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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. How it works is that they know that the new car is up for (say) 20k, they would prob drop that to 17 for cash. So, if you want it, rather than they say what they will give you for your car, they will just give you a package price. i.e. we will take your car + 10k. Makes it sound like they are giving you more for your car. Its all a much about nothing really, ive had the same with dealers and just haggle regardless. Doesnt matter to me if they give me more for my car or just knock cash of the new car, all adds up to the same. At least they are offering you a test drive. I went to buy a brand new car 3 years back and Seat did not even have the car I wanted avaliable for a test drive, and had no idea when they would. Peugeot was the same. Ford, Renault and the others all were more than happy to give me a test drive in the car i wanted there & then. Makes you wonder how they ever sell cars. Seat in particular offered me a test drive in some 3 cylinder 1.4 grannie version Leon thinking that would help me in deciding whether or not to buy the cupra! wtf?!
  2. Wouldnt worry too much about the fuel. Ive a car in my garage which had the same fuel in it for at least 5 years, and i started it up last year and drove it without any problems. If in doubt tho, just fill it up with super and it should all mix about nicely. Cleaning the plugs and making sure the air filters are not full of rubbish should also help. Zeds tend to need a lot of battery power to turn over, so you may have to jump it if it doesnt fire straight away.
  3. A dead rabbit. Didnt go down well with the missus, but went down well for the family when i put it in the stew......
  4. Yep, prob cheaper to just replace the back box than get a oem one. Looks like a very nice clean car. Has quite a few nice extras on it which would have been optional at the time, like the alezan orange interior, the rays, gt pack etc. As others have said, thats very cheap for the money. Id have expected it to be 8.5k You can always try your luck and offer less... you never know, if you have cash in your pocket there, then that can help the seller decide. I wouldnt hold much hope tho at getting it for less than 7.
  5. Nice! Have to say im not a big fan of black painted alloys, but those look nice! With regards to kitchens, i used to keep a motorbike in mine much to the other halves annoyance... ive still got the bike but long since ditched that girlfriend. lol.
  6. Theres a few on youtube with suburu wrx engines in them which look interesting!. Beetles were expensive when I was a kid, and I think they are probably even more expensive now tho.
  7. Makes me feel old all this talk of classic cars and people are saying about manta`s and 205gtis. I remember when they were brand new!!! In my day a classic car was anything pre 1980`s! Id expect stuff like 205 gti`s to still hold their money, they used to be really popular for hillclimbs and rallys so there was a lot of bits around. I still see the odd gti floating about here & there. I remember buying a 1988 1.9 gti for 850quid around 10 years ago, when at the time they were selling for £2500. It needed some accident repair work which I did, then drove it for a year before selling it for £2400. Not a bad car, very rev`y and quick throttle response, sounded ace with janspeed exhaust. The mad lumpy idle did take a lot of getting used to and you`d kangaroo along in slow traffic. Personally I preferred the Renault 5 GT Turbo - ive had about 4 of them, but you really have to know them inside out before you buy one as there's loads of bad ones out there where owners just dont know the cars well enough to look after them. Ive always fancied a mk1 cortina....
  8. In my golf tdi id used to always be in 6th at around 40mph and you can happily slowly build up the speed to 60 or 70mph. I used to always get around the 60mpg mark out of it. With the zed I was supprised just how much torque it has and how comfortable it is at low speeds in high gears. My commute into work is about 75% on the motorways, but when i come into town i usually am still in 6th doing 30->40mph without any problems. I tend to drop it to 4th or 5th if i need to accelerate, but it will happily cruise in 6th at those sort of speeds, which I think is around 1000rpm on the rev counter.
  9. Totally agree. I saw some advert on the telly the other night and said to my missus about how i couldnt believe how much lego had changed. Looked like nearly every bit on this "aeroplane" or whatever it was on the advert was moulded specifically for that aeroplane, whereas when i was a kid, lego was just blocks and long chunky bits of plastic, so you`d use your imagination and be able to make 101 things. Ive still got a massive wooden lego box up the loft full of blocks. This thing is huge, 2ft by 4 i think and has the proper lego logo on it. God knows how much that would cost today if you bought it! I remember lego railway coming out with the motors and lights. Now THAT was cool!!!
  10. My first thoughts when i saw that pic was omg did they really make a ferrari which looked THAT bad. Then second thoughts was, hang on... that looks fake.... and sure enough, reading down looks like pretty much everyone else had the same idea! Just hope the owner has told his insurance company about his "mods" else they will have a stoke when they come to do the estimate on an mr2. lol!!!!!!
  11. That would be a good project. If you can get one for the right cash as the mk1 gti`s always have a good following.
  12. I used to have a sit up and beg Ford Pop, I bought it to hotrod or restore, but after closer examination it needed so much work doing to it I ended up selling it to a specialist who broke it for parts. I also ended up doing similar with a Mini Cooper I also bought to restore, although I ended up breaking that up myself and selling the bits on. Actually made more from the bits than the car would have been worth had I finished restoring it. Its a shame really, but 9/10 its cheaper to just buy a car which is already in good condition rather than buy one to restore as the costs soon spiral out of control and you seldom will end up getting back anywhere near what you have spent on the restoration. Back when I was a lad, you could buy an old mini for 50quid and rebuild it from bits down the local scrap yard for hardly anything. Now adays, any old mini, even non runners are fetching 500quid upwards and you`ll never find any bits in scrapyards - you have to buy them from specialists who charge the earth. Same with Spitfires and mg`s... when I was at college loads of my mates had them, all kept on the road thanks to the local scrapyards. You can get a lot of pleasure (and pain) tho from running an old classic. Sometimes they are easier to work on, but other times, being able to plug a laptop into my car and the car telling me what the problem is, is much better!
  13. Best value £ for £ has to be the ipod hack i did. Lead cost a quid or so and only took me an hour to do. The sound quality from my ipod through the bose system just sounds incredible compared to the radio reception or the cd player.
  14. Awesome car and I remember seriously drooling over the original advert. Had I not bought my zed already (for a lot more than this one was up for sale) then id have been seriously tempted to snatch it up. Bet you cant wait to get it on the road!
  15. With the 350z 313 they arnt that old. They are 2007ish onwards and were only out for a couple of years before the 370z took over. Therefore, there should be very little wrong with them. I was looking for the exact same car, but in roadster form earlier this year and there really isnt many about. Most I saw had either 20k or 50k on the clock depending on if it had just been a w/end car, or a daily driver. Things I noticed is that the brakes usually need replacing at the 30k mark, which will set you back about £850 just for the parts. Tyres are also expensive, so check the condition of those. The pulley belt on the 313 tends to get worn out quickly and can show wear at 25k - only £35 for the part, but something to watch out for. All in all, very little should and does go wrong with the 313 at the mileage you`ll be getting. Check that the car has a full history - elsewhere on here you can read how the servicing works with the P1, P2 and P3 services, so you can factor in when the next major service is due, and what it will cost you. Id also checkout the road tax... the 313 is post 2006 so your looking at 600odd quid a year, compared to the 200odd the older ones will cost. And, the insurance.. you`ll be supprised how expensive these cars are to insure compared to other sports cars. Good luck with your search.
  16. K1 ! Cant get much louder and meater sounding than that. Bit too loud tho I think!
  17. My thoughts exactly. But mind you, my missus never ever test drives her cars when she buys them, shes too embaressed in case she stalls them. So i have to test drive them for her. Welcome to the 350z club! you`ll have loads of fun!
  18. I never had that one. Had the 8110 which was the one before that, nicknamed the banana phone with a manual slide. I even used to get emails on it back in those days and free unlimited txt messages! Nokia were good tho, remember the 8210 and the 8310 which were so small you could use them as key rings? back in the days before phones started getting bigger and bigger. Ive still got all of them in a draw somewhere!!!
  19. Not sure what os your HTC has but chances are its android. The s2 has android 2.3, which is the latest version. Not too many phones out there with that yet. It should be very similar to what your used to on your older android phone tho. I dont see why it wouldnt have full access to the android market place.
  20. Welcome!!! Cats love r/c cars. I got one for xmas and the cat had great fun chasing it about the house..... until he learnt that if he bats it over with his paw then the car stops moving. p..s works better on wood flooring! Have fun!
  21. Does the engine cover from the HR version fit on older versions? Mines the HR and it has the 3.5 V6 on it.
  22. i remember nokias used to be the phone to have, then it was the motorola's then apples now htc. its all about fashion and fads. All depends on what features the user wants really. I had nokias for many many years simply because they had all the latest features. I had email on my phone since the first phone I got back in 1997?!?!. The user interface on the nokias were always the best. Motorola went more with the trendy styling, like the flip phones, but their features and operating system were pants in comparison. I remember getting a cheap motorola razr as they looked ace, then being amazed at how its camera was next to rubbish compared to the 2mp one I had on my old nokia! And how sending messages was so awkward in comparison. Im still amazed at how good the iphone marketing people are. My missus has one and loves it and yet its got less features and 1/3rd of the battery life of the nokias I used to have back in 2002. Their marketing people must be amazing. Its like me bringing out a car now with only 3 gears and everyone buying it cos it is a nice colour. Then, I add a 4th gear and call it the 4g version and people run out and buy it - without realising nearly everyother car on the market has had 6 gears for the last 5 years! All definately seems to be fashion or fads with some people. They all want to be on the same band wagen. I went to a business meeting last month and out of 25 people in the room, 22 had iphone`s. What was funny, was towards the end of the day they were fighting over a phone charger, whereas my 18 month old samsung had only used 1 bar of battery. One guy was saying how he turns off email, bluetooth, wifi, all the apps, lowers the brightness down and can get a day of use. wtf!!!! On another note, has anyone had chance to use those new 3D phones?!!!
  23. Congratulations!!!! With regards to the K1, NeilP is right.... they are mega loud. Im sure my hearing has got worse now cos ive got mine on. With regards to them catching on the cross brace... from what ive read they all do that. You can fit some spacers in to drop the brace, or "adjust" the mid pipe with a hammer / bend it to allow clearance. Id probably opt for a scorpian next time around as they have good reviews.
  24. Orange dont offer unlimited data, its a 500mb jobbie if i remember rightly. Im in a similar boat. Both my personal and work mobiles are due for renewal this month. I currently have the Omnia HD which ive had for 18 months or more now and as an upgrade wanted something which would be better. Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be much out there. The iphone 4 is getting close to the Omnia HD`s features now, although still doesnt let you have an SD card, cant do video calls over 3g, the bluetooth just doesnt work on 99% of handsets, battery life only lasts 1day rather than the 3 days I get out of my 18 month old Omnia HD, and ive read dozens of complaints about the poor signal and voice quality on calls. All that, from a phone which is a year or so newer than my old one really puts me off. And on top of that the iphone is coming in at about £5 a month more than any other phone from my provider. I was eyeing up the Galaxy S2, as all the reviews and reports suggest its pretty good and is one of the few phones with better features than my old one. Unfortunately Orange is dragging its heals at releasing it, whereas its already out on a lot of other networks. I`ll have to checkout the HTC Sensation now also, as that also sounds good. The new iphone should be out around Q3, Sept time as Apple put back their release dates from June to later on in the year. Not sure what "features" this one will have, but it really would be nice if they bought out a phone which at least had the features of a 2 year old phone as well as some new ones.
  25. Its all down to personal preference I think. Mines the HR engine, so the last one (and most powerful i think) of the ones they put in the 350z. From what ive read up, the older cars with the lower powered engines are easier to get more results out of and you can get them upto 300bhp or so fairly easily with exhaust, air filters, plenum etc... But then again, the HR comes with over 300bhp or so as stock. But then on the flip side, you pay more for an stock HR model. Depending on what the 2nd hand prices are, it may well be cheaper to buy an older model, add the mods to it, compared to getting a newer one. I know looking at what I paid for mine, I could have easily bought an older coupe model for half the price I paid for mine, I then could have mod`d it and still have had plenty of spare change. I think it really depends on what cars you find for sale and whether or not you like the look of them, and what you plan on doing to them. My HR has the GT pack and came with the brembo`s and rays wheels for example. Whereas, had i bought an early imported zed, id probably have to budget to replace the brakes & wheels to something else. Styling wise, there really isnt too much in it between facelift and non facelift, certainly not enough to swing it either way for me based purely on bodywork / interior.
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