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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I love my Cooper S, great fun car which you can just absolutely wring its neck. Mines probably about 220bhp with its mods and that feels just about right with its handling. Plus I can park it anywhere and not really worry about it.
  2. Guess it depends on which supplier your garage uses. ECP & CP4Less do them for £140 for the front ones, tarmac as above does them for £75. Ive no idea what Nissan charge for genuine ones but I suspect it would be a lot more.
  3. Some great pictures of my grey HR roadster on parkers website with he L66 UST plate on it.... https://www.parkers.co.uk/nissan/350z/roadster/review/
  4. My Twilight Grey 2007 HR Roadster was one of these promo cars with the LUST plate originally! I found a review online with loads of pictures of some bloke thrashing it around a track after I had bought it.
  5. Your blue wall above is correct. Its 2 metres from the ground level. You could do it slopping like in the blue or stepped. My neighbour went with the stepped approach which is what you normally would do with fence panels. I am assuming the ground the other side is on the same slope from what you said above so it should be fine. Boundry fences very often cause arguments as to where the boundry is. I was lucky that my neighbours either side have replaced my boundry fences this year at their own costs - even though technically one of them is mine. An erring on the side of caution they put the fence so it was on their land, which means ive actually gained a foot each side of garden! Result all round for me! I found my local planning officer to be very friendly & helpful when I undertook my house & garage extensions the other year. I could just call him up and ask him stuff and he would advise accordingly.
  6. I like the original 964 turbo, those lines are aweome. I have a 997 turbo and that looks more like someone took a 964 and sat on it. I agree with Attak, the later ones after the 997 dont look as good.
  7. I have race pipes on my Ducati and it is obscenely loud, but never had any issues with MOT. I have seen it where the tester has put down as an advisory that "exhaust is excessively loud" before, but never a failure. Speaking to a tester once a few years back they said (at the time) that the rules were a vehicle shouldnt be louder than a similar vehicle. He also did say that as nearly everyone has a sports exhaust on their motorbike then they do all sound the same anyway.
  8. Whilst you say Porsches dont catch your eye, the Porsche 996 turbo`s seem to be at rock bottom prices at the moment, people buying them for low £20,000`s. I cant see them ever getting below that. They have been in the mid to high 20`s for the last 4 years or more. That's a lot of car for the money. At that price you are looking at cars with about 100k miles on them which from experience is nothing. You could use it as a daily driver or a weekend toy without worrying about the mileage, sell it in 5 years and make money on it. Maintenance wise, they only need a service every 2 years or 20,000 miles. A major service cost £360.
  9. Holy cow! Is that what they are worth now? I remember a number of years back a garage local to me had one in their showroom for £12,000 and it sat there forever. Mind you, this was about 20 years ago now. I saw a convoy of about 5 of them on their way to show last year, that was a real double take moment!
  10. Sounds like it. Noone would try to kill 2 people just to rob a house. Or at least you would think not.
  11. Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!! Thats going to be a beast and 450bhp is good going! Good luck with the rest of the build.
  12. I saw this in the news and its something which is so easy to do. My wife is ordering stuff from Amazon & Next like crazy during this lockdown, plus local farmers delivering eggs, we have veg deliveries, milkman now, local bakery delivering cream cakes, plus Tesco, Morrison & Iceland. Shes even arranged for an icecream delivery today from the local ice cream man. We literally have 4 or 5 deliveries every single day. Its never been so busy, its absolutely ridiculous. I have CCTV covering every inch of the place but thats not really much use. One thing I have done is make sure the Porsche is locked away out of sight in the garage and that blocked in by 3 other cars as I did hear of people seeing flash cars on drives, breaking in and nicking the keys. My front door is a very expensive solid composite door with anti snap/pick/drill locks but thats no use if you happily open it to welcome the deliveryman/armed robber. I may have to keep a bat near the door from now on.
  13. That might actually be twilight grey like my HR was as I dont think they did gunmetal grey in the HR`s.
  14. Getting permission to shoot on land is a nightmare, very hard. I was fortunate that my old house had a garden which was about 150foot long, and was perfect for back yard plinking. Id setup beer cans at random distances and practise on them. My Aunt has a small holding and endless amounts of rabbits so I used to shoot there. I remember eating Rabbit sandwiches every day for weeks when I first went ther. Air rifle`s have become really popular this last 5 years or so and theres loads of shooting grounds now - but like you say, not open atm, but ideal for the future. Id definitely recommend the s410, very nice gun, easy to service yourself, pcp it has no recoil & you can hit pellet on pellet at 45 metres no problem at all. Buy 2nd hand and it will hold its value. The newer s510 is also nice as well as any of the Weihrauch range, but then you start getting into a lot more money & not really getting any benefit over an s410. Compared to a break barrel you will be amazed. 200 odd shots out of 1 charge. The Theoben Rapid gets like 450 shots or something stupid.
  15. Lovely! Mine was also an OU57 roadster also from Scotland, same colour as yours! Lovely colour.
  16. I went for the HR and didnt regret it. The HR engine was 80% new over the old engines, Nissan spent a lot of time improving things. Even things like having the engine lower in the chasis to improve handling etc. You could go for a non HR car which would be cheaper, but by the time you have spent a few grand on exhaust, plendum, air filter, remap etc etc you will only have the same power as an HR. Dont assume any 07 onwards car is an HR, there were quite a few late registered non HR cars. The bonnet bulge is a good sign, but people do fit them to older cars. If you look under the bonnet an HR will have 2 air boxes, one each side at the front. As above, make sure you have enough cash left over for maintenance etc, as costs can soon add up - but then thats the same with any car of this sort of age now.
  17. I have only been into a barbers shop once in the last 26 years and that was when I had to take the kids to have their hair cut. I have a skinhead, just use some croppers with no attachments and on the lowest setting. Must have saved a fortune on haircuts over the years. Did have an issue the other day when I had to style the kids hair with some wax or something. Was a wtf do you do with this stuff moment. My 3 year old now also has a skinhead as the wife borrowed my croppers to try and cut his hair and completely ballsed it up, so had to shave it all off. Poor lad. He looks like that kid in "This is England" now. Doesnt help that he is proper hench for his age. At least we wont have any issues with people keeping their "social distance" from us.
  18. Air rifle is perfect, that is what I use mainly. Air Arms s410 in .22 and a Theoben Rapid in .20. I do have a silenced pump action .410 shotgun which is handy but Air rifle is a cleaner kill and quieter. Your work premises sound perfect! Just get a nice big freezer!
  19. Narr, Pigeon tastes like steak, Rabbit tastes just like chicken. You can use any normal chicken or beef recipe but just use rabbit instead of chicken and pigeon instead of beef. Pigeons are easier to prepare than rabbits, you just cut the breasts of them and that it. Rabbits are a bit more "messy" and a bit more involved in preparing which may put a lot of people off.
  20. Wife's got a chihuahua, but its probably half the size of a rabbit so not sure how useful it would be. I guess if you are wandering about a field with a shotgun your probably keeping your social distancing. On the other hand, I guess people would tend to also stay well away from you if they saw you with a gun! Pigeon is lovely, seem to be loads about this year. I used to cook them rare and they would taste just like steak!
  21. I did say to the wife if it comes to it I will have to start going rabbiting again! lol
  22. We live in hope. We drove by the local park yesterday and it was rammed with kids & parents all playing and gossiping. It was like nothing had changed.
  23. That is disgusting. Unbelievable what some people will stoop low enough to do.
  24. MPS4S is not a run flat tyre. Michelin very often have a "discount for buying 2 and a bigger discount for buying 4" offers on, which ive used a few times this last year from the usual comparion sites - black circles, mytyres etc.. So it may be a case of keeping an eye out and waiting for the offer to re-appear.
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