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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Surely with demand so high, depreciation of both cars wouldnt be much over the first 12 months? Or are Ford going to just flood the market with millions of them?
  2. Theres a pic if you google of Dave chatting to Rich at some expo. He makes Rich look like a midget in comparison to him. But yeah, Rich is more of a bodybuilder shape, but Dave appears to be about getting big. Either way, I enjoyed his movie and it certainly gave me some motivation in the gym.
  3. Yeah ive seen a few of them. His "cycle" though is pretty immense. He seems a marmite kinda character, but I occasionally watch some of this stuff. Have you seen "Under Construction" with Dave Crosland, thats pretty interesting.
  4. Yep still at it. Making fairly good progress. Wifes booked a holiday in April so am trying to use that as a target date atm although its only a couple of months away. Have been meeting my goals for 2016 so far, been putting on 1lb a week nicely, keeping strict form and pushing it hard. I have also started running again a couple of weeks back, although with it being -4 some mornings its not been great fun out running at 6am in that weather. Have been struggling with finding the spare time though this last 2 weeks due to housework/family stuff, so workout timings havent been ideal, but hopefully things will be better this next week.
  5. Took me a little while to workout what I was looking at in those first pictures, then it hit me! oh my god. What a terrible end to such an awesome looking car.
  6. In theory you would hope that the only reason Admiral ask if you have been on a SAC is that after sitting there being lectured/educated for 4 hours on the dangers of speeding etc then maybe Admiral would assume you will now be a safer driver, a lower risk and would like to reduce your premium accordingly? (we can wish!)
  7. Good work! Get a good couple of bodies in there now!
  8. My first thought was how many go pro`s did that cyclist have?! Ive seen a few cyclists now who have one on their helmets etc. But (from the footage i saw) this guy had both front facing helmet camera, plus a seat mounted rear facing one? Its almost as if he anticipated an attack from the rear. Its a shame he didnt also have a rear facing helmet cam as it might have actually caught the drivers face. TBH Im always very skeptical about camera up`d cyclists who have their own youtube channel then upload road rage clips etc. as usually they only show the motorist raging at the cyclist, and edit out the 15 minutes before hand of the cyclist abusing the motorist etc and winding them up to the point of snapping. Im not saying this is the case in this case at all, just a general observation, and certainly doesnt excuse the attempted murder of a cyclist by running them over.
  9. We had the 1.5Dci Juke for 4 years (& 90k miles) and loved it. No problems at all except a boost pipe breaking once and that was it. The lease ended and the wifes company decided they werent going to offer any more company cars so we had to look at buying one ourselves. We looked at a Qashqai as the natural progression to a bigger car but it just didnt do anything for us. In addition, the lease driver when they came to pick the juke up said that the lease company had experienced endless problems with the Qashqais. In the end we went for a brand new Ford Kuga. 2.0 diesel. 150bhp. Not as economical as the 1.5Dci Juke, but its a *much* bigger car. Huge in fact, I actually struggle to park it.
  10. 2.5 miles each way commute! Thats mad, I walk more than that in my lunch break! Id be looking at cycling or waking to work if I lived that close! I do 45miles each way for my commute. In general, its more than likely to just be the cold weather. I always find, regardless of what car / fuel type im driving, over winter the MPG does take a hit due to the cold weather, heaters on, longer for car to warm up etc etc..
  11. From my perspective as both an employee and an employer, To me its irrelevant what salary the person is currently on. Its all about what you (as an employer) think the person is worth and what you are happy to pay them. The only reason companies will ask what your current salary is, is in case they can get away with paying you less than what they are prepared to pay. TBH normally in my line of work, companies ask me what salary I want, rather than what im currently on. But if they ask me what im currently on, I give them a answer which says "im currently on a £xx,xxxx package". So you include stuff like salary, bonus`s, pension contributions the company makes, maybe company car allowance, days holidays, health care, gym membership, expenses etc... it soon adds up. Pension contributions alone can make a big difference. My previous company put in 8% of my salary into a pension scheme. My current company puts in 0%. That alone is a big difference to the overall yearly amount. However, I have been in this same situation once before and it didnt work out well. I went for a job at a big consulting company. One of the first questions they asked me is what salary I wanted. I told them I what I wanted. They didnt blink they were very happy with that. They then put me through a 2 hour psychometric test, plus two 1 hour interviews with 3 of their guys. It took all morning. They loved me and so I got asked to go to their head office in London for another 4 hour interview. I did that, met up with their Senior Director, had an interview with him, more psychometric tests and another long interview with their HR. They all thought I was brilliant and wanted me for the job. Then the problems started. They told the recruitment agency that they wanted proof of my current salary. Quite what it had to do with them I dont know. Problem was id told the agency that I was on a package which worked out at x amount, but the agency wasnt happy as my pay slips only showed y amount. The agency was very aggressive about it all and basically said id lied about my salary. They just refused to understand that my company car allowance was worth £6k plus pension contributions plus £2k yearly bonus all added up to the package price id told them. In the end I didnt get the job. They either told the company I was lying or wasnt interested, or the company withdrew the job offer based upon the agencies feedback. I never did get a straight answer. It was very frustrating as id had 2 days off work and traveled to both their sites at my own expense.
  12. Yep, you cant put a "newer" plate onto an older car to make the older car "appear" newer. Im really not sure why they have that rule, as tbh who cares. When your buying a car, the year is clearly on the logbook so who cares what the number plate shows. They are so picky that say if you had a 2001 car on an X plate and wanted to put a 2001 **51*** plate on it, thats not allowed. Even though both plates are 2001, the **51*** is a few months newer, so not allowed.
  13. Have to say i never noticed this with my HR!
  14. My fuel gauge used to have a mind of its own. Sometimes it would say only 1/4 left, then later on it would say 1/2 left etc. I just went by my trip computer. I knew id get x number of miles roughly out of a tank and so when it got near that amount id brim it, reset the trip counter and carry on.
  15. I feel for the OP. I had a similar situation a few years back. Woman driver pulled straight out in front of me and knocked me off my motorbike. She admitted liability straight away. Witnesses all said that they couldnt believe she pulled straight out. Anyhow, once it went through the insurance company she completely changed her story and said I was speeding through the traffic etc and it was my fault. The insurance companies argued the toss for months until I pointed out I had witnesses. Unfortunately by the time the insurance company spoke to the witnesses some 8 months after the accident they couldnt remember what day of the week it was let alone the accident details. After months and months more of haggling and court disputes they finally settled on 50/50 liability. It meant I only got 50% of the payout for the damage to the motorbike, lost 3 years NCB plus had an increased premium the following year.
  16. Gutted for you, what a lovely car that was. Lets hope the insurance companies sort it all out for you properly and quickly. Remember though, that whilst it was a no fault accident, expect your insurance premium to be increased as a result come renewal time.
  17. On my beemer if you hold the unlock key down for a second then not only does it unlock your car but drops all the windows to make getting into the coupe easier. One morning the other year I went outside to find my car unlocked and all the windows down. Since then I tripple check the cars locked and put the keys somewhere in the house where a) I cant sit on them and my little one cant get hold of them and start pressing them. TBH you dont even have to sit on them. Ive had the keys in my jeans front pocket before and just kneeling down will put enough force on the key to press the button. (not that i wear skinny jeans or anything )
  18. Im fine in the back seat of the car as I can watch Peppa Pig on the dvd player on back of drivers head rest. What was that about man points?!
  19. Thats a crazy price for just an oil + filter change. Even BMW only charged me £140 for that when my beemer was still under warranty. The zed is really easy to work on. I did my last 350z oil change myself. Literally the hardest bit is getting the undertray off. Once thats off, the oil filter is really easy to get to. Its the same oil filter on the 350z as the Nissan Micra has and its about a fiver.
  20. Have to say whilst ive never been a Chris Evans fan, I dont see what the problem is here. Personally ive only been driven fast in a car a couple of times by people and both times ive absolutely bricked it and didn't feel too clever afterwards. Its really strange. When im driving im fine, but as a passenger, even at much slower speeds it just doesnt feel right. Maybe its something with not being in control whilst being thrown around inside a tin can. Its not unusual. I remember seeing ages ago some footage with Damian Hill thrashing a Merc around a track with a TV presenter in the passenger seat and they had to stop so the guy could chuck his guts up. Damian laughed and said "Damian Hill makes me sick" as the guy was throwing up.
  21. Personally I would recommend replacing both sides at the same time as shocks do settle in and vary in height over time. Last thing you want is one side lower / higher than the other due to just replacing one.
  22. Just spotted at lunchtime, parked up outside the off-license on Chesterton Road Cambridge, near the Staples/Lloyds/Boat House triangle. Nice silver coupe, didnt have Rays but had Brembos. Private plate C* ODY
  23. Around £44k upwards new apparently. But the plus side is that they are likely to hold their price for a while, certainly until they become so common like the M3 that the prices start to drop (which will take a while). Following the 1M which actually costs the same now as it did brand new 5 years ago, demand for the M2 is quite high. It wont be as limited as the 1M was, but I expect you could probably own it for 12months and nearly get your money back on it.
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