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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Trouble is mate I've got no axle stands and I'm assuming you'd need it in the air to drain the oil and fit a new filter. Plus as my parking space is in front of a coach house where two other neighbours park I wouldn't trust either of them not to run me over, lol Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk Yes and no. Just use the jack to jack the front of the car up so you can get under and remove the undertray. Ideally you should use axle stands from a health & safety perspective and im paranoid about a car dropping on me so I always use them. But even so, they are like a tenner a pair if that, or you can use bricks, bits of timber or anything else you have laying about. The longest bit is undoing the undertray - they have like 18 screws which usually are all rusty. The oil filter is easy to get at on the side of the engine, and the whole oil change doesnt take long.
  2. Id wager that 90% or more of 2nd hand cars have non standard parts on them by now. Think of all those cars having tyres replaced, or brake pads, discs or even air filters. Most garages will just use the cheapest generic parts from their local parts supplier. For all we know, a cheap £4 air filter from XYZ Car Spares may give you 1bhp more than the genuine OEM Nissan air filter. How is a buyer these days supposed to know all these things and inform their insurance company. I think most people know if they make some significant performance or physical change to their car they need to inform the insurance company but simply adding some stickers to the boot, bolting on a chrome tail pipe or changing the brake pads from genuine nissan to halfords specials they probably wouldnt tell the insurance company. I guess it depends on how much the insurance company wants to get out of a claim as to what they question in the event of a claim.
  3. 180bhp is in my mind for some reason 180bhp but according to the lad here who has one, he says theres an "overboost" thing on them where if you floor it, it gives you a bit more power initially - around 200bhp i think - before backing off to the normal boost.
  4. Yep as above, HR cars had the duel air as part of the high tech ram air system Nissan installed to give even more improved performance. The ram air system gave the car something like an extra 6bhp according to their data. Down side was that you need 2 air filters so double the price.
  5. I did a P1 on mine. Filter & Oil was £50 all in. Same service on my wifes old Peugeot 307HDI came to £80 as the DPF type oil you have to get cost more than the fully synthetic I used in the zed. Its the same oil filter on the zed as you get on a nissan micra and indeed most Nissan cars, so its not expensive.
  6. I use the same. Once I polish the wheels up and get rid of the brake dust, i give them 2 or 3 coats of poor mans wheel sealant. Brake dust is a nightmare though, seems to melt its way into my alloys.
  7. Indeed, i sold my zed a few years back and im still here. That fiesta is actually quite a good car. Lad at work here bought a 2013 one brand new last year and loves it. Performance wise its nearly as quick as my 123d and loads of fun. Interior is quite funky on them though! He`s on about having it remapped. Maltune is it? Ford approved or something so wont mess up your warranty.
  8. Ive heard the same thing about them. At end of the day, a trader (if they like your car) they will offer you 30% less than what they will put it on their forecourt for, which usually is about 15% less than you`d get privately. When I part ex`d my 2007 HR a couple of years back they gave me 9k compared to the 12k which i could have probably got privately. If they dont like your car then they will make a joking offer. When I was looking to buy my HR originally the garage offered me £300 for my old runabout Golf GT TDI which I promptly stuck on ebay and got £2500 for. One thing I did find strange when buying my zed is that none of the garages would shift on the price at all. They all wanted full screen price or nothing at all. Even if it meant missing out on the sale. One place in particular wanted £16k for a 2007 HR, and would not even take £15000 for it. In the end they couldnt sell it and I saw the same car up for £14k at one point before they must have off loaded it in an auction. The one I ended up buying the main dealer wanted £16k for and even after about 3 hours of haggling the only thing they gave me was 6 months road tax, new MOT & service and I paid the full screen price.
  9. kin ell, the workers at that hand car wash look better than the hairy eastern european men at my local ones.
  10. The HR came out around April 2007. The higher Road Tax applies from some point in 2006. Also there was the facelift on the zed in 2006. However there are non face lift cars and non HR cars out there which have been registered in 2007 & 2008. Best way to check for an HR is that they have a bonnet bulge, also if you open the bonnet they have 1 rubber belt on the front of the engine and 2 air intakes (one each side of the engine bay). Also, the "higher" road tax is only about £500 compared to £250 or whatever the older zed is, so if you look at it over 12 months that isnt really much in the grand scheme of things.
  11. The HR was the most highly developed version of the 350z, Nissan spent a lot of time & research improving the older 350z as much as it possibly could. The engine alone is 80% new with more power, better cooling and even mounted lower in chasis to improve handling. Those who have driven both the HR & the older zed`s say the difference is night & day and if you can afford it go for the HR. However, you`ll pay a premium when buying the HR model which puts it out of reach of some people. On the other hand, those who buy the older 276bhp models usually end up buying exhaust, induction, decat, remap etc etc. and still only end up with less power than the HR. Id try both if I was you and see what you think. You might feel that the older model is more than enough for what you want and save some cash!
  12. I try to if I can, like when I had new tyres fitted the other day, I stood there about 6ft from them watching their every move, but at Nissan they tend to get the receptionist to drive your car off to the workshop area out of your sight. - Still they slipped up a bit as I had the K1 exhaust on the car, so it was fairly obvious when their YTS lad started revving the living daylights out of my car in the workshop and once the workshop manager saw me fumming sent the young lad out to apologise to me. Few years ago my mate took his to a main dealer told to pick it up at 4.00pm arrived a bit early by bus and found the Spotty YTS ragging it around the roundabout trying to drift it. He was not amused so the Service Manager told him the Spotty was "Road Testing it..!!! I think he "sparked" out the Service Manager. My brother had the same with his Peugeot 205 Gti many moons back. Took it to a garage to have some new brake pads fitted. He got there early and as he walked to the garage heard this hot hatch being thrashed down the road (he had a janspeed exhaust on his). The car got closer & closer before screeching onto the garage forecourt and my brother realised it was his car. Apparently they were "bedding the brakes in"
  13. I try to if I can, like when I had new tyres fitted the other day, I stood there about 6ft from them watching their every move, but at Nissan they tend to get the receptionist to drive your car off to the workshop area out of your sight. - Still they slipped up a bit as I had the K1 exhaust on the car, so it was fairly obvious when their YTS lad started revving the living daylights out of my car in the workshop and once the workshop manager saw me fumming sent the young lad out to apologise to me.
  14. Depending up on what service is required I would be very tempted to just service it myself. From my experience, regardless of whether its main dealer or an indy they will give the job to the YTS kid to do and most of the time will use the cheapest parts they can in order to make the most profit. Like Gixxer said, due to the cars age, the non nissan service wont affect its value, and as long as you keep a record, receipts of any bits you buy for the service etc then the next owner can see that its been looked after by an enthusiast.
  15. Luvely jubbily. I used to have an RD350YPVS and it was cracking fun. Well... until some bloke in a porsche pulled out in front of me and the insurance wrote it off.
  16. I dont have a spend limit as such, but I do try to save a certain amount each month. Anything extra I can save is a bonus, but I dont worry too much if I dont hit my save target. I put all my monthly expenses on a cash back credit card and find I usually spent about a £1500 a month easily just on day-to-day living - fuel, food,bills etc excluding mortgage.
  17. internet movie database - its a website where people can rate films/shows etc...
  18. Depending on the cost they may well be right. I had a similar problem on my Yamaha R1. I blew the gearbox up through too many 2nd gear wheelies. I didnt even bother going to the dealer for a quote, but a garage I trusted quoted me £1200 to fix the gearbox - basically remove it, strip it down, replace broken bits, put it back together etc. Instead I just bought a complete 2nd hand engine/gearbox off ebay for £450 and swapped them over. Bit easier on a motorbike than in a car, so it only took me about 3 hours work. As a plus side I sold the old broken engine/gearbox back on ebay for £250 to a racer who wanted spares, and my new engine only had done 5000 miles compared to the 45000 miles my old one had done. Risk you take tho, if its a 2nd hand unit like mine you may not know the history of it and if its any good. Plus if you supply the unit and a garage fixes it, then it goes bang, the garage will blame the unit and the seller of the unit may blame the garage.
  19. Thats one way to light your cigarette.
  20. Interesting thread really. Ive heard of bmw owners etc being called "badge snobs" etc but when I bought my zed, the badge never even came into it. I had a set budget and within that budget I looked at bmw`s, porsches and a few other brands before deciding on the zed. I didnt even consider what other people might think to the zed so it was interesting to experience all the different comments from people who saw it. haahhahahaha!!!
  21. Thats a good price! I just forked out £752 for a set of new tyres for my 123d alone!
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