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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I ran the camber pin mod on my 123d coupe and didnt get around to adding the M3 lower arms etc, but even with the stock dunlop runflats my 123d handled miles better than both my 350z and even my 997 turbo. It just felt perfect. The grip also was really good. So I can only imagine what it would be like with the M3 arms and some decent rubber. Theres some very twisty bends (on a private road) near where I live and I could happily take them at a 3 figure speed in the 1 series with total confidence in what the car was doing. In my 997, it feels all over the shop at nowhere near that speed on the same bends. Ive already upgraded the active suspension module on my 997 and have a GT2 ARB to fit, along with stiffer engine mounts, but whether I will ever get it to the same level of handling my 123d had remains to be seen. One thing ive heard about the M240i`s is that they are being nicked like mad atm though, so that may impact insurance premiums for them.
  2. I had the same problem with my HR. It used to eat the belt every 20k. Nissan said that the belt should last at least 80k and had absolutely no idea why the car would eat them. They checked the pulleys & alignment and said all was fine.
  3. Still she was better looking then that 80 year old prossie he payed for a few years back!
  4. From the reports in the press, basically Rooney pulled some bird after a 24 hr drinking session, was complimenting her on her boobs, had a snog and stuff, then drove her back to her place in her VW Beetle for a bit of hows your father whilst his wife was away on holiday. The bird basically said she was well up for it and would have given him the goods had they not got stopped by the police. I agree, only reason he was driving her car was so a taxi driver wouldnt grass him up etc. All seems to have gone spectacularly wrong and he didnt even get his leg over.
  5. Bare in mind the cost of modding DE just to give you similar power to a stock HR. The HR was a huge redesign mechanically, from the press releases I read at the time, the engine was 80% new, they also did numerous suspension mods to improve handling, including sitting the engine lower in the chasis etc. There was a long thread on here listing all the differences etc. Either way, which ever you go for will be a fun car.
  6. Have to say I dont understand why someone like Rooney wouldnt just get a taxi. The only thing I can think of is that from all accounts he was driving this bird home in her own car so he could slip her one and maybe he figured if he got a taxi the driver would be straight onto the press about how he`d dropped the 2 love birds off. However, as apparently he`d been on a 24hour drinking bender you would have thought that no matter how "sober" you felt, it would hardly be worth the risk. I had a friend who id used to go out drinking with years ago who wouldnt think twice about drink driving. Usually when it came to getting to the local pizza place after a night of drinking etc. He had several near misses with the law but never got caught. When I lived with my folks and used to frequent their local pub, I think nearly everyone in the pub, including the barman got done for drink driving at one point or another, but that was simply because the pub was in the middle of nowhere, always had lockin`s and people felt driving down a few country lanes home was safer than walking & there was not likely to be any police around. Fortunately I only ever went for the "walk home" option. TBH, the only reason most of them got caught was as a result of crashing their car into hedges/trees etc. The only time I have ever drank/drive was one morning after I had been up until about 3am drinking vodka with my ex. I woke up at 7am, hungover, had no breakfast then remembered I had to meet someone at 9am. I jumped in my car and drove off without even considering I was more than likely over the limit. As it was I got stopped speeding and breathalysed. It was only then I felt an overwhelming feeling of impending doom and panic as the realisation hit me that I was more than likely over the limit and why had I not even thought about it. Anyway, I came up clean on the breathalyser much to my amazement and it was a lesson learnt. Still got done for the speeding offence though which was fair enough.
  7. I feel for the OP. I have a similar problem in that due to the layout of the cul-de-sac where I live, people are continuously blocking my drive in, or even actually parking on it as they seem to not even consider that its my drive when they are visiting my neighbours. Anyone with a bit of common sense would realise, but no. Yesterday I actually had a pizza guy park in my drive blocking my car in then deliver pizza to a guy 2 doors away. I will be block paving my drive soon, so hopefully the visual difference between my drive & my neighbours will be enough to make people realise, else I think the only other option will be some sort of bollards. If the driveway was right shape id put a 6ft wall around it and have electric gates at the front. I think first approach is definitely a clear sign, and leave a note on the guys bike so he realises that he shouldnt be parking there. However the violence approach is very appealing - I have actually considered investing in a landrover or something so I can push/toe any culprits cars out of the way.
  8. It may well then depend upon the finance company. I bought a motorbike years ago which the owner had on finance. I did an HPi check on it months later and it still showed outstanding finance. I actually called up the finance company in question and spoke to them and they said that regardless of what HPi showed I had no reason to worry as the finance was actually against the previous owner and not the bike.
  9. Back in the old days when you used to just show your license & paper bit to hire companies and they couldnt check online, my "friend" actually had 2 licenses. One which showed 3 points and another with 11 on it. Now hire companies etc ring up DVLA and with your authorisation DVLA let them know what you have.
  10. They can take their time sometimes. I remember getting pulled over by a policeman once years ago. It was his word against mine that I was speeding and there was no video evidence at all. He said he was going to prosecute me and took my details. I heard nothing for absolutely months, then out of the blue got a call from him. He had written my drivers license number down incorrectly and wanted me to give him it again which I did. Shortly after then I got the letter through from the police offering me points or court. Typically these days for 39 in a 30 you will be offered the speed awareness course.
  11. Enjoy the spare time whilst you can as before you know it you will be stuck back in the daily grind with no free time at all!
  12. Some mad mileages here. I did nearly 20k in one year in my zed as my daily. As others have said, if you can afford it then keep it. Ive 3 motorbikes in my garage and this last year have done precisely zero miles on them. I think last year I did 100 miles and the year before 500 miles. At one point id be doing 12k a year on them, but now ive a family I just dont get any spare time. Im keeping them though as hopefully at some point I will be able to use them more. If I was desperate for the cash then id have to consider whether or not to sell them.
  13. As a potential buyer, in my experience, you will find a bigger potential market for a standard car. Once the car has been modified you drastically reduce the number of people who will be interested in it. Its funny really as a lot of those people who want to buy a standard car will more than likely end up modifying it anyway, but thats just the way it is. So, id return the car to stock, get it all polished up nicely and get some really nice quality pictures.
  14. HR Roadsters are pretty rare in themselves. I had mine for 18 months and I think I only ever saw 1 other one on the road in all that time.
  15. That did actually remind me that when I took my 350z to Nissan to have the drive belt changed, I handed my keys over to the blonde receptionist, who looked about 17 years old and sat down to wait. To my surprise, she went out, got in my zed and drove it around to the workshop. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but I kind of expected maybe a mechanic to come out & do it, not the receptionist.
  16. Noone drives my cars except me or my local indi. But it is weird. I dropped my 997 turbo off to have a service earlier in the year and it was a bit unnerving seeing the 18 (!!!!) year old mechanic driving off in it afterwards for a road test. I remember years back me & a mate were out on our motorbikes having a blast and he asked if he could try my R1 out. So I agreed. I was on his ZX6R happily riding along with my mate behind me on my R1. Suddenly there was an incredible roar which I can only compare to a fighter jet as he flew past me in 3rd gear with my full titanium race akropovic exhaust system screaming at full chat. I actually lept about 3 foot in the air and promptly shat myself before I realised what it was and then my immediate thought was "holy f**k my bike sounds incredible" as id never heard it before without actually riding it.
  17. I use myfitnesspal for that, love how you can just scan the barcode on whatever you buy or enter values manually when you make your own stuff. My gym routine has been very scarce this last 3 weeks. Just didnt have time in week 1 at all as was busy looking after the kids whilst the wife worked in the evenings. Then we went on holiday for a week. I did get chance to workout in a commercial gym for 1 hr whilst I was away as there was one where we were staying. I forgot how much I loved working out in a proper gym. It was very weird though as I am so used to using free weights and there were all these machines everywhere which I had no idea what they did. Still, got one workout in. Then we have been back home a week and again I just have not had any spare time. Hopefully I can get back into it next week, as looking back at my progress ive made zero progress really over this last 18 months, despite being very motivated and enthusiastic.
  18. I usually get about 5 hours sleep a night. Id love more, but with a family thats just not possible. I usually am flat out all the time, so struggle to get to sleep as im thinking about all the stuff i need to do the next day. Very often it takes me an hour or more to drop off. Then I usually wake up at 2am to go to the loo. Then 4am the cats wake me up so i have to shut them out, and even if they dont, 5.30am on the dot I am awake. I usually leap out of bed and start the daily chores of feeding cats, cleaning, emptying the cat trays, tidying the house, make my lunch, iron my shirt, have breakfast before the rest of the household wakes up at 8am when I then leave for work. The wife on the other hand will happily lie in bed oblivious to anything until shes forced to wake up by the kids. Even then her first words every day are "im so tired..."
  19. ^^^^^^^ good question. Ive always found shirts to be very hit and miss. In order to get one to be big enough for my arms/shoulders/chest you end up with one looking like a sack of potatoes around the stomach. The last few business shirts I got were "fitted" or "tailored" (i cant remember what they exactly called them) from primark. I have a 17inch neck and these actually fitted pretty well without being shapeless baggy things. They werent the best quality of shirts but for the money they were fine.
  20. Depends on whether you decide to put a fixed sale price or want the auction approach. I usually list the car im selling for 99p start, no reserve. Gets a lot of attention and a lot of watchers. It will always fetch the market price, sometimes even more if a bidding war happens.
  21. I have sold my last few cars via ebay but they have been cheap cars. You will get really silly low ball offers from some muppets, but in general its a huge audience and in the end I had genuine people come out & buy them. Most people I know use ebay & autotrader, so id use them.
  22. I had some of these tyres fitted to my 997 turbo last week. I got 15,000 miles out of the Pirelli P-Zeros which were on the car and all the reviews on the MPS4S`s were good. Ive done probably 600 miles on them already and my god, the difference is night & day. The grip is a million times better. I can actually feel the road. Now I can actually feel what the car is doing I can boot it coming out of bends and the back end just grips and thrusts you out like a rocket. I just couldnt believe the difference. Not only that, road noise is miles lower. The cabin is so much quieter now that I can actually hear new engine/transmission noises I couldnt hear before. All in all a great choice of tyre. I got them fitted for £880, which was a pretty good price for the turbo sizes which are 235 front and 305 back.
  23. I sold a ton of classic mini bits on ebay a few years back and tbh I just used royal mail / parcel force for pretty much everything except the engine/gearbox/wheels/interior which I had buyer collect only. I sent bits all over the world!
  24. I remember an instance where a bloke sold his motorbike to someone else. That person didnt bother insuring it and then stacked it big time into someones car. The bloke who sold the bike hadnt had chance to cancel his insurance yet. The insurance company of the car owner successfully claimed off the sellers insurance company for all the repairs & damages etc. Even though it was nothing to do with the seller. With regards to adding girlfriends / wifes, up until recently I always found it actually reduced my premium. However, once I got married, adding my wife to my policy actually increased it. But then again, I found once I told insurance companies I was now married rather than living with my other half, that actually increased my premium anyway. Maybe they figure married men are going to be mega stressed and likely to drive more aggressively? Ive got the wife added to my 911 policy, but I have never let her drive it, its more of a "just in case" thing.
  25. Some of those sandwich plates have a oil temp sensor which screws in the side of them. This effectively stops the oil going through the external oil cooler until its reached a certain temperature, after which it opens up and allows the oil through.
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