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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Searching will tell you. But it varys depends on how you drive it. If you use it for every day driving, mainly crusing with the odd blat your`ll get about 300->320miles on a tank, about an average of 25->26mpg. If its just a w/end car when your going to mainly be giving it some stick, you`ll be down to 160->200. One guy on here said he got 400miles out of a tank... but i think you`d have to drive seriously conservatively to get that.
  2. Looks nice! And had loads of extras on it. I still cant get my head around black rims tho, it really doesnt show them off. You may as well have steel wheels painted black. But, thats just my opinion and everyone else I know loves them! Excellent choice of colour car too!
  3. I agree, I am pretty sure cooling fans are not part of an MOT, so this shouldnt be an advisory, just more like friendly advice. They probably noticed the fans didnt kick in and the temp started going up when they were doing the emmisions test. Fans are easy to check, leave car idling and keep an eye on the temp gauge and the fans. They should kick in. They arent cheap to replace mind you!!!!! But a lot cheaper than a blown head gasket as a result of the engine over heating.
  4. Down to 12.75 now at end of today. From what ive seen everytime positive news is released, the price seems to drop. Looking at the buy / sells, I dont understand it. People were buying at 13.48 when I looked earlier, and yet people were selling at 13.00 or 13.25. Why sell at below the market price, surely that drives the price down? If someone is prepared to pay 13.48, let them have it for that, or higher.
  5. Well, looks like RRL is down to 13.x now. Lowest ive seen it in a while, if it keeps dropping at this rate it will be back to 5p by xmas.
  6. No kidding. Supprised the garage didnt just put "bronze colour car, 4 wheels and steering wheel". I really dont understand sellers like that. Do they not want to sell it? Id have thought they would write a nice advert for it, really trying to sell the car etc...
  7. kin ell, i could have bought 2 of them for what i paid for mine a few months back. Looks like a nice clean motor, as others have said, if you can take someone who knows about zeds with you for a second opinion then thats a great help.
  8. Christ that was a good price!!!!!!!!
  9. Im dreading it myself. I live in a hill area and last year was a total nightmare when i was driving a diesel golf gt tdi. Very scary. So god knows how it will be in a 300+bhp zed. eeeeeek!
  10. £2000 doesnt sound bad at all to be honest. I blew the gearbox up on my Yamaha R1 last year and the local garage wanted not far off £2000 to fix it all. In the end I bought a very very low mileage complete engine / gearbox off ebay for £400 and fitted it myself in a morning.
  11. Legend indeed, I was a bit disappointed that you say you always serve pies with the same food for bench marking purposes, but then proceed to test a pie with star shaped chips. I mean WTF, that's bound to skew the overall rating against the same pie with new potatoes and peas surely shhhhhhh.... you`ll ruin my image talking about star shaped chips. In all fairness, that was one of the early reviews before I started sticking to potatoes. And I did have to add some extra gravy to make the chips more soggy and more non-chip like. You`ll notice I always use peas as the vegetable of choice however. Anyway, all this talk of pies is making me hungry now! Luckily I have literally a freezer full at home waiting to be reviewed!
  12. Very nice looking example of the zed there. Think you got it for an excellent price also. Welcome to the forum!
  13. I think Pie standards have increased drastically over the last 10 years, apart from the good (or bad) old Frey Bentos pie which seems to remain the same (speaking of which, they are on offer for £1 a pie down Netto). I know ive been very impressed with the Tesco pies of late. I just wish there was more selection, they seem to all have the established "favourites" like steak and onion, chicken and veg etc.. Would be nice to see more pigeon or rabbit pies. Luckily I make my own game pies, but sometimes you want that convenience of opening a packet and bunging it in the oven when your late home from work.
  14. Wow.... may have to get some of those and write a review on them for my blog... http://pie-reviews.blogspot.com/
  15. Its the same as any car really, they will drop in value over time. I think in general with sports cars that winter time is the best time to buy them, as a lot of people only use them in summer months and dont fancy ruining their toy with snow / salt / ice etc. In my case, buying a convertible was always going to be cheaper when the weather is rubbish. I bought mine for £14k odd back in March, and when I looked on autotrader last week, the closest I could find with the same spec, year & mileage was £16.5k. But then, the sun is out its perfect selling time for a soft top so the prices rise. We found the same thing with my missus`s last car. Personally I do not see the prices of cars like these crashing cos of fuel prices. Fuel has not been cheap for a very long time and yet these sort of cars still sell. Same as M3`s, M5`s and any other big engined car. Someone out there can always afford them and they are an enthusiasts car. I plan to keep mine for another 12 months, then sell next summer. Will be interesting to see how much mine has depreciated over that time.
  16. Welcome! Good choice of move. I see dozens of z4`s every day but not many 350z`s... its nice to be a bit different!
  17. I used to do a lot of driving and middle lane hoggers really get my goat too. Im wary of undertaking in case they suddenly wake up and pull over, so usually have to end up moving over 3 or 4 lanes of traffic (if im on a 4 lane motorway for example, and hogger is in lane 3), over-take the person and then move back over 4 lanes to the inside lane. From what I can see its just that some drivers are so lazy they would rather stay in 1 lane, rather than move to the clear inside lanes. I sometimes even see this with the 4th lane, where you are happily cruising in the inside lane, and a car drives past in lane 4, lanes 2 & 3 are clear, but he is in lane 4 and just stays there. Police do take a dim view of undertaking as I found out once on my motorbike. I was following a car which was in lane 4, the inside 3 lanes perfectly empty and he refused to move over, so after a while of following him, I undertook him. Next thing, blue lights everywhere and the car was an unmarked police car. He then proceeded to go mental at me for undertaking, claiming it was dangerous etc.. Fortunately he then got called away to an emergency, so let me on my way. In my opinion, lane hoggers should be fined 3 points. They should be aware of their surroundings and know that if an inside lane (or lanes) are clear then they need to move over to them.
  18. One major problem with the fiesta however is its weak clutch / gearbox. My ex missus had one and needed a new clutch / gearbox at relatively low mileage which cost her £1500. My mate had the same problem and my parents neighbour actually got through 2 in the space of about 20,000 miles.
  19. In all fairness, you have actually just described my local Aldi perfectly!
  20. I'd say it was cheap at 3.7p..... lol, yeah a lot of people bought it at around the 5p mark, still, current estimates I read reckon by xmas things will hot up, so will wait and see.
  21. I really dont know what to make about RRL. I bought in when everyone said it was cheap at 24p, then it dropped to 17p. Everyone then said how cheap it was and it was on the up, then it dropped to 16, then to 15. Even after good news is released it still seems to drop or hover around the 15p mark. Still, i dont intend to sell and make a loss, so its a long term thing for me. Be nice for it to get above 24p.
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