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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I can beat that. Missus is with Swiftcover. She couldnt afford the 680quid insurance they are now charging her on her old banger, so I paid for it on my credit card. Swiftcover for some unknown reason then took the full payment out 3 times! They didnt let us know they had done this by mistake, and the first I spot of it, is when I checked my statement 3 weeks later. So then we rang them up and asked whats happening, they act all surprised and say they will refund it, but it will take 2 weeks. So, Swiftcover happily had £1300 of my cash for well over a month. The automatic renewing thing is (if i remember rightly) called something like recuring payments. They use the original card authorization they got but attach the new payment details to it. Its all abit dubious, but obviously insurance companies love it. Ive had the same thing happen to me twice, once was with Bennetts I think. They quoted me some stupidly high renewal quote so I rang up and told them i was moving elsewhere and NOT to renew. They promptly then renewed my insurance without my permission and took the amount out on my card. I phoned up as soon as I realised to cancel it and they then tried to say id have to pay for that months insurance and an admin fee for cancelling the policy early. I told them where to go and they eventually gave me a refund.
  2. I was in Bournemouth the other weekend and and OMG police were everywhere. I lost count of the amount of fights and people they carted off in their van. Was not a good atmosphere. During the day it was fine tho! Haha I live local to bmouth and its not always that bad, they must have known you were coming More than likely!
  3. It might just be the light, as that front bumper looks totally the wrong colour in some shots. It also looks like the front reflectors in the bumper are either missing or have been replaced with some smoked ones. Anyone else spot the error in the listing "Full Nissan service history just had P2 service on 9/8/2012." All in all, looks like a very nice clean car. Has the GT pack, Sat Nav and the Rays wheels. Im not a million miles away from Bedford, so could possibly have a look at it if needed.
  4. I was in Bournemouth the other weekend and and OMG police were everywhere. I lost count of the amount of fights and people they carted off in their van. Was not a good atmosphere. During the day it was fine tho!
  5. Wonder what that cost tho? My mate has an old E30 which he put a 325 engine in, a back axle off another beemer which had bigger discs, the leather out of an m3, lowered with big alloys. Then to make things interesting he then he fitted the turbo off a 325TD onto it. Its staggeringly quick, I think the stock boost on the 325TD turbos are something like 28 or 30psi running through a cosworth intercooler. He really needs to get the fueling remapped as its all over the shop but he cant afford that atm. Best thing is, the entire car, as it stands has only cost him £600.
  6. Ah, but when people mention racism, they automatically assume its white people vs black or vice versa. And that clearly is not anything to do with these riots WHAT SO EVER. For example, in Birmingham Afro-Carabian people are attaching Sheiks and their businesses (even ran 3 of them over in a car and killed them) and Sheiks are out in force trying to protect their own property. Likewise, the pictures ive seen of looters seem to rightly or wrongly suggest that most of the looters in London are all of a particular ethnic group and in many cases they are attacking their own local businesses!
  7. RRL has nearly doubled in value since Fridays crash. Wish id bought some at 8p now, but you just never know when the low point is. Fingers crossed it keeps rising back to what it was a few months back.
  8. What do people think to Chariot Oil & Gas, my mate has just tipped me on them. Im just looking into them as I type.
  9. Hope so. He seriously anoys me. Still love the episode of "hardest men" where the guy smacked him in the head and he was reeling about. Fairplay to the football lads if they are going to protect things. Well done, someone needs to do something. I know id be seriously considering things if i was living where it was kicking off.
  10. If i had been the reporter i would have got the sack after smacking the stupid bitch in the mush. Stupid tart! my god were they real or was that a comedy sketch?
  11. The schooling thing is amazing. When I was at school everyone was scared stiff of the headmaster and any kids older than they were. You didnt dare mess about or be rude to teachers. You had to wear a school uniform and shirts had to be tucked in, tie had to be on. Anyone not meeting that standard was in serious trouble. Amazing how its all changed.
  12. Totally agree. the 313 is actually 80% new engine over the old engine. Its got stronger internals and is mounted lower in the car to improve the handling. I also think it would probably have a better resale value.
  13. Totally agree. These kids saying they have nothing to do is total bull. I grew up in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere. My parents had nothing and yet not once did I think of breaking in and looting the local paper shop or the local butchers. Never. I was bought up that you respected other peoples property and you never took anything which wasnt yours. If you wanted anything you had to work and save money for it. I remember working all summer in order to be able to buy a little TV set for my bedroom. I blame Jeremy Kyle type parents of these kids who think its acceptable that their kids behave like this and install no discipline or respect in them. I did see a trailer for a program on the telly the other night I cant wait to see. Some little black kid who thinks he`s a gangster who gets put into some rehibilitation program and ends up crying his little eyes out. Oh how I laughted when I saw that. That should be good viewing. At least the ordinary law abiding public was told a few weeks back that they can take whatever action they need to defend their own property. Ive a nice collection of shotguns and around 1200 cartridges in my house (all legal and above board), and so any looters want to try their luck with my zed they will have a nasty surprise.
  14. I always wondered why insurance companies dont take into account the type of previous vehicle experience drivers had. i..e have you experience of high performance cars. Its good that some now do. Unfortunately for me sky and other "specialist" insurers all came out more expensive than Admiral. Adding a gf to a policy can sometimes make a difference, although in my case, because my missus is younger than me, if I added her it was going to increase the policy. In fact, when her car was due for insurance renewal last, we did 2 quotes. One was in my name with 18 years ncb, nearly 40, full clean licence, no claims, with her added as a named driver. Came in at £350. We then did another quote for the same car, in her name, 2 years ncb, 1 accident, only been driving for 3 years and she was 25, but with me as an added driver. Came in at £260. Thats for the same people to drive the same car, but just changing the order in which they are listed on the insurance. Okay, so if she is the main driver, you can assume she would be driving more than me, but surely if you compare driving history between drivers, I would be the safer risk based on the facts. Of course, that was when insurance companies were using the very broad statistic that ALL men are a higher risk. Rather than say SOME men are.
  15. I use Auto Glym leather balm. First of all use some of the Auto Glym leather cleaner (or an alternative.... some people use leather wipes), then use the balm. Softened up the leather a treat and restored the colour. As my interior was literally brand new, I wanted to keep on top of it to stop any cracks or damage appearing.
  16. Fricking bizarre M3 for me was ~£1200, zed was ~£800, both with admiral. Then again, I am only 26, maybe they see the M3 as more of a risk with younger age than the zed? Ahh, handbag cover, what I always wanted It may well be due to age and the insurance companies good old statistics. I remember years ago when I wanted to buy a Honda Fireblade for £1200 off a mate, the insurance companies wouldnt touch me because I was only 30, and if they did they wanted about £1000. So, I went out and bought an nearly new Yamaha R1 (more expensive and more powerful) and the insurance companies happily insured me on that for £120. Go figure?!! Now adays the R1 only costs me £66 to insure for a year, compared to the zed which costs me about 12 times as much! I really do not understand their logic.
  17. £2k seems hella expensive for his profile to me at least. Odd that the 350z was more expensive than an M3 to insure, my M3 was a good £400 more to insure than the zed is and it was standard apart from the 19" oem wheels. Also think the zed is group 18, the M3 was definitely group 20. When I got quotes, the M3 worth about 13k came in at 630quid on the insurance, whereas I seriously struggled to get anything less than a grand on the zed. The boxster came in at £800. All just normal quotes from confused. Just went on confused.com, my zed coming in at £762 from privilage, £982 from Admiral. Even Sheila`s wheels are offering me £840 including handbag cover (wtf??!?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!) Wonder what is jacking my premium up. Guess i will have to do quote after quote and see what can reduce it. There cant be many safer risks than me.
  18. £2k isnt bad for your profile. Im nearly 40, have 18 years NCB, mainly on fast cars and about 8 years NCB on a 190mph motorbike, I live in the middle of nowhere in a quiet town near Northampton in a quiet cul-de-sac full of pensioners, and I was quoted 1400quid from the "specialist insurers". I got that down to about 700->800 from Admiral. Which was about 300quid dearer than a BMW M3 or a Porsche Boxster would have cost me. Seems the zed for some reason is a much higher risk. Maybe its because they are a lot rarer or repairs are more expensive?
  19. Id have said around the 14k mark if its a nice example with full history. The problem you will have is trying to find a buyer, as you have to be in the right place at the right time. So, selling to a garage is very tempting as its a quick sale, but like you know, they wont offer top dollar as they know also its a tough car to sell. Good luck with the sale.
  20. +4, sometimes on cars, the bumper flex`s, the beam behind buckles, which can cause damage with aircon rad, cooling, fans etc, then the bumper just "pops" back, effectively hiding the damage behind it. Hopefully fingers crossed you are okay, it sounds like it was a very low speed accident.
  21. Im not sure how Nissan compares to VW`s but when I retro fitted cruise control to my old golf, not only did I have to fit the controls and wire them into the loom, but I had to enable cruise control on the cars ECU using the ODB2 software. Easily done tho.
  22. Done this a few months back and wired up an ipod lead to it, but was getting anoyed with the ipod`s limited storage and I hate the ipod controls. So, yesterday swapped out the ipod lead for a normal 3.5mm plug lead. Now I can plug in my samsung galaxy s2 with its 50gb of storage. All works fine, and the output from the galaxy actually sounds miles better than the ipod! Result! I drilled a small hole in the bottom of the cubby hole next to the handbrake (mines a facelift car), then fed the wire through that. So, I can put the phone in the cubby. All looks nice and stealth.
  23. 65k in 4 years is average. Most people do 12->15k a year, so thats about 60k in 4 years. Personally I do about 25k a year. You do find a lot of zeds are weekend cars, so do have lower than average mileage, but this is reflected in the price of this one.
  24. SAM... cool, that should keep its value!
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