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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I agree, unfortunately the market place for after market knobs is saturated. Millions in all shapes & sizes avaliable for pennies from china, so I personally think you`ll struggle to sell them.
  2. When I did mine I went for Ferrodo ds2500 pads all around and was very impressed with them. My disks had a slight lip on them, but I felt they were still perfectly fine so I didnt bother replacing them. Swapping the pads on brembos is extremely easy DIY. Once you get the wheel off, you just need a pair of pliers to remove the pin retaining clips, slide the pins out, pop the brake pads out, push the pistons back (make sure you have brake resevoir lid off), slot new pads in, put the anti rattle shim and clips all back in and there you go. Watch a youtube video on it and you`ll be able to do it no problem.
  3. Must be the Lynx effect.................
  4. AH, so this is what "heal toe shifting is". Ive been doing this since i past my driving test, mainly because my first car had a really bad idle so if i didnt blip the revs and keep some revs up when braking it would stall! Maybe its just me, but sort of related is not using the clutch at all when shifting. Does anyone else do that? If im out for a leasurely drive I can change gear perfectly without using the clutch just by easing off the throttle, or increasing revs slightly to rev match as I slip it out of gear and into the next one. Learnt that one when I had to drive 40 miles with no clutch in one of my cars and its kinda stuck with me since.
  5. Sounds like a good buy to me, seller seems very honest with his description and hasnt tried to big it up. Id nearly be tempted if it was closer so I could have a proper look around it.
  6. Note: You can use a debit card at a dealer, but Lloyds (for example) have a daily limit of £30k per Debit Card transaction as I found out the other year when I was using my debit card to make a purchase. If you try to put any more through they lock your account and you have to call them up. Happened twice in one week with me. For private sales personally I always use the bag of cash approach. Although if you start getting in the realms of £15k or so some sellers get a bit nervous of having that kind of money in the house, so a trip to their bank with them to help deposit it might be in order. The online banking transfer method is good, but some sellers are not technically savvy and shy away from internet & even phone banking. At end of day id ask what method the seller would prefer as you cant go wrong then. Always best to have someone with you, even if they stay in the car with the cash until you have settled the deal. Reminds me of when I was on a train from London a few years back and im sitting opposite this little guy who on his phone to a mate. I couldnt hear what his mate was saying, but his conversation was like: "yeah im on the train" "going to birmingham" "buying a car" "yeah it sounds nice, nice m3" "bloke said he`d take £10k in cash" I sat there thinking "i bet i know whats in your rucksack next to you....."
  7. That zed watch is shocking! looks like kinda of a wonder woman bracelet which could deflect bullets!
  8. My zed wasnt too bad, I just dropped the roof, then I could look back and see where the back of the car was. With the roof up though,it did take a lot of getting used to as the bum on the zed is huge, which is why a lot of dealers offered to fit after market reversing sensors on brand new cars as a dealer option rather than a Nissan option.
  9. If protected NCB then you wouldnt loose that, but you`d still have to declare that you had made a claim and therefore the insurance company may well increase your premium as statistically if you have made a claim you are more likely to have another one (or some such thing). Makes me think now though, next time i leave my car at a garage i will ask them if its insured!
  10. I think you can do both. You can claim off your insurance as vehicle being stolen and loose your ncb & have your insurance rocket up by so much that you can no longer afford to insure anything other than a Fiat Panda. Or, you can put a small claims case against the garage for your loss.
  11. Or if the previous owner was a hot chick, run a photo recovery program on it first....
  12. Spotted parked up down Carlyle Road in Cambridge at lunchtime, had what looked to be a kiddies booster seat in the passenger seat and volks alloys on it. Needed a good wash. ??05 NYF
  13. +1, some companies ive worked for in the past have allowed employees to buy their old pc`s etc.. but in each case the company has securely wiped the hard drives before handing them over. Its then up to the employee to buy a windows license etc... My current company is required by our clients to physically shred any hard drives we no longer use. So we securely wipe them, then a local company chucks them in an industrial shredder and issues us with an ISO doc saying what serial numbers were shredded etc.
  14. rabbitstew

    Next car?

    Think mines going to be sadly disappointed if he thinks helping me clean my motorbikes will get him a ride on them. Not sure my 996 has ISOFIX
  15. Nearly did this on my R1. Decided that the fuel at the garage was too expensive so id go to the next one, only to find the next one was closed down. Ended up poodling along at about 30mph for what seeemed for ever until i found the next garage only to find out it was 5p a litre more expensive than the original garage. Doh. Funny thing was id only have saved hardly anything when you worked out the bike could only take £15 or something of fuel anyway.
  16. I used to do this all the time. I think the most stressful time i did it was when I had a brand spanking new 370z Roadster as a courtesy car from Nissan. I had to take it back, and my "miles to empty" was saying 50 miles and the Sat Nav reckoned it was 60 miles. I remember driving it like a vicar and praying i didnt get stuck in traffic. The miles to empty ended up flashing the - - - and the sat nav still reckoned 15 miles left to go. I remember I just managed to make it before the car started spluttering onto the dealers forecourt. For the sake of putting £5 of fuel in, it wasnt really worth the stress.
  17. Welcome! Ive friends in Melbourne and they have just told me that its 34 degrees there and they are putting their Xmas tree up.
  18. rabbitstew

    Next car?

    Dont think i mentioned it on here, but i had a baby a couple of months back, so am in a similar boat. Our little rascal is now 7 weeks old, and so what ive done is have 2 cars. A "sensible" one for the wife, which we always use when we take the baby out, then that leaves me free to have whatever car I want for myself. After all, theres no way I want baby sick all over the inside of my car. If it was the only car in the household then I can kind of see people wanting to get a safe car, but its funny that these days as soon as a baby appears, millions of people seem to rush out and buy Range Rover Sports or Qaisquai`s or other such vehicles which seem to be the size of a mini-bus in order to ferry the baby to nursery & back. I remember when I was a kid my mum used to ferry my brother & I about in a 1970`s 850cc Austin Mini. We didnt even have car seats in them days and yet she managed to do all the weekly shop in it, drop us off at nursery & school etc without any problems. Sure it wasnt as safe as things are these days, but she managed.
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