who are on here, but in my experience i seldom find a specialist is any cheaper.
  3. Theres a junction in cambridge near where I work which has a box like this painted on the road - you dont get fines for stopping in it. But what i do notice is that the box is so faded now, people just stop on it anyway, blocking the entire road and causing massive tailbacks.
  4. Mine were painted too on my K1 and looked great!
  5. Go for it. I did exactly the same the other year. Id wanted a Zakk Wylde Epiphone for as long as I could remember. Then after years of watching & waiting on ebay, one came up for a good price and after having a few drinks I stuck a bid in and won it. I hadnt even tried one out! Anyway, it turned up and it was awesome. It played so much better than my other guitars. Even my mate who is seriously into his guitars loved it. To make things even better, a few weeks later I managed to get Zakk Wylde to actually sign it for me. It really motivated me to start playing more. EDIT: In all fairness though, it wasnt really an impulse buy as id been thinking of buying it for ages. What was an impulse buy however was back in 2002 I think, walking into Hein Gerrike to buy a £4 oil filter for my R1 and walking out with £1200 of titanium Akraprovic race exhaust system and a few other bits.
  6. Spotted Sunday (i think) lunchtime at about 12:30 driving past Wellingborough Tesco. Nice Ginger Gold 350z Coupe, pre facelift, Private plate. *14 HJT. Looks like they were heading to join the queues trying to get into B&Q!
  7. Music does affect your mood though, which is why i listen to heavy metal when working out as it makes me more aggressive Likewise, if im trying to relax on a stressful drive home i put something slow & relaxing on. I guess now its a matter of time before insurance companies start asking us what type of music we listen to in our cars, and if you mark down you like Thrash Metal or Prodigy then they will ramp your premium up accordingly.
  8. As Ekona said, its all down to statistics. If you have had one claim (even if its non fault) then your now a higher risk as you are likely to have more claims. Therefore, insurance will be increased. Thats why they always ask if you have had any non fault claims or accidents.
  9. Actually the 313 models came out mid 2007 and were 309bhp. Also, there was the facelift in 2006 with revised styling, and not to mention the road tax hike to nearly double the tax of the earlier models. The one on autotrader looks like a nice clean car - but as others have said its not a UK model and a low spec. I dont even think they are leather seats in it. For the money id hang in. Id expect you to be able to get a uk model for not much more.
  10. Ok, you know about them drugs......
  11. rabbitstew


    Be outside of the guys budget. Yep golfs at my budget look pretty ropey unfortunately. Haha classic. Not seen my missues drive yet but hopefully she doesn't use the wall too much! Have you had a bad experience mate? Funnily enough after starting this thread I have heard another murmouring about older corsas being junk, but my good lady's parents swear by old vauxhalls. They have a cavalier diesel that's done about 160k miles and their omega only gave up at about 260k.............. My mates just bought a 2005 vectra and that was £1500. 54k from new, FSH, 2.0 Diesel. Lovely car to drive. I serviced it for him just before xmas and fitted new brake pads. All cheap to maintain and they handle mileage well - one reason so many were popular company cars. I had a quick drive in it and its fine to drive. He`s getting mid 50mpg out of it. Has a bit of an old man`s rep or "unmarked plod" look to it tho.
  12. On the same website... http://www.screwfix....t-set-3pc/17228 Those are the ones! You can get them cheaper on ebay too - ive just had to order a set now for my new makita drill.
  13. Depends what size sockets you want to use, i doubt if thats got enough torque for big sockets, so your probably looking at 3/8th sockets. I bought a makita drill bit set a while back, has millions of drill bits in it and actually came with a load of sockets which have the hex extension on which can fit straight in a drill. I guess you`d need hex one end for the drill, then a square 3/8 drive on the other end so you can use your existing sockets.
  14. You forgot to add step 14 - realise that your old insurance company has just taken the full amount out of your bank for your renewal even though you told them you were not going to stay with them. step 15 - ring up insurance company who then try and charge you a fee for cancelling, even though you never wanted it in the first place, then finally agree they made a mistake and would refund your money in a few days. step 16 - realise company still hasnt refunded you your money so go back to step 15 and repeat..... This has happened twice to me now with 2 totally different companies. In one case they took the money straight out then paid me back by cheque 2 weeks later. Seemingly in order to make interest on my cash. I guess its probably a deliberate insurance company scam where they hope people wont notice the money being taken out automatically.
  15. And thats the key... I tried to sell N13NJA for about 2 years with no interest, in the end I just let it expire and never bothered renewing the retention certificate. My mate just sold his private plate which was just one letter, one number then his initials - like A1 ABC style and he got 120quid on ebay for it. Unless its really special the 2nd hand market in plates is quite poor atm. Now thats a cracking idea actually!
  16. rabbitstew


    Be outside of the guys budget. I had a mk4 Golf GT TDI for 4 years and did 90k in it. Had 175k on it when i sold it. The 2001 model I had is fetching £2000 on ebay looking at current prices. Tyres last 40k on the Golf, the brake pads & discs need changing every 80k, the wheel bearings went at about 120k, the front lower wishbone bushes go on them at about 100k, suspension went at 140k. Plus load of niggly common problems like the brake pedal switch failing, engine temp sensor failing, hazard light relay going, electric windows breaking, the centre arm rest catch breaking and the clutch pedal breaking in half. Servicing on a golf is well easy. A full service (pollen, air, oil & fuel filters + oil) came in at 60quid for parts and I could do it in exactly 16minutes. Insurance on it was higher though as its a higher insurance group than the 307, and since you get an older golf for the same money they are higher tax brackets for the same engine size. Also the TDI Golfs have some mad service interval on the cambelts. Mine had to be changed every 40k or something. Lovely cars to drive however, and 2nd to my beemer it was the nicest car ive owned to drive. Very relaxing and comfortable. But, running costs compared to our 307 were a lot higher.
  17. Either that or they meant had the person been on some sort of advanced driving course which may reduce their insurance!
  18. Its also the same price as i sold my 2007 313 Roadster for last year. That one is an ancient imported 2003 model. Also, 285bhp? Unless they have a dyno printout it should be 276bhp on that model. Get some insurance quotes before you buy!!!!
  19. Hang on... a "Police Driver Training Course" is not the same as the speed awareness course. I thought the police driver training course was what traffic cops do to teach them how to drive at 140mph in unmarked police cars for fun?
  20. rabbitstew


    I just sold my shed a few months back. It was a 2003 Peugeot 307 2.0HDi. I sold it for £1500, so well within your budget. I used it for my daily commute which was 90miles a day. It returned 56mpg every single week without fail. Nice, comfortable on long trips, massive load space - bigger than my mk4 & mk5 golfs. Running costs over 12 months were practically nothing. I replaced the top mounts which cost me £10, tie rods which were another £10, a full service was about £60 and MOT cost £25 at local garage. Certainly cost me a lot less to run than my VW Golf TDI i had before that. Insurance was cheap as they are quite low insurance groups. So id certainly recommend the 307!
  21. 20k is a good budget. In all fairness you could get a 313 350z for about £12k, and I expect the insurance will probably be £5k. Welcome to the forum!
  22. Hmmm in which case why does my car insurance go up every year?
  23. Totally agree. It all seems a game for insurance companies. Likewise, a lot of the "specialist" ones actually turn out to be more expensive than the mainstream ones. Its as if they think "if we say we specialise in sports cars or if we specialise in female drivers" people will assume we are the cheapest and not bother shopping around. Every single year I play the merry go round game and whilst very often i stay with the same insurance company, every single time you can guarentee their renewal quote will be about 40% more than I can get it else where but they will happily drop it by 50% after a phonecall to them.
  24. It all depends on what the "glasses" guide gives as the estimate as to what garages say the car is worth. So a 2005 GT4 350z with average mileage would have a trade in price of about £6200, a normal non-GT4 would come in at £5200. They would add 30% to the price and stick it on their forecourt, or sell it onto a garage who specialises in them. Theres a garage in Peterborough near where I live which seems to shift dozens of 350z`s and the prices they put them up for is incredible. They currently have an old low spec 2005 Roadster up for more than I sold my 2007 313 Roadster for. But, if they have a rep for specialising in those cars they are more likely to get a sale.
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