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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I had the same problem many years ago. I decided I wanted to give my old 850cc Mini the "rally" look, so I fitted a roll cage to it. The cage actually slowed the car down as it added weight to the car, and should I have an accident it would make the car safer. Anyway, I really struggled to find any insurance company who would insure me. They all assumed that I would deliberately go out and roll my car. In the end I had to get specialist insurance from Adrian Flux to cover me, on an 850cc mini which was only worth about £200 tops as it was at the time.
  2. No, it just sounds like it. There's a pipe that comes off the induction pipe just before the TB that goes up to the driver side a-pillar, and it sounds stupid. ooer
  3. With car stereos being give away prices these days, id be tempted to just swap it out for something else. I did the ipod hack on mine and it does work well, but it would be handy to see track listings etc. on the display.
  4. Thats not bad at all. When I was selling my old car, I just wanted similar cover so I could take buyers out on test drives and the only thing they offered me was a months cover for the same price as I was previously paying for 12 months cover - as I couldnt use my NCB on both my new car & old one. Right pain, as I could only drive one car at once, and the one I was selling sat in my drive unused until I sold it.
  5. Although if your in the UK isnt it illegal not to have a front number plate? What I did is to stick the number plate directly onto the front bumper over the holes. Looked loads better, although its really down to personal taste.
  6. If i remember rightly, arnt some of the back panels on the roadster made out of plastic? Will that have any effect in the oven?
  7. Agree with this totally. I had a 313 zed, and to be honest preferred it to the 370z. On the road, my 350z "felt" quicker, more enjoyable to drive and I preferred its looks. However, the 370z`s cabin was definitely much much nicer and as Will says, the premium connect sat nav was much better than the 350z sat nav system. It had bluetooth connectivity for phone & music streaming, speed camera alerts etc.. Depreciation will hit you hugely. I paid around £16k for my 350z a couple of years back, which is the same price as some 370z`s are now, and I lost about £5k a year on it, which is a huge percentage of its purchase price for such a small period of time. Id expect 370`s to drop the same. Personally id workout the cost per mile of various options and see what you prefer. Older 350z are cheap now, and most of the major depreciation has been done on them now, so id expect you wont loose too much on them. Lotus Elises, VX220`s all seem to keep their value well, even the TT`s you mention are cheap now. Quite a lot to choose from really!
  8. Worth noting that if you have an HR model then its a much easier process - theres only 1 aux drive belt and it has an automatic tensioner. You just use a 1/2 drive breaker bar to pull the tensioner off the belt, stick an allen key through the tensioner hole to lock it. Then pull old belt off. Stick new belt on, and release tensioner. All in all a 5 minute job, with no need to even jack the car up. And just as well, as whilst Nissan told me they would expect the aux drive belt on my HR model to last 80k miles, I found it SHREDDED the OEM belt every 20k miles on the dot. Nissan couldnt come up with an answer - they even checked all my pulleys were in line and the belt wasnt catching anything. In the end I opted for a Gates heavy duty belt on mine to see if that resolved the shredding problem.
  9. Is the 370z really that much faster than a 350z? even if it is I can't see how it can be over 4 seconds. That is an eternity! Can 50hp really equate to 4.3 seconds? The HR & 370z i found had very little in them when I tested them both, in fact its the same engine, just ones 3.7 and other is 3.5. The older 350z were completely different, the HR had a whole host of suspension, handling changes, as well as an 80% new engine with 43bhp more than the older zeds. So, whilst id not expect the HR to be identical to the 370z around the track id expect there not to be too much difference in them. The 370z does have a wider track & is shorter, so that would probably give it a slightly handling edge over the HR. However, as someone else said the GT86 was done in wet conditions, so in dry it also would be better.
  10. Good point. When I was looking for my 313 roadster there was only 2 for sale within 100miles of my house so I had to travel to view and bought the 2nd one I saw. Plenty of "normal" zeds out there for sale so the buyer can pick and choose with them.
  11. That's what I thought. The dude had made this his life mission so I can't see him giving up now. Lol @ Messerschmitt.
  12. Puzzled as to what was in the crate they found tho?
  13. I did mine for 6 months at a time so ended up costing over 500quid a year.
  14. 3 headshots through a bathroom door though is good going. Maybe he should have entered the pistol shooting in the Olympics too?!
  15. My mate had a full service at Vauxhall main dealer for his Vectra and they didnt even change the air filter (£4 part) or the pollen filter (again £4). The oil looked black as the ace of spades and personally whilst they insist they did change it, i doubt if they even opened the bonnet. They also said the pollen filter and air filter arnt included as part of a normal service. God knows why as for £4 id change it, esp when its black as your hat and clogged full of crap.
  16. Duffs one was very good. Steven Adlers was a bit boring he came over as being too up himself, Keith Richards was mega boring, Lemmys was pretty good, Ozzys was interesting - although Sharons told you more about what he was really like, Motley Crue's was an eye opener, Nikki Sixx`s was a bit confusing.. more because it was in a diary format rather than a proper book. Very shocking the stuff he did, probably more hardcore reading than the others. Slash`s was pretty good, Ive just finished Toni Iommi`s and that wasnt too bad. Not as extreme as some, but very funny in places. Ive not got much else to do in the evenings........
  17. this can't be real surely?! Asda do value cards which are similar to that. Not that ive bought them before... ahem. I saw them at the NEC... must have been around 2003? Not bad, but not as good as when I saw Megadeth!
  18. She didn't notice Oscar sneaking up behind her. It was the silence of the limbs.
  19. Ive never seen a burglar who looked like an underwear model before.... However, the reports ive read say he has a history of loosing his rag, apparently the police were called to the house before after he hit her or something, and he`s attacked neighbours before. The whole story that he thought she was an intruder seems to have been made up, as police say they never said that. All seems a bit of a shame and a waste of his career and her life. I wonder if he`ll be allowed to wear those blades in prison as surely they could be a dangerous weapon?
  20. What temperature is it there? The roof on the zeds isnt recommended to be used below a certain temp. I used to find when i first got mine, it would stick half way through the close procedure if the weather was cold. In summer, the material is softer and everything seemed to work fine. There is a specific way to align the hood and the guides etc.. should need lubricating etc. I wonder if they have the relevant experienced mechanics there in order to do it. It certainly isnt an easy job. When I saw my zed having its roof re-alligned, they had basically stripped half the car down. It looked like someone was in the middle of scrapping my car. Interior out, speakers, boot floor, loads of stuff out. Im impressed though that they fitted a new roof, they arnt cheap, so in theory if it was working fine you have got a good deal there!
  21. At least you are in a better situation than I was with one of my cars. I took it to a garage to have a new clutch fitted and the car ended up catching fire as i drove away from the garage. Luckily i managed to put the fire out and realised it was because they had fitted an exhaust heatshield incorrectly. It was just pure luck that I had managed to put the fire out else my entire car would have gone up in smoke. They denied it was their fault and no amount of speaking to their head office (national chain of garages) helped. It came down to the managers word against mine, which in court meant I had no proof. Luckily for you, you actually bought the car from them, so being as you registered a problem within the warranty period, and that they caused a problem on the car should mean they fix it. They cant say the car already had that problem, else they would be admitting to selling the car like that! Nissan HQ wont be interested I dont think. Normally such problems are very much down to the local garage. When I bought my 07 Roadster, I noticed one of the roof support beams above the drivers head was faulty. The metal which is wrapped around it holding the elastic straps which help pull the roof back was peeling back. I took it back and the garage said that the roof is classed as bodywork and therefore not covered under any warranty. However, as a "good will gesture" they would fix it. They subsequently broke the entire hood so it wouldnt work. The parts manager didnt hesitate, but gave me the keys to a brand spanking new 370z GT Roadster off their forecourt to use for 2 days whilst they fixed the hood. I didnt even ask for it. They fixed the roof so it worked better than ever & even gave the car a full valet.
  22. They are bit marmite. New, the original owner would have forked out about £650 extra on top of the GT pack price to "upgrade" from black or grey leather to the Alezan orange. But, they arnt everyones cup of tea. When I bought my 313 it had those in it, and being a roadster they didnt look too bad, as the middle of the seat has that fishnet venting stuff, so it breaks the orange up. Have to say I wasnt too sure initially but they really grew on me, and set the twilight grey paint work off a treat. I think the black would have been a bit too plain. When I bought my beemer last year I had to choose between black leather or bright red leather. Have to say I opted for the black as being the "safer" option for when it comes to resale time.
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