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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Spotted 1pm Saturday 18th, Grey 370z coupe parked up on Exmouth seafront. Nice & shinny. **62 HHR
  2. As others have said, factor in all the taxes and prices. My boss felt it would be quicker to print off some business cards for me in the US then ship them over. By the time I ended up paying import tax, vat, plus "collection fee" to the postal service we were looking at £100 for some business cards. I could have had them printed up here in the UK for about £4.99.
  3. J17 do seem to get through a lot of zeds. It was seeing a Roadster in their showroom which made me change my mind about getting an M3 and get a 350z Roadster instead. From my experience when it came to trading my HR 313 in at a dealer, they have no idea what the differences are in the models. The dealer I went to just looked at the online glasses guide and gave me the price it said. I pointed out that the price on glasses was actually for a 300 model (glasses guide didnt seem to know about the 313 model) and they just said "its 2007, so its the same". So, they gave me the 300 model price for my top spec 313 car. On the other hand, I lost count of the number of zeds on Autotrader where the dealer has listed it as a 313 model when its clearly a 300 model and so whilst I have every sympathy for the OP, as others have said id have done as much research as possible as to what the differences are and what to look out for. Sure, its easier with the HR model which I had.. 7500 rpm, facelift, bonnet bulge, dual ram air intakes. But, even so, I always spend a long long time learning about things before forking out the cash to ensure I am 100% happy with what im buying. Id definitely walk in and have a word with them to see what they say. Point out you were specifically after a 300 model and this was advertised as, however, its not so you`d like to know what they will do about it.
  4. Welcome. Im not far from bedford, in Northamptonshire and a fellow biker. Got an R1 and a 996 on the road atm, with a few more project bikes in the garage!
  5. The OEM oil filter costs like £4 or something and is the same one as they use on Nissan Micra`s. I used them on my services and had no problems. However, on my motorbikes I use K&N filters as they not only have good reviews, but also have a 17mm nut welded to them which makes removing them a lot easier than trying to use a oil filter ratchet/chain or screwdriver/hammer.
  6. I was working for Honda at one point and they wanted me to drive a lorry full of new bikes to a dealer early 4am one morning and setup for an open day. At the time I didnt have a car, so I got on my motorbike only to find it had a flat battery. No problem thinks I, i`ll just push start it... on my patio.. whilst half asleep. So I run along pushing the bike, pop the clutch only to have the bike take off like its doing the 1/4 mile, dragging me behind it.... straight into the back of my house. The bike ended up with smashed up bodywork, headlamps, headlamp bracket, clocks, bent forks, dented wheel. I ended up with bruises. Neighbours were watching out of their back window wondering what the hell I was doing at 4am. Still, it could have been worse, if it had been 1 foot to the left it would have smashed through my patio door, dragged me through the dinning room / living room and smashed into my 42" plasma in the corner of the living room. I would not want to try to explain that to my house hold insurance company.
  7. Theres about 2 or 3 i see driving about regularly but none of them seem to be on here!
  8. I remember thinking it was a great idea to have a fully removable bonnet on my old mini cooper. Made access to the engine bay much easier...... ..... until one day I took the bonnet off, did some work on the car, then drove straight over my bonnet as I had forgotten id put it behind the car. doh...
  9. More than likely! I was in a rush so didnt get a full ID on the plate, but looked pretty much like yours!
  10. £4k is a bargain. Roadsters are awesome, i loved mine.
  11. Good timing as my old karcher is giving up the ghost. Got good reviews too.
  12. thats odd, never had a problem with mine and it feels like a 4x4 but it is the first car I have had on standard suspension for a long time Are you saying im fat?
  13. How are you finding ground clearance? I know when I had a 370z Roadster for a few days I really struggled. It would scrape over any speed ramp I came to and even getting on/off my drive - and that was with standard springs!
  14. As others have said, first thing I check when looking at a car or motorbike is what history has it got. That way I know if a service is due and what sort of financial outlay im likely to have on the vehicle over the first year of owning it. Then based on that, I offer a price for the vehicle accordingly and use that as a negotiation point. Hopefully they have just forgotten to give you the service book. Either way, make sure you let us know how you get on as we are all dying to know the outcome now!
  15. Thats mad, i was paying nearly a grand to insure my 2007 HR Roadster and that was with a clean license & 20 years NCB. í ½í¸³ really? That cannot be right. I paid £280 fully comp protected 2nd car, 45yrs old 15yrs+ NCB with mods declared on 2010 roadster. 6000m/yr limit. That's with admiral multicar. Was definitely correct as I was amazed. The "specialists" on here were coming back at £1200, some wouldnt touch me unless id had previous experience of 300+bhp cars such as Evo`s or Scoobies. Cheapest I found was £994 with Adrian Flux. As a comparison I was paying £200 to insure a Golf GT TDI, £60 to insure a 200mph Yamaha R1 and I was being quoted £500 for a porsche boxster 3.2S and about £600 for a BMW M3. Amazingly even a Lambo Gallardo or a Nissan GTR were coming in at about £430 for me to insure. I really do not know why a bog standard 2007 HR Roadster was regarded as such a high risk that the insurance companies were playing silly beggers.
  16. General consensus when I was looking for air filters for my HR model was that either the standard ones or the cosworth ones were the best. You wont get any difference in power.
  17. Must be something happening as ive seen 3 different zeds in Cambridge this last day when normally I see none. Black coupe cutting through the back streets on Castle Hill in Cambridge this morning at about 9:40am, I caught back end of it as it drove past and it had a Nismo boot spoiler on it, possibly even Nismo body kit. Think number plate was ended in SJT or something similar.
  18. Spotted last night, 15th April at about 6pm heading into Cambridge on Huntingdon Road near the Felix hotel. Azure roadster, hot bird driving. Private number plate. *44 NEX
  19. Spotted last night (15th April) at about 5:50pm, stuck at the Histon Road/Huntingdon Road traffic lights. Grey/Silver 2007 Coupe. Noticed as it wasnt an HR model, so must have been one of the very last 300bhp models. **07 XUN
  20. Is it just the nose that has had a repair ? To fit the pulley ? Would still need to be bang on centre otherwise the pulley will wobble like a fat bird on the waltzers If that's the case and the pulley is running true and the weld is good , what is the issue ? +1
  21. Thats mad, i was paying nearly a grand to insure my 2007 HR Roadster and that was with a clean license & 20 years NCB.
  22. Wow. I didnt expect that when I clicked on the link in the OP..... amazing what some people like.
  23. When ive had carpets fitted the last 3 times, the carpet supplier has expressly told me that their fitters are NOT ALLOWED to take the old carpets as they then have to pay to dispose of them, so they leave everything behind - including any off cuts of the new carpets and let the house holder worry about disposing of them. Which is a pain.
  24. Ive heard of, and probably done a lot of dodgy things myself in my time, but ive never heard of anyone cutting a crank up then rewelding it. Thats pretty mental. I dont think its actually possible, having come from CA engines which @*!# their big ends every 20 minutes I know that even a light score can cause issues, a total reweld is never going to be balanced again. I can see that perhaps the very front part where the pulley attaches might have been grafted on, but like I say, if its not thrown a shell within 5 seconds of starting its probably not so much of a bodge job as you think Yep I think your right. The vibrations and noise from some cut & shut crank would be pretty mad and im not sure why someone would even want to do that in the first place. Like you say, it must be more of a case of the pulley part being welded on for some reason.
  25. Ive heard of, and probably done a lot of dodgy things myself in my time, but ive never heard of anyone cutting a crank up then rewelding it. Thats pretty mental.
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