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Very nice. Cant see my missus ever doing anything like that.
911 turbo like mine. Practical 4 seater 4x4.
The other day I was having a lunchtime walk and saw one parked down a road. Ive never looked into them before, but I thought wow. That looks nice. Looked well expensive. I had to google to find out more about it and was staggered that you can buy a brand spanking new one for the same price as my 9 year old 997 turbo. Of course, they depreciate a lot, hence you can get some cracking bargains for older ones. As i said, ive never really looked into them, but the reviews online sung non-stop praises. Best sports car you can buy apparently. I know I certainly would be tempted if I could get away with 2 seats and was after a sports car.
Depends on value of items but it might not be worth making a claim. I would certainly go for house insurance rather than car if possible, as once they mark down you have made a claim then premiums will go up. Another thing, is home insurance will want a crime reference number. When one of my old cars was broken in, the old bill were not interested at all. Unless the scrote had left blood everywhere so they could get a dna sample, they didnt want to know. They didnt even come out. They said no point in checking for fingerprints as they would have certainly been wearing gloves etc. etc.
All of the traders i know seem to stick their cars on autotrader, ebay & PH. As a seller, i usually just use ebay, as 99.9% of people looking will look on ebay as part of their search anyway. When ive been buying, ive not really seen many private sellers use autotrader anymore.
Quite. I worked out over the ten years I owned my last place, including it nearly doubling in value I would have actually been better off renting, putting my deposit in the bank and saving the difference between the mortgage and rent over those 10 years. It makes me wonder what sort of salary do these people have to have to afford to get a mortgage on a £500k or £600k house these days. I feel I earn half decent money atm, but theres no way I could get a mortgage for anywhere near that!
I actually went out with a bird for a few weeks only to then find out she was actually a lesbian and she dumped me for a hot blond bird. Explains why we had so much in common - motorbikes, working on cars, drinking beer, eyeing up women etc...
Your "friend" eh?!!!
Step Children and relationship break ups....
rabbitstew replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
It will take a good few months to re-adjust, and id keep myself busy to take my mind off things. I would also take the "we can still be friends" with a pinch of salt, it seldom happens. Good luck with everything! -
When I was selling my HR Roadster, the WBAC and Which guide prices were exactly the same as the trade price the garage offered me as a part-ex. Which was £9500 back in May 2012. The retail price was about £13k and thats what the garage who took the car on to sell put on its screen. So as a guide, the WBAC price does give you a good idea of the trade value, which is always the rock bottom price you will get for the car. It is always quite hard to pick a value for your car. If you want a quick sale you may price it lower, but then people may think theres something wrong with it. I had that problem with an ex`s car. In the end we sold it for £1200 when the normal price for that car was £2000. She`d just spent £1600 on a new gearbox and work on it also so the buyer got a bargain, but the market was put off because we had initially priced it below the market value and it had been for sale for a while. Now adays I just bung my cars on ebay, no reserve, 99p starting price as I know with millions of users, it will always fetch whatever the market value is, maybe even a bit more if you get a couple of buyers in a bidding war.
My mate met his ex via POF and met his wife via Tinder, he said he couldnt be happier. In between his ex & his current wife he said he had so much action via Tinder that he was like a dog with 2 dicks. Another mate said exactly the same thing. Before I met my wife a mate suggested I should try match.com, mainly just to meet a few females and try to boost my confidence a bit. Also just to try and make me think that not all women were scheming cows. (id been screwed over my my ex and so didnt have a great opinion of females at that time). A few observations I found was that it seemed to be 1 woman for every 30 blokes, so women were inundated with messages, with most blokes purely after trying to get their leg over. I also found that the women who contacted me clearly didnt read what I was looking for in a bird. I put down I was looking for a bird with a "athletic to slim" build and nearly every bird who contact me actually turned out to be chubby overweight birds. In addition, nearly all profiles seemed to read the same "likes going out with friends or staying in cuddling up on the sofa watching a movie" etc... In the end I made friends with 2 or 3 birds via there, took a couple on dates, but nothing ever came of it. My mate on the other hand met her husband via match and they are still together now 12 years on. Shame Tinder wasnt around back then!
I really dont understand house prices half the time. My old house, when i came to sell that, I looked at sold prices for the last few years. My neighbour sold their house 2 years previous needing total renovation for £170k, and there was one 3 doors away also needing total renovation up for £145k. Id just spent over £35k on my house having every room re-done, new bathroom, kitchen, triple garage and landscaped gardens/patio etc. Even spent over £1000 just having the stairs all ripped out and replaced with new. Estate agent valued it at £165k which was fair enough, but noone wanted to pay that, in the end it went for £150k. So, just £5k more than one 3 doors away needing total renovation. Go figure. Then again, a 2 bed bungalow in my current road was bought by a property developer for £150k 8 months ago. He basically fitted new kitchen, bathroom & gravelled the small garden, then put it straight up for £220k. I was amazed as the highest price any 2 bed bungalow in my road has ever gone for was £160k. I was even more amazed when it sold within a month for £220k! I couldnt believe it.
did anyone else manage to get Valetines Day Wrong ?
rabbitstew replied to ioneabee's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Amazing how a ring can change everything. I remember with other gf`s, id get home from work and they would answer the door in some saucy outfit and id barely even got my jacket off before they were on their knees showing me how much they loved me. Those days have long since sailed away... -
did anyone else manage to get Valetines Day Wrong ?
rabbitstew replied to ioneabee's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Bought the missus a card & some chocs and she got me a card. That was it. I ended up going to bed at about 9pm as I was shattered and she stayed up watching some crappy tv show she watches. I also got told off as the card didnt say "to my wife" on it. What gets me though is how all her friends post crap on facebook saying "look at what my lovely husband has done, he`s cooked me tea, done the housework, done the washing etc... arnt I a lucky girl, i will have to show my appreciation to him later.. etc..". As it only goes to stir things up as the wife then says "look at how romantic my friends bloke is... you didnt cook tea tonight", and my reply is, well I do all that stuff pretty much 364 days of the year, so for you its valentines night every night and what appreciation do I get?! . -
Step Children and relationship break ups....
rabbitstew replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
^^^^^^^ Me & my mates have a saying that women come & go but your motorbike is always there for you. Very true in my case, ive had one of my motorbikes since 1996 and so its been with me through thick & thin and many various different relationships. As someone who now is married with 2 kids id say you are mad saying the above I frequently wish I was single again so I could actually have some "me time" and enjoy the various hobbies/interests I used to enjoy before I got married. Sure, its nice having someone to cuddle occasionally, but once married you end up being like a slave/hired help running around trying to keep the place looking remotely clean/tidy after its been trashed by the kids. Every weekend is written off with "family" activities - again, nice to do that stuff sometimes but not every single weekend. And you seemingly never have any spare money and more with money going out of the door on "stuff" quicker than it can come in. Oh to be single again! -
Step Children and relationship break ups....
rabbitstew replied to nowhereboy's topic in Off Topic Discussion
It is hard, but its very often the best way forward else things get very complicated. A good few years ago I was dating a single mum for a number of years. I was father figure to her daughter from the age of about 2 until 5. Her real dad had ran off with some 18 year old bird. I taught that kid the alphabet, how to count, add up etc, how to tie shoe laces, left & right etc. etc. When it came to Christmas`s I had to go and make myself scarce whilst the real dad came in and lavished her with gifts, but as soon as he went it was back to me being her dad. I remember videoing her at her first school Christmas play etc as well as attending parents evenings, santa grottos, teaching her how to ride her bike etc. It was great fun and certainly taught me a lot about myself I didnt know I could do. Her mum on the other hand was a bit of a psycho. She was all over me when she thought I wasnt interested in her. She loved the bad boy sort of person and she thought that me with my motorbikes, muscles etc was that person. Once id moved in and she realised I was no longer much of a challenge she used to cause arguments to try and push me away. If I then broke up with her, she`d be all begging me back etc. It was mad really as I am not an argumentative or aggressive person in relationships and yet she would be pushing all the buttons to make me mad. In the end I realised the relationship just wasnt healthy, I wasnt happy and decided to pull the plug. It was very hard as it was like loosing 2 people, both my ex and her daughter. Initially I thought maybe I could carry on seeing the daughter, but it would have been just too weird. After all, I wasnt her real dad. My ex in the end met some older bloke who had a couple of kids of his own and to my knowledge they are still together now some many years later. Who knows whether the daughter ever asked about me or not. I presume the new bloke took over where i left, and of course she still saw her real dad occasionally. I actually found the daughter on facebook the other year, and it was a hell of a shock seeing that the 3 year old kid was now at university etc.. was nice to see that she appeared to have turned out to be a level headed, sensible girl doing well for herself after all those years. Also made me feel exceptionally old that had things had worked out differently I could have had a 21 year old step daughter. Mad. -
Wow are these really that cheap now? I thought the HR`s were still around the 9k mark when I last looked? Granted, I havent looked for a little while, but I thought £6k was older zed sort of price?
I just used a massive drum of polyurethane floor paint on my double garage when i first moved in 6 years ago. Toolstation used to do drums of the stuff really cheap. I just brushed & hoovered the bare concrete so it was clean & as dust free as I could get then used a roller to apply. Gave it 2 coats and its lasted really well. My garage floor gets a lot of abuse from jacking up cars and moving motorbikes around etc... not to mention welding & oil etc when im working on cars. I still have half the drum left so I can give it all another coat if i ever get around to it.
I loved my roadster, roof up or down. TBH 9 times out of 10 when I was driving it I had the roof down anyway. Great looking car. For me, it was worth forking out the premium the roadster cost over the coupe.
BHP Comparison Between Low & High Mileage Cars
rabbitstew replied to Colin747's topic in 350Z General
I remember reading once about (and I think it was Honda) dyno`d a couple of their Fireblade superbikes before competing with them at the TT races and after. The bikes had more power after apparently. -
Spotted a couple of times now driving around Cambridge during the day, a silver 04 plate 350z Coupe. Looks like an import with the square plates. **04 UON.
Be lucky to get that far when it's all sweaty and stuck to you. Don't even have the strength to peel it off your skin. haha! I know that feeling only too well! Its particularly bad atm as my garage gym is so cold that im having to wear 2 fleeces just to stop myself from freezing. Then trying to get them off after a hard session is next to impossible. I managed a couple of good workouts this weekend. Strength has remained the same despite being ill all last week. Its taking 2 weeks to exercise the whole body nearly though still due to lack of time. Its hard to believe I used to workout twice a day at one point, when now I barely get time to get 2 workouts in a week. Lost 5lb though last week purely through being ill and not eating as much.
And if you told them you parked the car on the street you`d probably find the quote would be even cheaper. When I queried this with one company, as to why they would charge me less for leaving my car on the street, rather than in a locked secure brick garage, with a rottweiler wandering about, with 3 cars blocking the garage door, all behind secure steel gates, they simply said that if the cars on the street then people are more likely to see/disturb a car thief. If the cars in a garage, then once the thief is inside he can spend as long as he wants damaging/hotwiring the car. To my mind, surely "out of sight, out of mind" should come in here. If the cars in a garage then any passing thief wont even know its there and just move on to someone elses car which they have left on their drive. But, thats not how insurance companies work.
Holy Cow! My 997 Turbo is only £400 a year and my postcode is about 30% more expensive than my last address.
Thats a pretty accurate description really! Couldnt have said it better myself! Still, im hoping once the baby gets older and over this cold things will be easier. The 3 year old is perfectly happy now to watch tv with the missus for 8 hours a day, which gives me a bit of time to get workouts in. Before I got this cold, last week I had some cracking workouts. Increased the weights on nearly every exercise which helps motivation a bit.