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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. pmsl. so true though! I had a few odds and sods of copper pipe and a couple of copper taps which I took down the scrappy last year and got £50 for them. I forget how much they weighed but it wasnt much stuff. I was well surprised as I remember taking a transit van full of scrap to a yard a few years earlier and only getting £30.
  2. Personally id say yes, its overpriced. I would have thought for that money you`d be able to get an HR model. Nice colour though and looks nice with the nismo kit.
  3. When I had a new boiler fitted, i told them i wanted to keep my old copper. However, they took the old copper water tank without asking me. Baring in mind I think that alone would have been £70 at the scrap yard. However I didnt cause a scene about it as i figured if they were that desperate for money they could keep it. I remember my dad having a boiler fitted and he told the plumber he wanted to keep the old copper tank and the plumber went mad, got well upset about it. I guess they just assume they will get to keep it. Really they need to be more "transparent" (hate that word) about things and say to the client, "look, its this price for me to fit new one as long as I can keep the old one". Not automatically assume that they are entitled to keep the old copper. On the other hand, anything in a skip is fair game. Around my way, any scrap metal which goes in a skip lasts about 3 seconds before some transit magically appears and takes it. Its as if the pikeys have a built in metal detector.
  4. I used to call them Chav lights rather than fog lights as it used to always be the young chavs in their corsa`s and saxos who would drive about with front fog lights on & side lights as they thought it looked cool. But now adays i seem to see old pensioners doing the same.
  5. In my experience of buying cars, "trade" dealers really dont seem to care. When my wife was looking for a Peugeot 206 CC the other year, we found one at a dealer not too far away. I called up to check they still had it and said we would be over about 2pm that afternoon to have a look at it. That was about 10am. 4 hours later, we arrived at the garage to look at the car. The car was in the back of a show room, covered in dust, flat tyres, flat battery. Dealer had to spend 30mins trying to find the keys before they could even open the doors. And there was no way id get a test drive as they would have had to move about 30 cars out of the way first plus charge the battery up & pump the tyres up. We had a quick look around then walked. It wouldnt have taken the guy 5 minutes to put the battery on charge, pump the tyres up and give it a quick once over before we arrived, but he couldnt be bothered. He also wanted full top wack money for the car. And thats not unusual, ive had the same thing many times before. Loads of people on this thead saying that the zed you looked at isnt too bad, and maybe it isnt in their eyes, but its you who will be buying the car, so if you are not happy with it then you did right to walk away. Theres plenty out there, so plenty to choose from. Nothing worse buying a car your not 100% sure about as it will niggle you every time you get in it to drive it.
  6. I remember years back I was working at a company which had a server room on the 4th floor of an office block. I was in there looking out of the window and it overlooked a supermarket carpark. I remember seeing some old bloke do exactly what you describe. He shunted back and forth and i saw the car he hit shaking with the impact. He then drove off. I ran down to try and catch the owner of the damaged car to give them details of what id seen but they had drove off by then.
  7. Certainly not, it would be your last jump... :scare: I know, but its really weird. Like when your at the edge of a cliff or on top of the eiffel tower, looking down, the first thing I think is I want to jump off! Maybe I should take up base jumping or something?
  8. Does anyone else get an very strong urge to jump when they are at places like that? Or is it just me?
  9. Looks just like mine! The bezel is the rotating bit around the outside of the watch face. Normally they are steel or alloy which can get scratched. The Ceramic ones are tougher. In addition, the actual "glass" on the face, you can get different types of crystal which are stronger. You`ll probably find out they are sold out at Steinhart as they are very popular due to the quality of them. But occasionally ones come up on ebay or the watch forums. They tend to get snapped up quickly. They really are cracking watches and I find this is the one I wear the most often. Strangely enough, out of all my watches the one which never fails to get people comment on it is this £60 Rotary which I got from Argos. Its a blatant copy of a Breitling model. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9109531.htm
  10. Speedmaster Pro is a nice watch, very popular, i nearly bought one this week off ebay for £1400, but im still undecided. They hold their value well, but I know can get a lot of other watches for that price. Id definitely look at Seikos, they have some classic designs and you can get some nice ones in the £150 mark. Also Steinhart (im wearing an ocean one today) are very very nice quality. German made, with Swiss ETA movements in them. They seem to hold their value loads and are about £300. Ive not quite got 11, think im more on 8 or 9 atm, but it can be addictive. The way I see it, i could have gone out and bought a Rolex Submariner for £3500 or an Omega, or alternatively could have 8 or 9 nice watches which give me a choice of what to wear depending upon what im doing.
  11. Quite a lot out there in that price range. The "exhibition" glass backs and windows in the front can look cool on a manual wind or automatic watch. I bought this one a couple of years back.. http://www.goldsmiths.co.uk/Bulova-Gents-Mechanical-Watch/p/17080085/ It has a completely glass back so you can see the automatic movement ticking away as well as a little window in the front. Really you will be spoilt for choice in that price range!
  12. Me neither. S*d that for a game of soldiers. That skywalk reminds me of a story i heard about some massive tower which had a viewing platform around the outside of it with a glass floor on it. Apparently very few people would dare go out on it, so the owners basically covered half the floor with carpet (on top of the glass). People happily then would go out and walk about but when they came to a bit which wasnt covered by the carpet they would gingerly step slowly from the carpet to the glass etc... not realising that it was actually glass all the way around anyway.
  13. Guess it depends upon how rare the zeds are in your area. When I had mine, id nip down the shops to buy a pint of milk and come out to find complete strangers comment me on how nice the car was. I remember calling in an auto parts store to get something and coming out to find the owner of the store drooling over my car saying he hadnt seen many like it, even the garage I took it to for its MOT commented on how rare it was. But in my part of the country I was lucky if I saw 1 zed a week. I only ever saw 1 other HR Roadster like mine, and certainly less than a dozen zeds in 18 months of ownership. Whereas, things like Z4`s, Boxsters, RX8`s and the such like, id see dozens every day.
  14. Just spurted my coffee all over the place at the guy getting his jacket off whilst cycling along... absolutely brilliant. talk about karma!
  15. Forget about multi car insurance. Every time ive tried it its worked out cheaper to insure both vehicles seperately. Adrian Flux has come up cheapest for me on modified cars. For standard stuff, Admiral/elephant worked.
  16. The alezan gear knobs seem to wear very quickly. Mine looked like it came off some 100k car when the car had actually only done 20k miles from new! They arnt cheap. I ended up getting a new one from a trader on here at a good price. Think it was about £100. I really should have just got a cheapie alloy one off ebay for a tenner, but i wanted to keep the car original. The exhausts on them tends to start to blow just before the backbox, the pipe there is prone to cracking. You can get them welded, or alternatively an aftermarket system is pretty cheap - something like a scorpian or cobra system.
  17. Exactly. I keep thinking of all the stuff I could do if i was at home all day long. Whenever I baby sit him, i manage to clean the whole house - bathrooms, hoover, do the clothes washing, the whole lot, as the baby just sleeps most of the time so its an easy job really.
  18. I find it depends on the relationship. Ive mates who have 2 kids and yet have all the time in the world to pursue their hobbies and interests. Hell one of them found time to build a kit car even! But for me, after ive spent all week working and doing all the house hold chores, cleaning etc.. I only seem to have about 1 hour a week free where I can do my own thing. So all my hobbies & interests are out of the window. No more working out, no clay shooting, no playing computer games, no watching movies. That 1 hour usually involves either washing my car (hardly relaxing) or if im lucky going out on the motorbike for a quick spin. I guess it depends on how much your wife will help out around the house. Thats a very good point. Sometimes I see zed`s taking forever to sell. If its a cheaper one then it might be a quick sale, but for the later ones like mine was (2007/2008) which when I sold mine were going for £12k upwards they can be a hard sell as not everyone can afford that, or afford to run a 3.5 V6 with high road tax & insurance etc... Indeed. But shes busy all day watching telly. Shes worked her way through all 13 seasons of ER, 7 seasons of Private Practise, countless other box sets and now is working her way through Game of Thrones. When she isnt doing that she meets up for pub lunches with other Mums or goes shopping.
  19. Keep it. I found my wife was pregnant last year and I immediately rushed out and bought another motorbike. Even though I have 3 perfectly good ones in the garage already. I have whatever car I want (BMW 123d Coupe) and she has the "sensible" 4 door car (Nissan Juke). Theres no way on gods earth I want a baby in my car throwing its guts up everywhere and sh!tting all over the leather seats, so we use her car for any trips which involve taking the baby out. Seems to work really well for us. I even get to use her car some days atm whilst shes on maternity leave which saves wear & tear on my BMW. Having a 2nd car doesnt have to be expensive, but does require that your wife can drive, has some NCB to help with insurance and you have somewhere to park it. If thats not an option, then personally id sell the zed asap rather than fork out on anything else. On mine I spent £250 on brake pads, £160 on a service, £660 on tyres, £50 on MOT, £80 on a new shock then sold it a few weeks later. Of course, the new owner would have been happy as larry with all the stuff I spent on it, but it was all cash out of my pocket which I saw no return on. That all aside, you need to definitely make the most of the time you have now before the baby arrives. Ours arrived last October and 6 months on im like a zombie. Havent had a decent nights sleep since last September. Take last night for example. Get home from work at 7pm, i do the washing, cook dinner, bath the baby, then as im knackered I go to bed at 9pm. The baby wakes at 1am for a feed, so i get up and feed him, then I cant get back to sleep until 3am, Just drift off then he wakes up at 4am wanting more food, so I feed him again. Get back to bed and just about drift off when the cats wake me up, so i get up, feed them, make my lunch, iron my work shirt, have a shower, breakfast, now its 7.30am so off I go to work. And repeat...... Im on about 10 cups of coffee a day just to keep going.
  20. Mental. I figured there was so much competition on youtube from kids doing this these days that it just wasnt worth bothering with, but maybe i was wrong and should nip down to london asap with my camcorder!
  21. Hmmm.. do we have the same mates on facebook?!
  22. As above, same bumper so shouldnt be any issues.
  23. Ive noticed this more and more over the last 12 months. You used to be able to go out for a Sunday drive and not encounter a single cyclist. Now I encounter literally hundreds and hundreds of wannabe Bradley Wiggins`s all clad from head to tow in lycra on their road bikes, causing massive tail backs as cars struggle to get by them on winding country back roads. So as a keen motorcyclist, when i ride around a corner on a country back road, not only do I have to watch out for horsecrap, I also am aware that these days im also likely to find some cyclist weaving about all over the shop. These lycra clad road Bradleys are different to the type i see around Cambridge on a daily basis, happily jumping red lights and assuming they own the road. Every week I see these idiots have near death experiences. Take one example from my drive home last week. Im sitting at a red traffic light. I see in my mirror a cyclist cutting up the inside of me, narrowly avoiding scraping his handle bar down the side of my car. He jumps the red light im waiting at and proceeds to pedal as fast as he can. Lights change to green, i proceed. I catch him up and clock him doing about 22mph. Up ahead theres a side road and I can see the car in front is indicating to turn left. So I take my foot of the accelerator and slow down so i dont need to brake suddenly. Idiot cyclist doesnt seem to realise why ive slowed down from 30 to 20 as he happily catches me up and proceeds to undertake me. He also doesnt notice the car up ahead still indicating and about to turn left. Car turns left, cyclist finally realises at the last minute and piles on his brakes, hits the passenger side of the car. What does the cyclist do? Apologise to the car driver? Offer to pay for any damage to the car? No, the cyclist starts ranting & raving and swearing at the car driver. And this isnt a one off event. I must have seen the same thing happen at different junctions dozens of times over the years. Sure, a lot of cyclists stop at red lights, but id wager that 50% around Cambridge do not and also do not have any lights on their bikes.
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