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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Modern cars can handle high mileage well with no problems. Most people these day say buy on condition/history rather than mileage. HOWEVER..... when it comes to sell your car, not all buyers think the same way. There still is a psychological thing about cars which may have 80k upwards on the clock which puts a lot of buyers off. Personally except for the last couple of cars ive bought, ive always bought cars which have had 80k upwards on the clock. One thing I notice though is that with most cars ive had, 80k is the mileage when things need replacing, like brakes, suspension, clutch etc... so really your better off buying one with 90k on which has had all those things done, than one at 70k or 80k which is coming up to needing those things changed.
  2. If you mean that you still subscribe to Sky, but no longer pay the extra for the HD channels then I think it should work perfectly fine, as I did read yesterday that sky now gives all its new customers HD boxes regardless of whether they subscribe to the HD channels or not.
  3. I think anyone who is cruel to animals should be treated exactly how they treated the animal. It makes me angry when you see on the news someone who has left some horses to starve or something and the court fines them, then rules that they cant keep horses for 5 years or something. How is that a deterrent as they clearly didnt want horses in the first place, so saying they cant have them is pointless.
  4. Seems a very good price for one of those car buying websites. Normally they give you hardly anything. The glasses guide trade price for that car in good nick would probably be less than that. Think i`d be shaking their hand at that price.
  5. My 350z roadster did the same. The problem I had was that the car was never left in the sun as my drive is in the shade, so whilst the temp outside had increased, the car was still cold, and hood was stiff. I found once warmed it up it was fine. Very often id put the roof down at all sorts of silly temps. Once you get the windows up and heater on its actually quite warm in the cabin with no need for hat/scarf or anything. I remember once driving home from work in winter and when I got home the temp was 1 degree.
  6. At least she had both hands on the steering wheel in 10-2 position like my driving instructor used to tell me.
  7. Not much you can do really. Me & my wife have very little in common at all. Music, cars, films, tv shows, food, keep fit, keeping house clean. You name it, we are complete opposites. She expects me to change and turn into what she is like. As a result a lot of my hobbies and interests have now gone out of the window.
  8. Yep works a treat, the iron I use is a massive one designed for braizing or lead loading. You melt the plastic enough to weld the crack back together. Careful when you push on the iron tho that you dont push too far through the plastic. Ive used it to weld bumper mountings back on car bumpers before so it gives a really solid repair.
  9. Ive repaired no end of bike fairings in my time. I use a big soldering iron and melt the crack back together on the inside of the fairing. Then if needed a small bit of filler to fill the crack on the outside. Ive also used the same technique to join in replacement bits of plastic to fill big holes etc... Had some cracking good results, and most people cant notice the repair.
  10. Will work fine although you cant wire the usb directly to the cigar lighter as the lighter is 12v and the usb will need a 5v feed to charge the iphone. You could plug it into an adapter however. I used a cheapie cigar usb socket to convert 12v to 5v which i butchered and hid behind the dash.
  11. Im assuming the pre facelift had the same bose as the post facelift roadster. Mine sounded fine with decent source material. Even the dealer was surprised at how many speakers it had as standard they seemed to be everywhere. On the road I tended to just listen to the exhaust note, as apparently Nissan specifically tuned the exhaust on the roadsters to give them a better exhaust note.
  12. Agree with the others, thats a very good quote. When I got my zed, I was 40, had 21 years NCB having never made any claims or had any accidents on the car insurance. I live in the middle of nowhere in a cul-de-sac full of old pensioners where i think im the youngest person in the street. Cheapest I got was £900 !!!!!
  13. Certainly sounds like the previous owner hasnt had the car long if they purchased it in August 2012. Whilst it may be a nice car, im always wary of short ownerships and if anything has been wrapped you really want to see pictures of what it looked like before, as a wrap can hide anything.
  14. Spotted this morning at about 11am heading north on a34 near oxford, Nice shiny 2003 Azure blue coupe reg: **53 HDL Followed me for ages before I headed up the m40 and I think they headed right.
  15. Id presume they wouldnt be able to sell it until the reg transfer has finished. When I did mine last year it took about 14 days for DVLA to sort it out. I believe if you walk into your local DVLA office with the paperwork it can be quicker.
  16. Depends on the insurer. Adrian Flux happily did mine without charging a fee, but Admiral were quick to charge me for the privilage.
  17. Ive transferred no end of plates on / off vehicles and every single time the vehicles original plate is just re-allocated back to the car. Whether or not it happens every single time, i dont know, but in my experience it has.
  18. Dont see why we should pay £40k a year or whatever it currently costs to keep someone like this alive in a cushy prison for 10 years until they are released. They should be treated exactly the same as they treated their victims. As to how would you react, well its a tough one. Do you react on impulse and beat or kill the person? In which case you end up in jail yourself, which would put your family through even more suffering and you not being there to help them? Or, do you stop and think about things before you act?
  19. Good choice, i had a 2007 soft top too. Things id look out for is check the roof support over the drivers head to make sure its not peeling back, and make sure the roof action works smoothly and doesnt stick as it goes into the boot. Both are common problems. 2007 should also be the 313 model - bonnet bulge, dual ram air intakes, 309bhp and mega high tax bracket. If its not a 313, then you`ll be paying higher tax without the advantages the 313 gives. All in all, I loved mine, cracking car.
  20. Only if they are already covered by another insurance policy for someone else. Just for clarity, I think the rules are that the vehicle must also not belong to you... Thats what my insurance companies have always said. The vehicle must not be owned by you and must already be insured by someone else. Even then its third party only cover.
  21. I like rabbit stews, so mines nice & easy!
  22. Im currently working my way through black sabbaths back catalogue.
  23. Twin head engine? thought all v6`s had 2 cylinder heads?
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