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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. 26mpg for me, thats 90miles of motorway driving, cruising at 50 or 80 depending upon the traffic with a few spirited acceleration moments. If you just sit there on a motorway doing 80 you can push it up nearer to the 30mpg mark. Interesting ive done over 200miles in a 370z roadster today and thats giving me the same mpg as my 350z roadster.
  2. That sounds a bit fishy. Surely a broken part should either be replaced or repaired without any visual detrement. Getting inside a car to see heath robinson rivets on broken roof struts is not what I would consider acceptable at all. Then again I am a picky sod. I will inspect it and see what they have done. Like you, I want it to be as good as possible. I can see why they have done it, apparently you cant just buy the broken part, you have to buy a whole hood. And the cost of a whole hood isnt something Nissan want to fork out for. If this repair looks a bit dodgy then I wont be a happy bunny.
  3. Get that in writing. Given Nissans apparent lack of interest (and ability) in fixing anything remotely connected to the roof, nevermind individual dealerships, it sounds like you've just pulled off the swap of the century. Ah, I wish. Service guy just phoned and said they have got the hood working again. Apparently it just needed "re-alligning". Not entirely sure why it would suddently need "re-alligning" out of the blue. They have also fixed the broken roof strut by drilling holes in it and rivitting the broken piece back on. Hmm... not my ideal fix. So now ive got to arrange to travel the 150mile round trip again and swap cars back, depending on if my boss will let me have another morning off work! Still, I get to play with the 370 for a bit more. Have to say im not that impressed with the performance of it compared to my 350. The 350 definately feels quicker. The 370 does have loads of nice little touches which I already had on a list of things id like the 350 to have... like the speedcamera satnav, passenger window auto down, indicator ticks 3 times when you touch it gently, bluetooth in a roadster, paddleshift, a better trip computer. But the biggest bit i hate is the wind buffering inside with the roof down. Omg! My 350 has none, but the 370 I feel like my head is about to be torn off, even with the windows up.
  4. I need one too. Explains why Nissan didnt replace the cracked one on my car when I bought it. Is there any reason why I cant just throw it away and use a stick on numberplate instead? or would the mount leave all sorts of holes behind it?
  5. I really fail to see how this will make much difference. I had someone pile into the back of my car a few years ago. They were doing 60mph and I was stationary. The force of the impact threw me back with such force that it ripped the front seat mountings from the seat i was sitting on. I was in loads of pain, was off work for 6 weeks with back problems which even 5 years on still give me pain. Dr just gave me pills and said it would get better in long term. Insurance company sent me to some "specialist" who just asked me a bunch of questions and sent me away. The "large payout" I got was about £500 for my injuries. The car was written off as it was so badly damaged. I spoke to the solicitors about it at the time, as i felt £500 was hardly compensation for being bed & house ridden for weeks and the amount of pain I was in, and the answer I was told was that was the "normal" amount insurance companies were paying out these days for whiplash & such injuries. So, quite how people manage to make sucessfull claims for thousands just for minor car park accidents I dont know!
  6. Okay, so dealer called back last week and booked my car in for them to take a look at the damaged roof strut this morning. I get there early doors - a good 1hr 30mins drive from my house, costing me about £40 in petrol for the return trip. I point the roof problem out to the service guy, he can clearly see the damage. I also mentioned about a couple of rubbing marks on the hood which look like its catching on something as part of the operation. I was expecting them to basically say yes or no to replacing the damaged roof strut, then booking me in to have it fitted the following week. But instead, the mechanic comes out, starts the car up and drives it into the workshop. Quite why it needs to be in a workshop im not sure. The part is not repairable, its just a case of identifying which bit they need to replace surely? You can clearly see this from just looking through the door. After a bit the service guy gets some feedback from the mechanics and tells me that the strut is a "piece of interior trim" so not covered by warranty and doesnt affect how the hood works. I explain my research on the net, that this is not a bit of trim, its the part of the roof and looks like its under tension when the roof opens which is why its started breaking. So, if it breaks fully then the roof will end up not opening. He goes off to update the mechanics. 2hrs later im getting worried as to whats going on. I also notice 3 or 4 mechanics all huddled around my car with the bonnet open looking confused. Immediately im wondering why the bonnet is open when they should be looking at the roof and why is it taking 2 hours. Anyway, the next update from the service guy is that the roof on my car is not working at all now, its now broken, they dont know whats up with it, but are looking at it and have their top mechanic on it. I have a look at my car in the workshop and its starting to look like its in a chop shop, they had all the inside of the boot stripped out, the glove box, seats forward, bits everywhere. In all fairness the service guy was a very nice bloke and didnt mess about, he immediately appologised and gave me the keys to a brand new 370z roadster and said I can use that until they fix my car. They dont know how many days its likely to be yet. So, I still dont know if they will actually fix the problem I went in there for, first of all they have to try and find out what the new problem is and fix that! At least I have a 370z to play with in the meantime. Sigh!
  7. Hmmm.. i`ll have to check up on that then. How I thought it was at the moment, was any car made after 1992(ish) had to have a cat. Anything before then, didnt, regardless of whether it came fitted with one from the factory. So, if you had a 1990 car with a cat, you could throw the cat away and be okay for your MOT. But, if you had a post 1992 car, you`d have to re-fit the cat before each MOT else it would automatically fail. Of course this only applies to Petrol cars. Diesel cars dont need cats / particle filters for MOT which saved me a few quid when the cat on my golf tdi went the other year - i just welded a bit of pipe on it in place and the MOT man was more than happy.
  8. OMG! I nearly choked on my cup of tea watching that clip. Hillarious. The guy clearly is on crack to paint his car like that.
  9. But many of us have used guys/garages who we know do a super job and are far removed from those cowboys out there +1 they want return trade,its good for business get friendly with you local mechanic Excellent if you can find someone like that. Ive tried big chains, small garages all sorts in the past with various cars and am yet to find a decent one. In fact most of my mates now bring their cars to me for their servicing & mechanical work!
  10. Mine definitely did and turned out to be a nightmare. But mine is an 07, so a 370z may not be as rusty underneath. I just jacked mine up and dumped it on axle stands. The nuts which you undo were all seriously seized and no way would come off. So, had to cut them off with mr angle grinder. Then, one bolt sheared off, so had to drill (took me ages) it out and put a new bolt in. Had to cut through the actual exhaust pipe to get he original back box off as there wasnt enough room to get the grinder in there. And thats all with me taking my time and being gentle. All in all, im pleased I did the work myself, as I know for a FACT any local garage would have just put their air gun on it and snapped all the bolts off straight away, then they would have had more of a nightmare than I had trying to do it and probably have ended up bodging it up. Ive had so many bad experiences with garages that i *always* do all my own mechanics now.
  11. depends on how well it fits i guess! you wont know what quality its like until you offer it up. if its a good one, then 87quid seems a bargain!
  12. Its actually 4 buttons on the left. The middle one is actually 2 smaller buttons. Ones the power on/off and I think the other one is mode, or something like that!
  13. dual cone filters? if you mean the air filters, they are panel filters on these as standard. You can get cosworth replacment filters which work well.
  14. Welcome to the zed world!!! And keep an eye on that speedo. Ive driven / riden a lot of fast things in my time, but the zed seems to have that ability to just cruise at silly speeds without you realising it!!!!
  15. Sounds like a nightmare. In the past when ive taken an engine out and stripped it down ive taken loads of photos and even video recorded it so i can see where everything goes afterwards if needed! Theres loads of decent guys on here, so hopefully between everyone we can get it all back together!!!!
  16. Nice! Does it just glue on or did you have to bolt it on?
  17. rabbitstew


    Glad im not the only one whose mad enough to use a 350z for a daily commutin car! Im doing nearly 500miles a week in mine with my commute... which is one reason I got one with low miles. I figure in 12months time the mileage will even out nicely. I just noticed, yours hasnt got the built in sav nav like mine has although im not sure if that affects the value too much. I know on BMW M3`s for example, not having the satnav affects the re-sale value hugely. But, I dont think on the zed it makes too much difference. So, 14k definitely seems the right sort of price. Good luck with the sale, nows definitely the right time of year to sell a roadster!!!!
  18. rabbitstew


    I think thats an excellent price. I had a look on autotrader earlier in the week to see how much my car is worth at the moment, and based upon what people are trying to sell the 2007 ones for at the moment, mine is worth about 16 ->16.5k. Yours has higher mileage than mine, so id say about 14k->15k is the right sort of price. Of course, it depends on whether anyone is looking for one at the moment and what they are prepared to pay. Yours is a good spec and a good colour, so fingers crossed.
  19. I got pulled for a small plate on my motorbike, but i was really taking the mick, it was 1inch by 3inch in size. Police just gave me a producer and I had to get a letter from a local garage to prove id changed it and that was it. No fine or points.
  20. Im supprised more modern cars dont have internal ariels. I had a mk5 golf for a while and im pretty sure that had no external arial and the radio reception was perfect.
  21. Do a search on this forum and it will tell you all about the various versions avaliable for uk & jdm. GT or not GT does have any relation upon the power. If yours is a 2004, I believe they were 276bhp ones.
  22. Yep, from what i remember the r32`s were the konig seats which had the bits which stick out near your shoulders for extra support. The recaros were on the GTi`s (both petrol & diesel) but not all GTi`s, some had what were called the VW "Sports" seats, which were similar to recaro`s, but didnt have as deep side supports. The recaro interiors also had the middle headrest on the back seat, where as the "sport" seats only had 2 headrests in the back.
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