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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. What??? I insure my Zed, a Discovery and a Golf with LV= for a little over £500 pa net. (Zed is £274 of that, excess £150, 8000miles pa). I live in rural Worcestershire, clean license. 75%NCB protected. Whose that with?
  2. Thats staggeringly expensive. My neighbours got a fiat 500 diesel which looks pretty much the same as that but its not red. Same wheels etc... and im sure she didnt pay 40k for it! lol.
  3. New tyres seem to attract them, esp on the motorbike. I used to get loads.
  4. I just wish id known how easy this phone hacking lark was a few years back when I suspected my missus was cheating on me. Luckily, even though she had taken to deleting all txt messages and clearing phone logs, she didnt realise symbian phones keep a separate phone log, which gave the game away to me.
  5. Been thinking of joining it, but i dont think it will be become as popular. Look at myspace... was valued at billions a few years back, now just been sold for hardly anything. I think facebook seems to rule the world atm unfortunately in social networking. But, google is a strong player, so who knows.
  6. You were lucky there I think! The amount of nutters and looneys I see on the roads, I always wonder what would happen if 2 looneys came up against eachother with a spot of road rage. When I didnt do as many miles driving I used to get very wound up with traffic jams and stupid drivers - like the 4x4 person you mention. But, then when I started driving 35k miles a year and was stuck in traffic jams all the time I sort of got used to them, so they dont bother me now. I just sit back, put some music on and chill out. But looking back, when I was younger I used to do a lot of bodybuilding and id find myself getting into some serious rages at other motorists. Never got out the car and threatened anyone, but I do remember doing an emergency stop at 80mph in the fast lane once because some idiot was about 1inch behind my back bumper. Needless to say the guy backed off pretty quick and I was able to continue my journey not worrying about the idiot behind me.
  7. When i bought mine, my first thoughts were the same. But, having used the sat nav loads over the last few months I have to say it works perfectly on the street names. It has found *all* the places ive been to and not once has it not had a clue. It even seems to know the industrial estate roads where I work, which do not show up on my tomtom with the latest tomtom map. The only thing which id like to see on the 350z satnav is speed cameras, which come on the 370z`s satnav as standard.
  8. Yeah, i used to use motorbikes for work too. Ended up wreaking 2 bikes with mileage. In the end I was using my R1 and was getting through a set of tyres every 6 weeks and when the weekend came I just did not want to go out on the bike any more. So, i switched to using the car. Still, biking was very satisfying with traffic jams! I knew id get to work in 30mins regardless of traffic!
  9. The problem some of us have is that there really is no suitable alternative to using the car. My commute is 42miles each way into work. I could get the train. But, its a 6mile drive to the train station, the train costs 18quid, then at the other end, the station is the opposite side of the city from where I work - so it would be 50minute walk or a long cycle ride to get into work. Comparing that to commuting into work in my old golf tdi, it used to cost me about £6.50 a day in diesel. No comparison really. Of course the 350z isnt as economical as the golf tdi, so its costing me around £20 a day just on fuel, but still reasonable compared to the cost of public transport. Compare that to Australia for example. I was there earlier in the year and an equivalent train ride into the centre of Brisbane only cost about 5quid.
  10. Pretty impressive, but you just wouldnt have thought it would have the ground clearance to do that off roading. If I tried that with mine id end up with half a field in the subframes.
  11. I agree. Too many "stars" seem to forget its their fans who got them there in the first place, so fair play on him for doing the interview. Whose next on the list?!
  12. Id have asked him if he still clocks cars. I seem to remember he was busted at one time or another for selling a Vauxhall Cavalier that had been clocked down from 100k+ miles to a more respectible 27k miles!
  13. Doesnt sound normal. The bodywork on the 350 does seem good. But, other bits of metal on the car, esp stuff under the car like the exhaust seem to rust mega quickly.
  14. This explains why I saw hundreds of old retro cars driving about on the roads near the pod. I kept doing double takes as there were cars I hadnt seen for years driving about!
  15. Yep, my missus did the course a few weeks back. You have the choice of a 60quid fine and 3 points, or £95 to do the course and NO points. She opted for the course. I thought it would be just 3hours of brain washing about how speed kills, but she said it wasnt like that at all and she actually enjoyed it. She came away with loads of handy information and now keeps telling me things - like how you known what the speed limit is in areas with no signs, or how you should check your seatbelts work reguarly etc. etc.
  16. rabbitstew


    Thanks for the kind words matey. Ive got it on pistonheads where else would be a good place to advertise? Autotrader is still the place most people look. I think they are a bit expensive though, which is why they are mainly car dealers on there. But, its the site most people look at when they are buying a car. You could always try the local free-ad websites like loot & preloved etc.. some of them are cheap. I actually sold my last car on ebay. There are millions of ebayers out there and things will fetch the market price (i.e. what joe public is prepared to pay for it). I stuck my car on there with a 99p starting bid, I had 70 people watching it and sold it for exactly what I had worked out it was worth based upon previous selling prices & prices on autotrader.
  17. Totally awesome car and very rare. I would definately return to stock before you sell. With that low mileage the car will be very appealing to a collector.
  18. rabbitstew


    Dont get dis-heartened mate. Its all about the right person coming along at the right time. People are still buying.. i bought mine a few months back. This forum though isnt the best place to try and sell it though, as most people on here already have a 350z! Your better off on autotrader, ebay or piston heads. Good luck.
  19. Dont normally bet on the boxing, but had a flutter on this and needless to say lost!
  20. I considered keeping my old car for use in the week and driving the zed just at the weekends. My main reason was that I do 500miles a week, and my old car was doing 60mpg, tyres cost 25quid each and it cost me hardly anything to service myself. But where the idea fell down for me was the insurance. I got loads of quotes and even though im nearly 40, and have 18 years ncb, the cost of insuring the 2nd car threw the whole idea in the bin. I would have though the insurance company would have welcomed the idea of me driving a cheap 2nd car rather than the zed in the week, as surely that would drastically reduce the risk of me having an accident or making a claim. But, instead they wanted something like 550quid on top of the 800quid the zed is costing just to insure the old banger. I was execting the zed premium to be reduced due to lack of risk, and the 2nd car costing a lot less. So I sold the old banger now use the zed full time every day as my main car. If you are only driving at the weekends anyway, then i wouldnt think having a second car would be worth it. You can fit load of stuff in the zed, incl golf clubs!
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