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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. As Ekona said you wont be getting any discounts of a Porsche. They know that demand is high and they can sell them without having to offer any discount. Even so, from my experience getting any sort of discount from any of the main manufacturers is nearly impossible unless they are really desperate to sell. I bought a brand new Ford Kuga for the missus earlier in the year and it was one of the most stressful buying experiences ever. It took me an hour of haggling with the salesman before they even agreed to sell me the car for the same price as they advertised it for on their own website. Ridiculous. The only "discount" I got after 3 hours of haggling and me twice very nearly throttling the salesman was a Ford contribution of about a grand or so if I took their finance deal. So I did that. When I bought my BMW a few years back I was determined to get a good discount off it. It was approaching the end of Q2 so I thought they might want to bring their sales numbers up. After much haggling and spending about 2 hours with the sales man they offered me half a tank of diesel. Thats about £30 off a £26k car. I walked. I then had the sales man on the phone to me every hour on the hour for the rest of the day trying to close the deal. They upped the offer to a very generous full tank of diesel (£60) and genuinely thought that would swing the deal! Before the end of the day I finally managed to get 15% off the screen price.
  2. This reminds me exactly of a relationship I was in a good few years back. If I went out with my mates on the town, then the GF would be texting me all the time checking up on me. If I said id be home by a certain time I would make sure I was back by then, but even then I would get accused of pulling other birds etc and get loads of abuse from her. However, it was one rule for me and another for her. She would very often go out straight from work with her work mates "for a couple of drinks", saying she would be home by 7pm. Id get home, clean the house up, collect her kid from the child minders and cook tea ready for 7.30. Then she would stagger in at 11 or 12pm completely smashed without a care in the world. No text or call to say she would be late, or even to let me know to put her kid to bed etc. I wouldnt have minded had she just let me know. I remember once she said she was going out "for a meal" with her girlie mates and later I found out it was a hen do with a male stripper etc and a couple of her mates ended up having a 3 some with the stripper. Of course, she didnt get involved (allegedly). But my god, had that been me she would have gone ballistic. Anyway, I ended up dumping her and moving on as it was getting beyond ridiculous.
  3. Wow, no way could I have persuaded my missus to allow me to use the zed as a wedding car! Still, it would have allowed me to make a quick getaway afterwards! hahaha! Congratulations!
  4. The HR is also an 80% new engine over the old one and Nissan did all sorts of stuff like mounting the engine lower in the car to improve handling etc. I found when I sold my 313 that garages didnt really know what they were. Even the "glasses" guide at the time didnt know what an 313 was and priced my 313 at exactly the same price as the older car. Which was a bit of a pain as I was part-ex`ing it at the time.
  5. How the f.... lol !!! I'm 30 now and my insurance with nothing but a windscreen claim is £460 odds (can't mind exactly)...and your 23 and less than 300 with mods! Oooft! I'm with Admiral too, this November they better get discounting haha. You must live somewhere with no crime Got it so cheap as wee had another car enter the policy so that's 5 cars on the multicar now. Thats mad. Whenever ive had a quote from Admiral multicar, they constantly tell me I can only use my 23 years NCB on just 1 car, and any additional cars they quote me at the full price without using any NCB on it. When they do that, they are always more expensive than it would cost me to insure the other car elsewhere. In addition they pointed out that when it comes to renewal, if I decide to remove one car from the policy due to being able to get it insured cheaper elsewhere, they will then recalculate the premiums on the remaining cars in the policy and increase them. So it means they are trying to tie you in and make it hard to get out.
  6. Ive had no end of text`s recently to my mobile saying that my appleID has been blocked and I need to login and reset it. However, I dont own any Apple products and have never had an appleID.
  7. Excellent! I did exactly the same with my zed, ended up doing nearly 20k a year in it as my daily driver. Glad to see someone else doing the same and not just using it as a weekend car!
  8. The actual MOT guidelines say cars with LSD`s should not be tested on the rollers. What they do is one guy drives your car down the road, whilst another sits in the passenger seat holding a manual device which measures the cars braking when the driver brakes. The device apparently is so sensitive that even if you have terrible brakes (like the zeds handbrake) then it will record a pass. It was quite nerve racking seeing your pride & joy being driven off down the road, but literally it was only for 300 yards or so. When I took my zed for an MOT I actually found a local garage which specialised in such cars as I felt they would know what they were doing more than some back street garage. But that was purely for my own piece of mind and as long as the tester is following the same guidelines it really shouldnt matter where you take it.
  9. Not sure what you mean? and yes, that was my actual number plate at the time!
  10. Just found a pic of my old roadster.... plenty of room in the boot!
  11. I miss my HR! Lovely cars. I cant remember if the bluetooth was standard on the HR Coupe. I know for the Roadster like I had they didnt have it as Nissan figured you wouldnt hear anything with the wind noise. If I remember correctly the adapter is inside the center arm rest? I found the Satnav to be perfectly fine. I updated mine with newer maps. However most of the time I just use Waze on my phone.
  12. Whilst probably not a staged shooting, this is exactly what the government did after Hungerford & Dunblaine. Rather than address the short fallings of the police firearms licensing team in actually allowing the shooters licenses in the first place, they took advantage of the public outrage at people legally being allowed firearms to push through legislation making certain types of guns illegal - namely automatic rifles and handguns. They even put restrictions on shotguns even though the shooters didnt use them! This meant thousands of perfectly sane law abiding gun owners instantly lost their guns. This had no effect on preventing the possibility of another legally owned shooting happening and certainly made no difference to criminals being able to obtain illegal guns to use in crimes. Agree, that can be seen in the few cases which have come to court. One I read locally to me was a guy who beat the living crap out of a burgler with a baseball bat. The burgler took the guy to court for using excessive force. The Judge laughed it out of court saying that the burgler shouldnt have been there in the first place so it was entirely his fault. Another one I remember was the guy who shot a burgler who broke into his cottage and I think killed him. Similar to Tony Martin but the burgler wasnt running away. If I remember correctly, he got let off also.
  13. Completely inappropriate but I cant be the only one who found the thought of a cyclist doing superman for 20m and over a 7ft hedge quite funny? On a serious side, I hope the guy makes a quick recovery, ive done the superman a couple of times, on motorbikes mind, so know what its like.
  14. Brilliant. The last Indian wedding I went, my mate (the groom) had to arrive on a white horse! And theres you rocking up in a TVR. Love it!
  15. Brave man driving a pink car!!!!! (only joking!) Excellent choice of motor. Your probably buzzing as much as I still am, 1 week after picking my new car!
  16. Totally agree. I too have been into guns since I was a kid. Growing up in a farming area its perfectly normal to see/use guns on a daily basis. To some of my (non rural) friends who have never been around this sort of thing and the only "exposure" they have had to guns is via computer games, it can be a bit of a shock and they struggle to understand why anyone would want one let alone have a dozen like I have. With the USA, one of my work colleagues lives in South Carolina, and he`s got a Glock 17 (if i remember rightly). What I find funny is that its perfectly fine for him to walk about town with it hanging off his belt. But if he wants to wear it more discreetly, then its classed as "concealed carry" and he has to undertake extra tests/permissions to do that. Unfortunately your not allowed a Glock 17 over here, but even so, the laws/checks/tests and rings you have to jump through to get a license/s are some of the most strictest in the world. And, they are currently getting even stricter. Basically if you have a gun license, your Doctor will be informed and its flagged on their computer. Then if for any reason at any time your Doctor thinks you shouldnt have a license, he can just phone up the police and they will revoke it.
  17. I remember when I was in San Jose a few years back, I was in a bar talking to a couple of locals and we got talking about gun laws. They were totally staggered that we arnt allowed to shoot anyone breaking into your house. One bloke said he had a 357 magnum he kept in his truck and a 12 bore pump action under his bed etc..
  18. Its funny, I had actually forgotten how much attention cars like my old 350z got, having been driving my sensible diesel for the last 4 years. Now im back in a "decent" car, it seems nearly every other person you see is staring at it. This morning I even had some old biddy at the bus stop eyeing me up!
  19. Well collected car tonight and broke the news to the wife. She was mega surprised but took it well. But after I refused to tell her what it cost she did some stalking autotrader style and found it and was proper shocked at the cost of these things. Still over all she seems okay with it. Anyway, driving home in it, was pretty cool. Sad seeing my old car go after 4 years but when you are replacing it with something like this, well, its got to be good.Weird seeing all the attention a car gets again, people staring as you drive by like they did with my 350z. Most importantly my toddler thought it was the b*llocks. First look at the car and he saw the boot spoiler and said "daddies new car is super fast". His face after a quick spin was priceless. He will go off to nursery on Monday telling everyone how daddy has a porsche and its superfast. Brilliant! Couple of shots of it on my drive.
  20. Interesting one really. As a kid my parents only ever took holidays during school holidays. I think as a kid id be too worried about what school work ive missed out on over that week or 2 weeks off and all that extra home work afterwards to catch up. Still, thinking about it, kids have a week off sick, go back and manage to catch up okay.
  21. I have to say I wasnt a fan of the alloys either, but they are better (imo) than the horrible ones on the 997.2 turbo. But they are kinda growing a bit on me now. Plan wise... ive already had cruise control retro fitted into it and ive just bought a bluetooth system which can give the horrible sat/nav/"entertainment" system a bit more modern abilities - such as streaming music from your phone & proper bluetooth hands free etc. I also want to fit the sports seats. Basically those are the only 3 spec items the car didnt have which I wanted. Mod wise... nothing planned atm. Maybe a sports exhaust at some point, but thats about it. Thats basically what I did when I moved from the zed to the 123d. I expect I will do the same in a couple of years too once the "sensible" side of me realises that maybe this isnt the best daily commuting car!
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