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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. How the garage handled this when I part ex`d my last car with a private plate is that the garage sent all the paperwork off. The new v5 came through to me with the cars original number plate on. The tax disc & the mot with the new reg number on actually went to the garage. I then took the v5 to the garage, swapped it for the tax disc so I could then sent it off and do a refund. The garage forwarded the v5 & new MOT to the garage selling my old car so they had all the correct paperwork. Remember v5 isnt proof of ownership, so i guess technically the garage can sell you the car without the v5, saying they will forward it on.
  2. Id go for the DIY approach on it. Filter is about a fiver and oil is about 25quid.
  3. At least you didnt get out accelerated by someone in a transit van like someone else on here did the other day.
  4. You wont get nothing as the v5 is in the previous owners name. As soon as its in your name you can then choose to SORN or tax it online. At least you know next time, to get the garage to tax it for you.
  5. It depends on your company but some can be funny. I had 3 separate pension schemes sitting there from previous jobs. I move to new house, phone them up and 2 of them happily swap my address over. The 3rd refuses as they said they would have to send a letter to the old address which id then have to collect and then send it to them confirming new address on it as a security measure.
  6. Also happens if you cut battery power to your car and reconnect it!
  7. I fail to see how you can declare SORN if you dont have the v5. Whilst its in the other persons name its their responsibly and if you get the v5 you can immediately tax it rather than SORN it. Only option will be really to hire a car for a week or so until its sorted out. Normally when I buy a car with no tax, i get the garage to tax it for me as I know it will take a few weeks before I get the v5 in my name and until then I wont be able to get any tax on it.
  8. What he said. When I part ex`d my zed the dealer actually tried to knock me down in my price even further because of the time it would take in getting the reg plates swapped back over. It actually took about 2 or 3 weeks for DVLA to process the change over before I could then get the old tax disc and cash it in. I was a bit anoyed as it meant id loose a month on the tax disc refund which on my zed was nearly £40 a month in tax. Really the dealer should make sure they have the new v5 before they sell the car, but dealers being dealers just want the car off their forecourt and cash in the bank as soon as they can to make as much profits as possible. I certainly will make sure I take my private plate off my car in future before selling it to avoid the hassle.
  9. What he says. There will always be people who you forget about. The biggest one I forgot about was HMRC and luckily when a tax rebate came through to my old house the new owners were kind enough to forward it onto me, else id never have known. Phone company, banks, dvla for driving license, send off car logbooks (i had about 12 i had to send off.. eek), tell the council you have moved, utility companies, pension company, your employer, magazine subscriptions, sky.... list goes on & on.
  10. I was going to say, my car already has this! Didnt realise the earlier cars didnt have it!
  11. Yeah i see these at at lot of airports I go to and they do try and grab you in as you walk past, so I ignore them like the plague. I do occasionally see people suckered in and if im bored I watch how the sales process work. It looks like they get you to spec your dream car out on the screen, and take you through the massive sales speil about how wonderful it all is, before hitting you with the "oh its £50 a ticket" or whatever.
  12. very true! As others have said, its easy to change and you can set it to whatever you want!
  13. 20! Well done mate. Hope you have got the insurance sorted out! Nice looking zed too!
  14. I used to love that brush on underseal stuff. Can hide all sorts of rotting bodywork with it.
  15. I paid £160 for mine, and usually see them around thr £150 mark, so in my opinion that price is good. Although mine was spotless, and the entire system you could use as a mirror. I never took the baffles out of mine as with them in i was recording about 110db inside the cabin which made your ears ring and im still suffering earing problems as a result. I couldnt believe it would be any louder with the baffles out, so assumed mine were just knackered. Certainly would have been fine for weekend use, but i was using mine as a daily runner and cruising at 70mph it wasnt nice.
  16. Spotted this morning at about 9.20am, heading out of Cambridge on Huntingdon Road. Silver 07 coupe, **07 XUN. ( I think it was) Noticed though that it wasnt a 313 model, so must be a late registered 296 model, but the owner would still be stung by the higher road tax.
  17. Find it extremely hard to believe that Indigo, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Grey & Brown?!!!!!! hold their value better than black. Who an earth would want an Indigo, pink, purple or brown car? The colours which hold their value are those which are popular. Traditionally black has always been popular. Silver was the colour to have a few years back. That slid more into gunmetal, now white is the colour to have. Wonder whats next? Poo brown?
  18. an 08 would be the 313HR model, which is a cracking motor. However, you`ll also be hit by huge depreciation as it drops in value. Mine dropped by about 6k in one year.
  19. Traction is on by default everytime you start the car. Id be checking tyres and tyre pressures. I never had any problems with my more powerful HR model stepping out!
  20. yep thats what i did, then just connected it to 12v switched live feed.
  21. Bloke who bought my 313HR part ex`d his 996 for it as he said the 996 was uninspiring and he just didnt like it. Looking at current for sale prices, you could sell your HR, buy a 996 and have a few grand spare change. Or, if its the c4s model, then it would be a few grand more than a 313HR.
  22. I know what your saying. My missus wont let me get a scooby simply because of the image they have now. As for the uprev making much of a difference, I know on the older zeds with 276bhp, you can get them upto nearly similar power to the HR`s by fitting a full exhaust system, a modified pendulum, air filters and a remap. But, what sort of power will the same stuff add to the 313HR? When I looked into it, in order to get an extra 30bhp out of the 313 model you would end up spending a lot of money! 7 months in the garage!!!! eeeeeek!!!
  23. I agree, I think you can get used to the car and forget how good it is. Best thing I find is if you dont drive it for a few weeks, then get in it and you get that buzz back. Problem I had, was that I was using it every day for a 100mile commute, so after a bit that magic wore off. But, even so, I still prefered it to most of the other cars people have mentioned. Id think long & hard before spending too much on modding it. Sure you can turbo it, super charge it etc... but its not cheap to get gains out of the HR as Nissan tuned it to the max anyway. One reality check I had was a mate who got an imprezza on the road, with 320bhp (i think the rolling road said it was) for less than £2k. Okay, so completely different type of car and you cant really compare it with a RWD v6 zed, but it made me really think did I want to try and make my zed quicker or not when I can just go out & buy something like that for a fraction of the cost.
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