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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Spotted yesterday morning (19th March) at about 9:30am heading out of Cambridge on Histon Road. Black 350z HR Coupe, Reg was something like B*58 FVS (or very close). Needed a good wash!
  2. Took my wife for a spin after I fitted the K1 exhaust to my zed and her reaction was "make it stop, my ears are ringing, it feels like my brain is rattling around." She refused to ever go in the car after that.. so bit of a result really! Outside of the zed, the best 2 reactions ive ever had was one, when I was the designated driver in my (heavily modified) Renault 5 GT Turbo back in about 1996, car loaded up with 4 blokes on the way to an Xmas party. We join a dual carriageway and theres a lorry up ahead in the slow lane, this Calibra turbo in front with one guy in driving floors it and pulls out to overtake it. I boot it. He`s giving the Calibra some serious stick. I out accelerate him up the inside line, pull out, overtake the truck and leave the Calibra for dead. It was the talking point in the office for about 6 months after. The 2nd best reaction was when my mate wanted to buy a nearly new Kawasaki ZX6R I had back in 2000. Having not passed his bike test he couldnt ride it so he foolishly agreed to a pillion ride on the back of it. I hit a "very reasonable" speed on the local dual carriageway, then came off at a roundabout, got my knee down as well as the footpegs on the roundabout, sparks flying all over the shop, then rocketed of back to his house bouncing off the rev limiter. When he got off the back he was white as a ghost and looked proper ill. He was staggering about like he`d had about 12 pints. It must have worked though, as he bought the bike off me!
  3. All sounds good, Bisley is a good ground and so id expect their instructors to know their stuff. Had to chuckle for a moment, as maybe when you get a lot older and things head south it will help - possibly one of the only advantages of getting old eh. I wouldnt worry about bad performance though, i used to have some cracking days and some bad days. Sometimes it was down to what i was wearing. Maybe a jumper in the colder months would mess up my mount and no matter what i did nothing would work. Sometimes id be missing all sorts of shots with my normal gun then id switch to using one of my other guns and all would be okay. No logic really as the week before i was fine with the first gun. I also used to have a ritual that id have to have a black coffee before hand in the club house as that would always make me more alert. All this shooting talk makes me want to get down the clay range. Will have to check out my local one later in the month when the weather picks up I think!
  4. The reason why your inconsistent on the range is like you say because every time you go you use a different gun. But you say you are good sometimes, so id be looking at which guns you are already good with at the range, then see what makes them different from the ones you are not good with. It does sound like the key may be in the stock like you say. Theres loads of different types of stocks. My cheapie £60 sabel side by side 12 bore which im so good with has a very thin pistol grip type stock, but my lanber has a more stocky stock! It might be that a certain type fits you a treat, in which case you dont need to worry about an adjustable stock. Another option is, if you find a gun which fits nearly, then you can get it adjusted by a professional gunsmith/stock fitter. Loads of women shoot so must be an easy answer out there. It surprised me a bit when you said your chest gets in the way, as normally the stock fits in the nook of the shoulder bone which is just above the chest, and when you spin around it should avoid your chest. (in theory!) Getting a beretta with an adjustable stock wont be cheap! In fact you may well have to buy the stock gun, then buy the stock separately (which at least means if you come to sell you wont have any problems). Hopefully one of the other options will come up trumps. Either way, once you get a gun you are happy with, stick with it and you`ll find you will do well. I find a lot of shooting is psychological and if your not worrying about the gun then you can concentrate on the shooting. Once you start worrying about the gun or fit then it all goes to pot.
  5. Id forget about an adjustable stock, you just dont need it. If the gun fits properly then thats all what matters. As you have found out, when you had the ill fitting gun and tried to shoot clays but missed etc. The fit makes all the difference. If it doesnt fit correctly then you just wont get on with the gun and hate it. Even if its a perfectly good gun. Guns do vary in weight a lot, and the "fashion" at one point, and certainly for professional clay shooters was that the heavier the gun the less recoil you feel. so guns like krieghoff`s tend to weigh as much as a small tank and are similarly indestructable. Personally i find if the gun fits correctly and the balance point is correct then you dont "feel" a lot of the weight of a heavier gun. My lanber sporter 12 bore is fairly heavy & solid, but I dont really notice it too much. The only time I do is when ive been using my mega light 26" sabel side by side, then switch to the lanber and try to hit some quick left/right birds. The heavier weight and the 30" barrels really are noticeable. I mentioned before on one of the other threads that there are loads of guns to choose from, so dont feel you have to get a beretta, but if you do, it will be a sound investment. My beretta today will still sell for nearly as much as I paid for it 2nd hand back in 2003(ish). The 20 bore Silver Pigeon certainly is a nice gun. Very popular and the resell on that will be quite strong. If you do get one, make sure you find out how old it is and check that the chokes (if it isnt multi choke) are right for what you want. Where I would start is just seeing which guns seem to fit you down the local gun shop. Most decent gun shop owners will happily help you out and advise accordingly - seeing how you mount the gun, where your cheek is and where your line of sight goes. You can probably narrow the list down to a few, regardless of make. Maybe a few 20bores and a few 12 bores. Then go away and checkout the reviews, the typical prices they sell for etc, then that will help you narrow it down further. Depending on your gun shop, they might be linked to a range and let you try the gun out a bit to see how it feels. When I bought my beretta, the gun shop let me take it away for the weekend, try it out and let them know what I thought. The turkish gun makers mentioned above are a rapidly growing sector, and their quality does vary. People like Yildiz have been around for ages and their guns are amazing, the quality & detail etc. Id really love one of their .410 side by sides at some point. Their prices are quite strong as a result. Other makers such as Hatsan seem to have mixed opinions regarding their quality. But then the hatsan prices reflect this and you can pick up something like a brand new pump action 12 bore for silly cheap money. Anyone who has a shotgun license can look after your gun. You can just add it to their certificate. Some gun clubs let you leave guns there, so thats another option as long as its on their records, or if you trust your instructor and he`s prepared to bring it along each time then he can have it on his license and keep in his cabinet. Final tip when buying a gun is haggle a bit on the price. If they wont knock much off the price see what else they can throw in... maybe some cartridges or shooting vest or a free gun bag or something. I happened to wander in a gun shop last year to check out a .20 air rifle they had, did a bit of haggling and they knocked about 10% off the price, then they even thru in some pellets. Whilst I was where I happened to see they sold shotguns and before you know it I was dropping over a grand on a lovely AYA shotgun they had. They were reluctant to drop on the price too much but after some haggling they threw in a slab of decent 32g pigeon cartridges which were worth a few quid. Fair enough I had just given them the best part of £1750 when I had just popped in for a browse so they didnt do too badly.
  6. I used the FK last week for the first time on my wheels and got good results so plastered it over the whole car Saturday morning. The shine was amazing and so easy to apply. Went on/off so easily it made me wonder why I struggle with other stuff. Sods law it rained the next day but the rain just beaded straight away. 4 days later and the car still looks good. Result!
  7. Mine was something similar. I was looking at E46 M3`s one Saturday at a local dealer, then I happened to spot this lovely older black 350z Roadster sitting in the corner of the showroom next to a Porsche Boxster. I think it was probably the first time id ever really seen a 350z Roadster. I sat in it, and decided yep, thats what I want. Did a quick google, realised the HR Roadster model was the one to have, checked on Autotrader there & then, saw there was just the 3 in 90 mile radius. Luckily one was only 20 mile away, so a quick drive to that garage and test drove a midnight blue HR roadster. Dealer wouldnt budge a penny on the price. The next on the list was a twilight grey one about 90 miles away, so called up the dealer then & there as I drove back home. Arranged a viewing the next morning, turned up, haggled and paid cash. So in less than 24 hours id gone from about to buy an M3 to seeing a zed, test driving two and buying one. I didnt ask the wife though. . Much the same when I got my 123d coupe. Turned up at BMW for a test drive and within space of a few hours (I did mega haggling with them) i had left a deposit and picked the car up the next day. Wife didnt know until I turned up at home from work in a £25k beemer the day before we were getting married. Then I left it parked up on the drive for 3 weeks whilst we went on honeymoon.
  8. How a laser jammer works is that as soon as it detects the laser signal from the mobile speed camera it jams it for X number of seconds and gives you chance to pile on the brakes to get you down to the speed limit. The copper will know straight away you are using one as his speed camera gun will go batsh!t crazy. So regardless of whether they are disguised as parking sensors or not, they will know you have one on your car, can pull you over and when they find it do you for illegally using one.
  9. True, but when it gets to the point where you could gain a 75-100% payrise by switching jobs you've really got to love your job to stick around! Indeed its sad but true really, the only time ive ever had a pay rise in the last 15 years has been when ive switched jobs. I really dont understand companies logic. Rather than give an experienced well performing employee a payrise they`d rather let them leave, then have to spend thousands recruiting a replacement, paying the replacement the salary the old employee wanted in the first place, then wait 6 months whilst that new employee gets up to speed.
  10. I bet! Im usually going very slowly as stuck on a14/Huntingdon Road... Ive only seen one other black coupe around here and thats parked in my works car park, so i`ll keep an eye out for you!
  11. Well I just got my awesome 0% payrise and my worse than usual ~10% bonus... now I'm looking forward to a job interview in 45 minutes. Payrise? whats that?!
  12. Yey! Figured when I saw the stubby ariel it must be someone on here. I was in a black 123d coupe.
  13. I think in general the 350z and similar cars always seem more popular in the spring/summer months. Bit like how 4x4`s and such like seem to sell better in the winter months. Id do as much research as you can on them first and if you buy from an enthusiast on here you know it will be a well looked after car (normally!).
  14. Autotrader. However, I wanted an HR Roadster and there wasnt many made so it made my searching a bit harder. On autotrader at the time, only 3 came up within 90 miles of my house. One was sold, other was in midnight blue which i didnt like and the 3rd was the one I bought at Nissan Birmingham. Bit of a trek getting there, and the salesman knew exactly how rare they were as I struggled to get a penny knocked off. Afterwards it turned out they had someone else also interested in the car who was already in the process of negotiation with them, but because I was paying with cash they decided to go with me. If id been looking for a more common 350z then id look on ebay as well as autotrader does charge a lot for their adverts so only tend to be traders - whereas ebay seems to get much more private sellers etc...
  15. Im looking forward to having one of my back teeth ripped out on Monday by the dentist. Have been in considerable pain with the tooth for a few weeks now but it got really unbearable last night. Went there today and they drilled right down through the middle of the tooth to try and reduce the inflammation & help the infection drain out. Got given loads of antibiotics and have to go back next week to have it removed. Highlight of today's experience was the dentist saying "Im now going to grill all the way through the centre of your tooth, but I wont give you any anaesthetic. If it hurts, let me know and we can give you some then!"
  16. This exact question was asked only a few weeks back on here. Ive used several radar detectors over the years and have used a Valetine One for the last 3 or 4 years. It is definitely the best at what it does. It will detect radar from half a mile away, in either direction and alert you to which direction it is and how many sources. You also get hardly any false alarms compared to the other systems ive used in the past. It is expensive, but it is the best. In the UK its only of limited use and it will really only warn you of the older gatso speed cameras which use radar. For a long time now they have moved away from using radar for speed cameras. Mobile speed cameras have used laser and average speed/specs/truvelo cameras all use infa-red. It will alert you to laser mobile traps but as others have said, by the time it tells you, your already in trouble if your speeding. I simply use it as a bit of a gimmick and to remind me of the one speed camera which I pass coming out of work each day, which happens to be in a 30, but is immediately after some lights so your trying to accelerate to the speed limit whilst keeping one eye on the road, one eye on cyclists cutting you up on both sides and one eye on the speedo. It has came in handy a few times warning me of mobile speed watch cameras which villages have sometimes and mobile road works. What I tend to use every day is a free app called Waze, which ive used for donkeys years. Not only does it do all sat nav, and traffic updates but it also has all speed cameras on it. Because its a community app, users can quickly post accidents, mobile speed cameras and traffic problems, so you get real time alerts & analysis of your journey. I use this app every time I get in my car. It will run on your mobile phone, or on a tablet if you have one mounted in your car like I have. And its free!
  17. Spotted yesterday morning (5th March), on A428, heading from Cambourne direction towards Cambridge at about 9:15am. Red 350z Coupe, bloke driving, private plate F* MTD. Had an aftermarket exhaust on and stubby ariel. Followed me for a while before I pulled over and let them past.
  18. Ferrets will eat anything. Mate of mine has no end of them and when we used to go shooting rabbits for local farmers, he`d chuck one in their pen and there was very little left of it by the time they were finished. We used to joke that it would be a good way to get shot of a body.
  19. Because if i dont do it then noone will. My house used to be like a show house and thats how I like to keep it. I spent a small fortune renovating it with all brand new stuff and so in theory as long as its cleaned it should stay like that. Ive tried ignoring the cleaning several times and it never gets done, or if i only wash up my stuff then the washing up bowl ends up overflowing with the other persons dishes etc - or even worse they just leave them lying around the house until it gets to the stage where I cant take it any more and end up collecting everything from each room and washing everything up. Even things like rubbish gets left on worktops when the bin is less than 3 feet away! Ive worked out 3 or 4 times a week since I was 14 and this last couple of years has been the first time when ive just not had any spare time to workout. I find working out really helps destress and unwind me and its annoying watching your body change due to not working out. Ive gone from people commenting on how good I look to looking like ive never ever set foot inside a gym and being ashamed to take my top off. Pride and childen. Also the hope that things will change at some point. EDIT: Anyway on a brighter note its nearly summer!
  20. this isn't what happens to all married couples, is it? Nope. You would have thought that when you live with someone or get married that you would end up with much more spare time as all the cooking/cleaning/housework etc is now shared. So not only can you carry on with your hobbies and interests etc you also have more free time to maybe do stuff together etc. However in my case the opposite has happened. I end up doing all the housework, cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing, feeding and cleaning out all the pets (not my pets I hasten to add), as well as any DIY, gardening & home improvements. So rather than gain more time, I actually have far less time than when I was single, to the extend that all my hobbies/interests have been put on hold and my entire life revolves around housework & my full time job. I am lucky if I get 1 hour a week to do anything outside of that, then I am faced with the dilemma as to what do I do in that 1 hour. Usually that 1 hour is spent washing the car once every 2 or 3 weeks (used to wash & polish it every weekend), or as I did this weekend that 1 hour of "free" time was spent painting the garden fence. Hardly relaxing "me" time. 2 months back I decided to spent my 1 hour free time to start watching The Expendibles 3. I still havent found the time to watch the remaining 67 minutes of it. Hopefully you will be lucky!
  21. Im looking forward to retirement so hopefully I can actually get time to myself to enjoy all my hobbies & interests which I used to enjoy before I got married. Unfortunately by the time I retire in 30 years time I dont think i`ll be able to do motorcycle racing, bodybuilding, shooting, finishing my project car, or many of the active type things I used to enjoy as my body will be getting too old by then. Still the hope is there. Shame I will have to wait 30 years.
  22. This. I had a 370z Roadster for a few days the other year whilst my 350z HR Roadster was back at Nissan and to be honest, I felt my HR was actually quicker. Although I guess if you got the stop watch out and started timing things id expect on the road they were probably about the same. If you were comparing an older DE 276bhp zed to a 370z then you`d notice the difference, but there really wasnt much between the HR & the 370z.
  23. Wow. That sounds like a nightmare. When I did the aux belt on my HR it literally took me 5 minutes! But then again, they only have the 1 belt and its right at the front of the engine so easy to get to!
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