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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Id be tempted to take the cash for it personally from my experience. If the guys first offer is £500, then the chances are you can get him up a bit higher than that. Cars which have been sat for a while like that usually end up costing quite a bit to get back on the road. If you have no plans to get it back on the road soon, then imagine what condition it will be like when you finally get around to it. Plus, factor in the cost of hiring a car transporter, shifting it and having somewhere to shift it to.... you soon end up spending loads on it. If it was a really rare car then id say keep it. Another alternative will be the old ebay. Millions of people on there, and things always fetch the market price which is what its worth at the end of the day.
  2. I looked in on this thread to read about paint, now im downloading a load of Jayden Jaymes films....
  3. I just used a template in word and printed a load off on card i bought from tescos when i made some business cards for my dad. Worked out pretty cheap.
  4. Jesus. I wonder how the guy felt the first time he decided to try those "wings" out. He must have serious mental issues or something.
  5. Im actually off to Luton this afternoon, so i`ll keep an eye out for z`s!
  6. Looks nice. Just goes to show what a bit of tlc can do. With regards to the dent in the bumper, is there anyway you can pop it back? Sometimes they pop back the way they came unless the bumper has actually warped as a result of it being bent for so long. The bumpers on these 350z`s are very flimsey. The crack is easy - just use some bonding filler / fibreglass on the inside (bit you cant see) of the bumper, that should seal the crack and strengthen it. You may want to sand / fill the crack from the front side to make a 100% job of it, but then you`ll have to start spraying....
  7. yep! i cant even fit the weeks shopping in mine. Luckily my missus just sold her convertible and bought a boring hatch back, so I can use that as the shopping / builders van / junk car instead. camping wise... i`ll stick to b&b`s...
  8. love the handle bolted to the outside of the boot idea! I use mine as a daily driver, and i too had to double check there was no handle inside the boot to close it. So, i have to put my dirty hands on the boot lid to shut it. Mind you, i can barely get my laptop bag in the boot on my car, but whilst i dont play golf apparently you can get a full set of golf clubs in there - and i love the way nissan stick a step by step guide on how to do this on the inside of the bootlid.
  9. nice!!! looks really clean, and black is one of my favorite zed colours!!!
  10. awesome results!!!! I just wish i had the time to give my car as much attention like that.
  11. wonder if he`ll take 900,000 for it?
  12. rabbitstew

    Bad boy

    Alright for some!!!!! I got flashed doing 82mph on a 70mph dual carraigeway last year and the local force didnt let me do the speed awareness course.
  13. You do have to pull them up quite high compared to other cars in order for them to work, apparenty its a "feature" of the 350.
  14. Unless the car is running hot, then no need to change it.
  15. 40k for an a3 which looks like some chav has got his hands on it. Whilst the RS audi`s are awesome cars, i can think of better things to spend 40k on.
  16. Awesome! Not sure I could hit that sort of mpg tho, even if i tried. I could regularly hit 60->70mpg in my golf tdi, but the same driving in the 350z is currently hitting 26. Must try harder!
  17. Welcome to the forum. Lots of googling and reading will tell you what you should look out for and all you need to know about the 350z. Going from a 1.2 corsa to a 350z! Hope you have checked out the insurance!!!
  18. Im running Tescos 99 in mine. Am getting 26mpg on my daily commute into work.. just cruising at 50->70mph for about 45miles each way. Im sure if I started freewheeling more and things like that i could etch it upto about 30mpg.
  19. Nice!!!!!!! Looks like xmas has come early!
  20. Very often there is nothing wrong at all with Cat D motors. I used to buy, repair and sell on accident damaged cars many years back. The main reason for Cat D cars is that the repairers which insurance companies use tend to seriously rip the insurance companies off. As an example, my missus has a small prang in her car last year. She rolled into the back of someone at about 20mph. I priced up the replacement parts needed - bumper, radiator, 1 spotlight, and maybe a new bonnet if i couldnt repair the old one. Came to about £400 all in, including paint. But, because there was another car involved we went through the insurance company. The Insurance company took the car to their repair shop and came back saying that her car was a boarder line write off!!!! But, they decided to repair it in the end and we got it back. I got a copy of the repair invoice from the bodyshop and they charged the insurance company £3200 for the work, and the car was only worth about £3750 or so. Had the insurance company decided to write the car off, I would have bought it back, and for £400 got it repaired properly. The key thing really if you buy an accident repaired car is to try and establish what was repaired / replaced and how badly damaged it was before the repair. Just because it was written off, it does not mean the car is dangerous or even been involved in a major serious accident.
  21. How did you get the TMC working? I have to admit I havent read the manual for the sat nav yet as its about an inch thick. Ive got the stereo tuned in to classic fm as I believe thats the station TMC is broadcast on. The satnav screen shows TMC on the map, in green. But, i was expecting accidents to show on the map or the road colour to change like on my tomtom traffic. ?
  22. Mines the same! I also thought it might be a prob, but looks like its normal.
  23. Sat Nav was optional, so was GT pack (cruise control, bose stereo, heated leather electric seats). Alezan orange seats/trim was an additional option on top of the GT pack - likewise Frosty Blue was another colour seat/trim which was optional ontop. Rays wheels were also optional, but some late cars came with them. I thought bluetooth came as standard with the Bose (GT pack) stereo on coupe`s but they didnt fit bluetooth to roadsters.
  24. Jesus.... who an earth would pay £1600 for it?! I get free sat nav on my orange mobile! But then again, if the sat nav cars hold their value better, a lot of people would be encouraged to pay that extra for it new. Bit like the GT pack etc...
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