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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. If insurers were seeing less claims or lower value claims when cars are fitted with roll cages, you would see a decrease for fitting it, the fact is, insurers do not. I would expect the number of claims for caged cars as a whole to be very small compared to the over all number of claims so my bet is that it's more of a case that cages are classed as modified and insurance company's just group them all together with some chav who has a loud exhaust on his nova. High risk so that's it. And fair enough I guess as if the insurance company had to consider each case separately on its merits then I think that would increase the premium anyway.
  2. Copy and paste over from another forum: And when the 'caged car is crashed, the cage spreads the energy of the collision around the chassis resulting in more damage, therefore increased repair costs to the insurer, not to mention PI claims from body parts connecting with the cage. Now you say that it makes perfect sense! A head on a steel support will do a LOT of damage! If we are talking 3rd party only then it won't make any difference to the cost to the insurance company. Also I'd expect someone in a caged car probably to be less injured than a non caged car in a major smash if cage was fitted correctly. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  3. True but on the other hand, a modified car is more likely to be owned by an enthusiast who loves his car more than his wife and will take painstaking care to treat it well, never park it anywhere dodgy and look after it. I forgot to mention before, it might also be because insurance companies make little sense haha. Well it's another example of how they use something to load a premium bit don't take into account something which might reduce it. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  4. True but on the other hand, a modified car is more likely to be owned by an enthusiast who loves his car more than his wife and will take painstaking care to treat it well, never park it anywhere dodgy and look after it.
  5. Be better off to just get 12 months and end up with another years ncb. I recently had to cancel one of my insurance policies as I wanted to move from a single motorbike policy to a multi motorbike policy after buying another bike. I had paid £60 for a full years insurance on one bike and upon calling the company to cancel after 4 months was told there was £70 or more of "fee`s" and "early cancellation" costs. So it ended up costing me well over twice what I had paid for a year just for 4 months insurance.
  6. Speak to your insurance company and see what they say is the easy answer to this one as it varys so much from company to company. As an example, I fitted an after market stainless steel exhaust to one of my cars once. I explained to my insurance company at the time that it didnt give any performance enhancement and that I had fitted it simply because it was cheaper than OEM and looked prettier. They were perfectly happy and didnt increase my premium. However come renewal time, other companies went from refusing point blank to insure me, to jacking the premium up sky high as they saw it as a modification which meant higher risk to them of me crashing for some reason.. Even though the mod may not increase performance some companies take the view that if you have "modified" your car in any way you are more likely to crash and make a claim. - another classic example of this was back when i was 19 and had a 1971 850cc Mini which had about 18bhp as standard. (seriously, 18bhp). A mate of mine did some rallying and sold me his old roll cage, so fancying the rally look, I fitted it to my mini. It weighed a ton, and as a result the 0-60 dropped from 20 seconds down to more like 30 seconds and about 70mph flat out. I phoned up my insurance company and they refused to insure me. In the end the only company who would touch me was Adrian Flux who quoted me double what my previous premium was simply because of the roll cage. Apparently it meant i was very likely to try and deliberately roll the car to see if it worked - even though the car was now slower and safer.
  7. Christ. Bet claims direct will be hot on the phone to him to see if he has any whip lash.......
  8. If it was my ex being murdered then id probably dance a jig and give the guy a hand to hide the body. Only joking... In all serious though, as others have said these days its not just a case of stepping in and saying "hold on, stop that silly business right now". The guy could be spaced out of his head on drugs and be armed to the teeth. Personally whilst id love to help, its not worth being stabbed to death over, especially if its not someone you even know being attacked or you dont know the history behind it etc.
  9. Normal! My 313 did it. Solution as above was to fit a K1 exhaust.!!
  10. Thats amazing. I was paying nearly a grand to insure my zed and thats with me being 40 and having 21 years NCB.
  11. Reason ? Due to their methods of signing up new customer's on the door step. I'm sure other suppliers did it, but npower were the only ones who tried it at my house. Blatantly lying and very pushy salesman. A few years back npower actually tried to become my supplier without me even asking them to. I had letters from British gas saying final bill and new letters from npower saying welcome to us etc... id never even asked to switch supplier! Personally I think they are all as bad as each other when it comes to prices. Im with British Gas atm, but just had a letter saying they are increasing their prices by 9%. I can switch and "save" money, but i know the other suppliers will also jack their prices up in a few weeks or so anyway, so i`ll be back at square one.
  12. I had a japspeed on my car for about 22000 miles and had no problem at all with regards to fit or quality. I was quite impressed with the quality really. Only downer was the noise. It was so loud my ears would be ringing on every trip, so i dare not take the baffles out of it!!!! My zed was a soft top tho!
  13. My missus was the only person who ever used that switch in my zed, then she`d always forget to turn it off, so months later you`d sit in the passenger seat and be roasting.
  14. I hit a big pot hole in my 123d last week and the result was a ding out of my mint unmarked alloy, but the tyre itself seems fine. Not sure if to bother taking it up with the council or not, as i cant be doing with the hassle of taking the car somewhere to have them do it.
  15. Nope, never done that before, and likewise, never used a torque wrench. I have however used lock-tite, superglue, evo stick & JB weld on a spark plug on my 5 turbo once in an attempt to make it stay in after a previous owner wrung the threads off through over tightening it. Needless to say, none of them worked, so it was a head off & helicoil job. Still, whilst the head, turbo, manifolds & carb were all off I had them all gasflowed on the bench and got nearly 20% better flow from them.
  16. The film version with all the extra footage etc was the better version. Still very good film.
  17. I didnt think anyone in their right mind used these "cash for your expensive mobile" places! I always bung my old phones on ebay, with an accurate description and get the market price for them.
  18. Christ, never had this problem on my zed!
  19. Thats the one ive got and its pretty good. Not as powerful as the old school WAHL i used to have which seemed to have a motor akin to a petrol generator on it, but still good enough to get the job done.
  20. Yep, they were not an Nissan optional extra on them, but some dealers offered to fit them as a dealer option, so it depends really on what kit the dealer used. You can pick them up pretty cheap on ebay now, so id be tempted to try and swap it out for a different unit. Or just disconnect it! The 350z does have a big bum, but once you get used to where it all sits you can reverse fine without the sensors. My 2007 HR never had them.
  21. Reversing sensors werent fitted as standard on the 350z, so it depends on what kit the relevant dealer (or owner) fitted really as to how they sound!
  22. You could probably get a stainless system custom made for that sort of money?
  23. hahaha!! glad im not the only one who does this!!!
  24. Spotted this morning at about 8:45am, on A14 Cambridge heading East past Bar Hill. Black 2009 plate Roadster, woman driver. AV09JP*
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