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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I ended up paying over £500 on my 313 as I got the road tax in 2 6 month instalments. Potion? You some kind of wizard? lol!!!!!
  2. Ive got R4 KOF on my motorbike.
  3. Depends on the repair shop. My ex had some chav pile into the back of her car on his moped. She claimed of his insurance and the "insurance approved bodyshop" repaired the back of the car. Now... i saw the invoice they gave to the insurance company and it said new back bumper, new scuttle panel, repaint bootlid, bumper etc. etc. etc. etc.... Then because im quite experienced at repairing cars myself I had a look at what they actually did. They simply filled and repaired the old bumper, pulled the back of the car out a bit and resprayed the bumper. You could see the bumper should have had a rough eggshell like finish on her car, but it was now smooth and stood out a mile. Classic case of the repair shop doing as cheap & quick job as they can whilst fleecing the insurance company. On the plus side, a few months later my ex did the same classic run into back of someone on a roundabout as your missus did. Back of the car in front was hanging off. The driver got out, looked at it and said "dont worry about it" and drove off! I couldnt believe her luck. Im assuming they had no insurance or license or something like that and didnt want the hassle!
  4. Nice looking car, someone will be very pleased with that. Im getting around the baby thing by making sure the wifes car is always a "sensible" 4 door, which means im fine with a 2 door less practical car!
  5. Nothing a bit of filler and a can of spray wouldnt fix. Ive fixed worse in the past. I remember buying a Peugeot 205 GTi once which someone had driven over a wilderbeast in. Serious. Whole front of car was caved in, bumper was missing, chasis was bent, sump was caved in. It was an insurance write off. But, you will be amazed at how crap HPi are at updating their register. I repaired the car, had it for a year, and when I checked it was HPi clear. If you got a professional in to do the work then no way is that car going to be worth doing. But, as a DIY project, i reckon if you got it for about the £2k mark at absolute max then you could have some fun.
  6. With the K1s they tend to catch on the cross member in the middle of the car. You can stick some washers under the cross member bolts, or just a slight tap with a hammer on the exhaust pipe fixes it. Like you say, if you get carried away and flatten the whole pipe then you`ll have performance issues.
  7. I see where your coming from though. A few years back I was earning £50 a day for labouring work on a building site. I was working 7am to 7pm. So thats roughly £4.16 an hour. If you think thats bad, the Albanian immigrant who was working along side me was happy with just £30 a day for the same hours! So, at that point in time, if someone quoted me £300 to lay a bit of flooring, thats 6 days wages for me, so id tell them where to go. However, now with the rates im getting paid, for £300 for a very good professional job, id seriously consider paying it, as for me my time is worth that. For me it depends on whether I can do the job myself and how long it will take me.
  8. When I blew the engine up on my Ducati 748SPS the guy who rebuilt it said i had to keep to less than a certain amount of revs for the first 600 miles. That equated to a top speed of 50mph. Most embarrassing riding home on the A1M doing 50mph in a 70mph with lorries, vans, mopeds all whizzing past you. Think I made it to about 400 miles before I got fedup and started wringing its neck again.
  9. If you heard how loud they are then you`d know. I had mine on for 20k miles and am now half deaf. Not sure why he`d stick a butterfly valve in, as surely if it restricts the flow it would affect performance, and also if its only on one silencer surely having all the gases only go through 1 silencer rather than 2 would make it louder? Had to smile at his modifications to get it to fit... I had to do similar to mine.
  10. How much you value your own time is a big factor really. I do all my own DIY on the house & mechanics. In my current house, when I bought it, i booked 2 weeks off work and stripped the house down. Redecorated every room, plastering, plumbed and fitted new bathroom, shower, toilet, did downstairs loo, flooring in most of the rooms, tiled floors in some rooms. Boarded loft out, painted & rewired the garage. Worked on it from 7am till 11pm most days. Then spent another week getting home from work at 7pm and working until midnight finishing decorating off. On one hand you can say that i have "saved" a fortune in labour costs. My mate actually paid about £8k for his bathroom and it looks the same as the one i fitted myself which cost me more like £500. But on the other hand, if you think about how much money I lost in wages through having 2 weeks off, then id actually have been better off probably paying professionals to do the work instead! The main reason I do the work myself, like on my car, is that im a perfectionist, and having had so many bad experiences with mechanics and tradesmen, id rather do the job myself and know its been done properly. I did however get a sparky I know to fit a new consumer unit as he`s corgi approved and that cost me £300 for a days work incl the unit. He did have a good 3 hour round trip to get to mine however. I also paid for a mates mate to fit a new boiler which cost me about £600 in labour for him to spend 3 days doing that. So, all in all I felt those were fair prices. Its certainly worth shopping about though and getting different prices. I was quoted upto £5k for a new boiler to be fitted, the average price being about £2500 in the end. Whereas I actually had it done for £1100 incl a £500 boiler. My mate was saying if they didnt really want the work they would quote some mad silly high price so the person wouldnt employ them, but very often the customer would say "yes okay then"!!! EDIT: I actually had a plasterer come out to quote me to skim 2 walls in my living room - each wall about 13ft long. They quoted me £350 for 4 hours work. I went to Wickes, bought a back of plaster, some PVA and a trowel and did it myself. Total cost was £30 or something. Id never plasterered before, but soon got the hang of it and did a really good job. I figured if i couldnt do it, id just call them up, but if i could do it, then i`ll be saving myself £320.
  11. Even on a brand new engine? Both my missus`s car and mine both dont have their first service until 20,000 miles! Seems a long long time before the dealer checks that the car is running properly. I guess with modern engineering, engines are more reliable than in the old days.
  12. What's it got to do with your insurers?!
  13. I think you would have a fright what your 313 is worth now I did. I sold it 6 months ago for 9 grand. 7k loss in 18 months. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Ah, you are a bit far away from me, im in Cambridge area. Basically I replaced my stock system with a K1, then sold the car. So still have a 20k miles old, 2007 HR exhaust system in the garage. When I get time I need to clean it up and advertise it.
  15. I noticed with zed drivers probably 80% who i saw were not interested in waving back at me. Its as if they didnt even consider it or think of it as an enthusiasts car. Whereas, when I had my old style mini, 99.9% of other old mini drivers would wave & flash at you. Not sure id try and flash another driver over tho for a "chat" in a layby!
  16. Thats a very good price, normally these seem to be £150ish. The noise is subjective. My K1 was incredibly loud and my girlfriend hated it! Id definitely not bother with a stock Nissan replacement system unless you can get a 2nd hand one cheap. Id be looking at a scorpion or cobra system which seem to be good value for money. Where abouts are you? Ive still got my stock system in the garage I need to sell at some point.
  17. May depend on the car. On my VW Golf i noticed it made no difference, but on my 123d i can easily see 10% more fuel usage with the climate turned on. All same journey, driving style, brand of fuel etc, weather etc... so ive kept all factors constant where possible.
  18. Amazing how quick cars in general drop in price. Thats pretty much the same price as I paid for my 2007 313 Roadster 2 years back. Very nice car for the money, got everything anyone could want on their wish list ticked there.
  19. I hate it too. My zed was immaculate, not a mark on it. I used to wash & polish it every week without fail and watched with sadness at the number of stone chips starting to appear on the front bumper - even though i never tailgate other drivers. Then one day I notice a scratch on the passenger door and when I mention it to my missus she replies "oh yes, i did that with my suitcase the other week, didnt think you`d mind!!!!" Luckily it was only a very fine scratch and I managed to polish most of it out, but even so, so anoying.
  20. In my limited experience I have to disagree with this. When I was young and foolish I had got pulled by a traffic cop. Unbeknown to me he had been following me for about 2 miles trying to catch me and was miles behind me. He only caught me because I stopped at some traffic lights and after a good few minutes he managed to catch up with me. He went absolutely mental at me. I begged forgiveness etc... and he wasnt having any of it. He was the typical patronising copper who treats you like something he has trot in. He wrote it all up. In fact he wrote my driving license number down completely wrong and had to phone me up a week later to get me to give him the correct number. Went to court and I got 3 points so felt I was very lucky not to get banned and learnt my lesson that even if its a quiet road with no traffic on it, then you still shouldn't speed. Literally a few weeks later my brother was "baited" late a night by a car which kept zooming up to his back bumper, then backing off. Rather than just let the car pass, my brother thought he`d have some fun and floored his car. Needless to say, the car behind was an unmarked cop car, so he also got 3 points & a fine. I have found though that motorcycle traffic cops are petrol heads and much more forgiving. They usually send you on your way or have a nice biker-to-biker chat about motorbikes in general, complete opposite to their car driving colleagues.
  21. Mine had an LSD and so they tested the brakes & handbrake the old school way using a box inside the car as they drove it up & down the road. Apparently the box is so lenient that if you cut a hole in the floorpan & stopped the car using your feet it would still pass according to the mechanic I spoke to. Which was just as well as the handbrake on my zed wasnt something I trusted unless it was on a flat surface.
  22. I changed mine without getting bumper off, but you do have to have small hands and its very fiddly!
  23. But then again, I expect some people on here will say its the right price for the car....
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