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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Mind you, RRL increased in value by 17% on Friday, so anyone who bought first thing, then sold at end of day would have made a nice return. All a question of trying to guess where the low point is.
  2. Where do mods end? Well it all depends how much cash you have and what you want at the end of the day! Ive a Renault 5 GT Turbo ive owned for about 15 years. When I first got it, it was stock. First thing I did was a full respray, then the shocks went, so i replaced them and lowered it at the same time and fitted adjustable camber on the front. Next was uprated brakes to replace the knackered ones. Then the tyres needed replacing so it was cheaper to get some after market rims & tyres. Then the exhaust went so I replaced it a full stainless system. Next I increased the boost, strapped the intercooler and rejetted the carb, giving me about 30 or 40 more bhp for pennies. Then spark plug blew out of cylinder head cos previous owner had cross threaded it. So took cylinder head off, and got it all gasflowed / ported and bored out. Whilst at it, had the manifolds done and the carb bored out so much theres no choke on it at all now. Got 17.5% more flow through it which equated to about 40 more bhp over a stock engine before any turbo. Uprated head gasket and bolts to hold it all together. Then stock turbo blew, so fitted big hybrid. Then the new 2000mile old clutch went, so fitted racing group N clutch. Then clutch cable snapped, so fitted new one of them. Bigger intercooler, racing plugs, leads, group A dump valve, in car adjustable boost, quick shift gearchange. Then the interior looked a bit shabby, so stripped it out and fitted racing seats. Whilst at it, figured I never have any passengers so ditched the rear seats. Then figured may as well make it safer so in goes full multipoint roll cage and harnesses. By then it was getting a bit silly using it for work every day as it was returning about 25mpg, although it had nearly twice the power of a stock one, and as stock they do 0-60 in 7 seconds, so you can imagine it was pretty quick. So, I took it off the road to use just as a track car. Ironically it is quicker than my zed and has the same mpg! I worked out once it has twice the power to weight ratio than a Lotus Elise and because I did all the labour myself, only cost me about £6500 all in. Still, its an example of how modding starts off as a few things then one thing leads to another.....
  3. Thats not bad then! Cheaper than a new clutch. I had the same thing in my old golf. I was driving along and bang, clutch pedal to the floor. The actual pedal had snapped. I drove the 30mile home with no clutch. Dead easy when you know how by rev matching. Then had to get some replacement plastic bits for a few quid from VW and reweld the clutch pedal myself. All in all cost me pennys, but could have been an expensive job had the clutch actually went.
  4. Looks terrible if you ask me. That engine bay looks filthy. You would have thought they would have cleaned it up and maybe put some shiny bits in it. And that bodykit just is not my taste at all. Still, thats a lot of power there. Whether or not its worth 24k I dont know... as others have said it would be cheaper than FI your own car probably, but you can get a lot of other decent fast motors for 24k.
  5. Going very well! Next service is coming up quicker than id like tho...... and it will also need new tyres about the same time. So mega expense. Only expense so far as some new brake pads which i fitted myself and ive got another rear shock as i noticed one of the ones on the car is leaking a little. Oh and the car went back to Nissan cos the hood wasnt going down properly. You get a 370 in the end then? How do you like it? I had one for a few days whilst my 350 was at Nissan... I had mixed feelings about it.
  6. If its like the 350 one, there is not a quick button, you can easily go through the menu tho to turn voice on / off. You can infact turn it off, then press the voice button on the console to get the next voice update on demand.
  7. Strange that. When im distressed I tend to go to the toilet more and find it no problem urinating. Especially before going to the dentist for example...
  8. Yeah I know the feeling. I do 100 miles a day and went from 65mpg, 200quid a year to insure, 200quid tax, 15quid a tyre old shed which was costing me about 8quid a day to run, to having the 350 which does 26mpg, 700quid a year to insure, 400quid to tax, 160quid at tyre (which only lasts half as long as the sheds tyres did), and costs me about £20 a day not incl servicing and all the other bits! Still, its good fun as a daily commuting car!
  9. That makes me sick. Just shows the rich can get away with stuff like that. Ive always had the book thrown at me when ive been caught speeding. I remember getting 5 points just for doing 72 in a 60 once on a motorbike and there was no way they could prove it was me on the bike. But it was a case of either getting points / fine for not keeping an accurate record of who was riding the bike, or taking the speeding fine. Had to laugh at: "The magistrate replied: "Why would I wink at anybody? Do you think I'm gay or something?"
  10. Keep expecting to see wrinkles on it now!
  11. There are millions around my way mate. These were at Warboys. If im on the next road along, You can look in every direction and see wind turbines. I counted 52 once when my missus was driving and I was bored.
  12. In all fairness the weather was a total nightmare last night. I go along those roads all the time. Last night there was some car in a ditch on the a14 eastbound near Cambridge Services, which had 3 fire engines, an ambulance and at least 4 police cars + a traffic officer vehicle all parked on the road. The car was down the ditch nicely off the road and they werent recovering it, but they still closed off one lane, resulting in stationary traffic from Cambridge Services all the way back to Huntington / A1M (distance of about 15 miles). A few miles further up on the a14 still, I saw a green Clio down the ditch on the westbound entrance slip road near Hemmingford Abbots. Not only that, I was driving like a granny as every time I remotely put my foot down in 2nd the back end of my zed was all over the shop, so its hardly surprising he stacked his F1. What puzzles me tho, is if it was on the a605 at Haddon, how an earth did he stack it. Ive done that bit of road literally thousands of times and its all pretty straight with very very few overtaking places. You *ALWAYS* get stuck behind a HGV doing 40mph, so I just tend to stick the radio on, and just cruise along at 40 enjoying the better fuel consumption. I can only assume he must have been a bit impatient, decided to boot it past some traffic and spun off the road.
  13. Car was proper filthy here, but I spotted the storm on the horizon when I was coming home so thought id grab some pix. BTW all pix on this thread were taken with my Galaxy s2.
  14. Today is a sad day. Its been a very long time since ive had to live with a 30 something. Will it start getting fat and lazy? Will I have to fork out on some plastic surgery for it? Will I just chop it in for a younger fitter model like I normally do???? Anyway, enough about my love life, I noticed my car was about to click over to 30000 miles on the way home. That means ive done 7000 miles since start of April! eeek!
  15. Spotted Grey 55 plate coupe, UK model on Newmarket Road Cambridge, near B&Q at about 1.15pm today.
  16. RRL is 8.5 now and still dropping. Thats halved its value in just 24 hours or so. Cant wait until more positive news is released, it will no doubt then drop to 0. Makes me laugh all those people on the iii forums saying "buy now as this is the lowest its going to be, only way is up from here", when the stocks were 20!
  17. That's quite a good price really for a nice colour like that, as I seem to recall metallic paint was an extra £460 alone on top of the price of normal paint. Frost leather is mega rare. Most people seemed to opt for the Alezan orange like mine. Again, that was an extra few quid over the standard leather if I remember rightly.
  18. If the fans are working, then just make sure you keep an eye on the temp gauge in case its an intermitant problem. With regards to advisorys, dont worry about them, they dont really mean much. I had an "advisory" for about 4 years running on my old car due to a broken wing mirror glass. Also, one year i had an advisory for worn back suspension bushes.... i never bothered changing them and the following year they were apparently fine as they didnt advise me on them.... same garage... same MOT tester!
  19. Yep they are rare as hens teeth around these parts, although I went to a garage in stanground earlier in the year and they had 3 of them sitting on their forecourt!
  20. Seen this a few times now, on the a14 going west from Huntingdon, and on the a45 going towards Rushden direction usually about 9am sort of time. Im guessing the owner works out that way, as ive seen it coming in the other direction later at about 6:30 at night.
  21. Brilliant! I used to love doing these when i was a kid, will have to look out for one!
  22. I`ll have to keep a lookout for that then, im very often in that sort of area as I used to live in P`boro.
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