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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. The 350z Roadster has more of an image of bring a "mans" car than say for example an MX5 or a Z3 or some other convertibles. But thats not to say women cant drive them. I wouldnt let my missus anywhere near mine though.... mainly cos I thought she`d stack it.
  2. Ridiculous. Car on its own would normally be about 5k. So they think an exhaust, some alloys and a spoiler makes it worth over twice what it would normally be worth. Still, you never know, you may get some impulse purchaser snap it up. After all, its now reduced!!!!
  3. Am i missing something? I thought old 2004 ones like this only had 276bhp, not the 300bhp these guys are claiming. Personally I think its overpriced. Id have expected it to be maybe £7k. You can nearly get a 2007 313 HR engined one for the same sort of money. Id also factor in, can you really afford the running costs? If your paying mega top wack for a car, like I did when I bought my zed, you will loose a lot. I lost £600 a month in depreciation alone. On top of that I was spending £500 a month on fuel and then normal "running costs" like tax, insurance, service, tyres etc.. all cost another £300 or so a month. Not a cheap car to run. Was costing me twice what my mortgage was each month!
  4. Nothing worse than a rotten flange.
  5. Looks like a nice car to me. UK Spec. It has the Brembos. Its also a GT spec i think as its got the leather, bose & cruise. Also its got the optional extra Alezan orange interior which would have cost another load of cash on top of the GT pack. Its got the Rays alloys which again were another expensive option and if thats metallic paint, that too would have been another option on top. Mileage looks good, its the right colour, good spec level. Sure, if its a 2003 one, its an early car. But I dont think the price is too bad. Id expect around the £6k mark. If its not for you, its not for you, its a buyers market, so keep searching.
  6. Another vote for the hack from me. I wouldnt use the ipod lead tho, id use a normal 3.5mm lead which would then give you the flexibility to use any mp3 player or phone on it. I had no problems doing the hack on mine, worked a treat and the sound quality was good enough for me.
  7. What he said. Ive done dozens of exhausts on cars before, but was shocked when I came to take the exhaust off my 4 year old, 20,000 mile zed. All the nuts / bolts were totally rusted like they were on some 100 year old barn find car. I couldnt believe it. Took me about 6 hours of messing about to get it off, including getting the angle grinder out and cutting the back box off in the end. Nightmare. Others have said they have had no problems, so it might be okay for you. Even after they chopped the bolts out, getting the backbox off the rubber mounts was a RIGHT biitch! Was under the car with my feet on the rear subframe for leverage, pulling the backbox towards me. Used a LOT of WD40 and in the end I nearly knocked myself out I had exactly the same problem. Had to involve a big crow bar or 2 in the end and still had problems. Luckily the K1 system was much easier to fit.
  8. Welcome, im in Cambridge also, so will keep an eye out for you!
  9. What he said. Ive done dozens of exhausts on cars before, but was shocked when I came to take the exhaust off my 4 year old, 20,000 mile zed. All the nuts / bolts were totally rusted like they were on some 100 year old barn find car. I couldnt believe it. Took me about 6 hours of messing about to get it off, including getting the angle grinder out and cutting the back box off in the end. Nightmare. Others have said they have had no problems, so it might be okay for you.
  10. eerr... ive never had this! the ferrodo pads were awesome on my 313, no noise, but i noticed they seemed to make more brake dust than the original pads.
  11. Id take Parkers prices with a big pinch of salt. Its not often you see cars privately for the prices they claim you can pick them up for. £8750 is cheap for a HR. Id have expected this to be nearer the £10k mark. I still see 2003 cars advertised for this price sometimes on ebay. I sold mine with 41k on it and the clutch was fine. Im surprised this one, if its an ex Nissan car isnt got the sat nav. They used to love spec`ing demo & press cars up to the max. Mine was an ex Nissan press car and had every option in the book on it. Whats the wear on the drivers seat like? I wouldnt have expected any wear, unless maybe the previous owners havent bothered treating the leather. You normally do get scratches on the drivers door inside handle though. Id check that the service history has been done right. i.e. P1, P2, P1, P3 etc... Also, at that age it should be due a spark plug change - which on the HR isnt cheap. Depending on how its been driven, id also expect brake pads to be due at that mileage. All in all looks like a nice clean car on the face of it and a good price.
  12. Hmmm... doesnt sound good, i never had anything like that with my 313. Be interesting to find out what it is.
  13. Just an issue with having a rubbish phone he says - owning a iphone, oh my, that is rich :lol: :lol: This is the only issue I have had and to be fair my fault for thinking an eBay £1.99 USB charger would be fine No reason why it shouldnt in all fairness. Do apple put some sort of chip in their chargers to make sure you can only use genuine ones?
  14. I have had every version of iPhone and I am completely with you, why anyone would pay double for an iPad mini over a Nexus is just beyond me it really is Guess its like the nexus 4 phone. Over half the price of the iphone 5 and a better spec. But, people still buy the iphone 5. All down to personal preference. And, once apple lock you in with itunes etc.. something like 80% of apple users stick with apple products rather than go through the hassle of trying to export their music collection etc to somewhere else. Ive not tried any of the 10" android tablets recently so dont know which would be directly comparable to the ipad in todays market, but android in general has come a long way since the early days. Im running jelly bean on mine and its great.
  15. My wife has an ipad 3 and ive got a nexus 7. No comparison, my nexus 7 wipes the floor with her ipad. Whenever I try to use her ipad, it takes me ages to workout where simple things are. And nearly 60% of what I want to do on it I cant. Whereas on my nexus, its all immediately there for me. Ive found no problems at all with laggyness or anything like that. It continuously amazes me at how slick and fast it is. Whether thats browing, typing, playing games or streaming HD movies over my home network from my NAS box. You can get flash on it - you can install it, and use a browser like firefox. Maybe its all just a personal thing. Someone who has been using an iphone for 10 years will probably find an ipad easier to use.
  16. My missus finds that her iphone & ipad are very fussy over which cables and usb power adapters she uses. My samsungs on the other hand seem to work with any normal mini usb charger I plug in it.
  17. I actually said to the missus maybe i should have gone for the cheaper option and bought a range rover sport instead of my beemer, but then realised theres only a few days of the year when having a 4x4 would come in handy. Still, its not to late to nip out and get some cheapy 4x4, you can pick some up for a grand. Depends on how desperate you are to get to work in the snow!
  18. Lack of parking is one reason i would never buy a new house. Most have roads which arnt wide enough to get 2 cars side by side, and houses have no parking except on road. Both my current house & previous house have such big drives that i can easily get about 10 cars parked on it if i wanted.
  19. Ive got quite a few sealey and clarke tools - they are pretty good & solid, but silverline & laser are a bit hit & miss. Depends on what tool it is tho. Some things like a hammer you cant go wrong with, but torx bits etc... can be a bit brittle.
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