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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. In fairness that Mini can be hustled incredibly quickly, and the BMW is no slouch either on track. You may not be going as quick in the Zed, but you'd be having more fun Yep, I also notice most of those cars didnt get above 110 / 120 which means the zed would have still been in 4th gear and just getting warmed up.
  2. My god, thats even worse. 350z slower than a mini and a z4 3.0i. I may as well sell it now!
  3. All depends on the area I guess. I worked out when I sold my house, factoring in the amount it had increased in value over the 10 years I owned it, that I would have made more money by just keeping the money in the bank. Good luck with finding one. Everyone seems to want "doer upper" houses these days, so the price of them costs you nearly as much as one which has already been done up. For example, the house I sold in March, I spent 30k restoring. Everything was done. Even spent over £1000 in the hallway alone. Triple garage built, landscaped gardens, every room redone, new flooring, new kitchen, bathroom, double glazing, you name it, it was all done. All in neutral colours so people could move straight in. It sold for EXACTLY the same price as an identical house 3 doors away sold for a few weeks before which needed TOTAL renovation, had no garage and the garden was a tip.
  4. Haha, it had me disappointed at first as well. Yes it's low down, but according to that list it's still as fast as an M3 (one place above it) and only a second slower than a 911 (assuming 996) turbo. That's how you know the list isn't quite right.. especially when an R32 Golf went faster than all of those three!? Yeah good point. I remember when I was looking at stats, my 313 was supposed to be as quick as the Z4M. 0-60 was a fraction slower, but after then it had more midrange acceleration. I guess also, they tested an older lower powered 350 etc. etc.
  5. Its strange, I never had that! Ive had that feeling before when picking up motorbikes etc... It maybe that i just dont let myself get worked up incase it doesnt happen. I do find though, once the new car / bike is at home in my driveway or garage, then the excitement really kicks in and I cant stop looking at it. Also at work, when you keep looking at the clock counting down those minutes until you get drive it home!!!
  6. woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a hell of a red! And what a transformation. Ive seen these kits in the frosts automobile catalogue for years and always wondered how well they would work. Will be interesting to hear how they last.
  7. That list doesnt make sense. Is the 350z really that slow? I am staggered at the number of cars above it on that list.
  8. Well with house prices falling, I dont see much point in buying a house. I put my old house on the market last September, and it dropped in value by 12% by the time I managed to sell it in March this year. Looking at the prices of houses in that street now, they are all another 12% lower. Thats 25% drop in value in 12 months. Sure, over the long term they will go back up, but in the mean time, you are paying interest on a mortgage for something which is depreciating in value, and still have all the expenses should things like roof need replacing or boiler packs up. I was actually looking at L200`s yesterday because ive always fancied one and was wondering what they would be like as a 2nd vehicle. First problem I saw was that they are classed as a commerical vehicle, so you have to get different insurance. I was quoted more than the zed costs me to insure (£750) as I cant use my 18 years ncb on 2 cars. Another thing I noticed was a lot of owners say the L200 is expensive to maintain and is known for mechanical problems. It also does the same mpg as the zed does. (26mpg). Most owners reckoned the nissan navara was a much better vehicle. Regardless of which car / van / truck it is, if your getting a company car and free fuel then its a no brainer. Ive had company cars in the past and they are excellent. No worries about where you are going to park, having expensive services or mechanical problems. Its all a big weight off the mind. If its a free car, you could afford to keep your zed for weekend fun until you need to sell it.
  9. rabbitstew


    Still no luck mate? No interest at all? Not raising my confidence at bring able to sell mine next year at this rate!
  10. I got a pie maker for my birthday which lets you do just that. Any left overs, chop up, bung in it with some ready rolled pastry and hey presto nice little pies for snacks!
  11. Wow, that seems a good price! Welcome to the forum!!!
  12. Purely depends on how bored the copper is I think. My mate ran his car with no front plate and a mis-spaced rear plate for about 5 years without any problems at all. I think he now has a front plate but they are both mis-spaced. Again, no problems. Also, a local chav I see every day for the last 2 years parked outside the local spar has a corsa with no front plate and the plate just stuck on his dash in the front window screen. I guess in some areas the police are more tolerant of such petty offenses and would rather spend their time targeting real criminals.
  13. Wow what a quick response! Thanks everyone for a kind welcome! Buster, I went for black with the orangey/brown leather (dunno what that colour is called). I've wanted a zed since they came out and test drove one and fell for it! Can't wait... Rich Alezan Orange its called mate. Ive got the same. Im just down the road from you in Rushden. If you need any advice or fancy a meet up give us a shout. Welcome to the 350z club!!!
  14. Your right it does knock your confidence. After I managed to escape from the evil CEO, the company I went to had head hunted me and created a position for me. The company was in dire straits and I spent 8 months fixing it, did an excellent job if i may say so. My boss asked me to do a 12month plan, so i did. After which his attitude to me changed, and he kept picking holes in my work but couldnt find any. In the end he told me outright he was going to sack me. I spoke to HR and they went mad as you cant just say that, but sure enough they then went through a 2 month made up "redundancy" process to get rid of me. I then found out that my boss had done the same with the person who had my job before me. He sacked her purely because he didnt like her. I managed to meet up with her and gave her a statement which helped her in court win a tribunal against the company. I never bothered pursuing that avenue myself as I just fell into a depression as my GF had left me and moved out of our house litterally 4 weeks before I also lost my job. It took me a long time to get my confidence back up, but the thing to remember is that its not your fault, its just other people who are insecure. So the OP needs to keep his head high, get that CV sorted and look elsewhere. In the meantime, keep records and dont rise to the other peoples bullying.
  15. Spot on. Only you can tailor your experience on your CV. We can give advice on presentation or wording, but not experience. First things first though, it sounds like you are a victim of workplace bullying. Ive had it myself twice. First thing you need to do is to make a note of everything this guy says and does which is threatening towards you. Speak to your HR if you can asap so they are aware of it. Then, if they do sack you, you can take them to a tribunal. I had it happen to me twice in a row! I joined a small company and for some reason the CEO took an instant dislike to me. She was a fat lazy old cow who actually had no idea how to run the business and was just milking it for her retirement fund. The company kept making loss after loss and all the investors wanted to know what was going on. Rather then resign, she took it upon herself to sack all the senior managers one by one, trying to blame them for her failures. Anyone who knew their stuff was sacked. And anyone who was non-threatening to her position like inexperienced managers she kept. She worked her way around all the directors until she came to me. Id done an excellent job, so we was unable to find any reason to sack me. So then she went the "we are restructuring, making some redundancies and your position is no longer needed" approach. Luckily I found another job quickly and moved elsewhere. But, the other managers she sacked, some of them took her to a tribunal and won unfair dismissal against the company. The company actually went bust 6 months later due to the CEO`s mis-management.
  16. Cheers for the heads up, i will definately have to give that birdseye pie a go. Looks nice from the picture! Pizza wise, ive been having a lot of the iceland £1 pizzas, they are good value for money, and co-op do 2 stone baked pizzas for £4. Waitrose have an offer on atm, 2 huge pizzas for £5 in a variety of very flash sounding toppings. I had the "hand stretched thin & crispy with chestnut mushrooms, bacon and mascarpone" last night and it was incredible. Easily better than what you`d get in pizza express. Very tasty and i`ll definately be getting that again!
  17. I dont hang about mate. Strike while the irons hot and all that.... Initial impressions... Well, Waitrose does have a certain "quality" feel about their pies, it looks very tasty from the packaging, as always they show an awesome looking pie, with filling ousing out. But then I felt the same about the Tesco Deep Fill pies and they were a very sad disappointment. In fact they were the lager shandy of pies. Having had the waitrose pizza tonight, have to say it was totally awesome. One of the best ive tried. If this succulent looking pie is anything like their pizzas then im in for a treat! In fact, after ive reviewed all the pies in the world I may have to move onto Pizza reviews.
  18. Well, as requested, I called in Waitrose on the way home... no hanging around here!!! Not only did I get the chicken pie, I couldnt resist a couple of cheeky steak and mushroom pies also. I was going to get the Heston one, but at £3.89 for a small pie it was well over my price range! I`ll try these later in the week, ive had pie for 2 nights running this week, so i`ll have a healthy break tonight and have pizza instead. Checkout my blog later in the week for the reviews.... http://pie-reviews.blogspot.com/
  19. I need to sort mine out too. Looks like freddy krugar had been getting in /out of the car judging by the scratches on the drivers door handle. I really dont know how people can make such a mess, i have not made a single mark on it since ive had the car. I reckon either women with jewelry or the driver scratching it with keys as they get out.
  20. Good news all around really, this thread has brightened up peoples day, helped them swap healthy pie recipes, and best of all, you are keeping the zed!!!! Thats excellent news!!! EH370z - Not a word of a lie, i could probably eat half those pies in one sitting!!!!
  21. I use something called ALU by Belgom which I bought from a motorbike show a while back and its excellent. Lasts a very long time. is this it http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ALU+alloy+cleaner&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a#ds=pr&pq=alu%20alloy%20cleaner&hl=en&cp=6&gs_id=5&xhr=t&q=belgom+alu&pf=p&sclient=psy&client=firefox-a&hs=tep&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB%3Aofficial&tbm=shop&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=Belgom&aq=0&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c860da2aa08f7b6&biw=1366&bih=575 Thats the one.
  22. I use something called ALU by Belgom which I bought from a motorbike show a while back and its excellent. Lasts a very long time.
  23. Im impressed noone has lowered the tone on this thread with all this talk of tail pipes and rims. Autosol is the daddy tho, and you can use it all over your rim, inside and outside. It does take a lot of elbow grease if the thing is dirty. I polished an entire motorbike frame and alloy wheels with autosol and it nearly killed me the amount of work which as involved. As someone else said, once its done, its best to keep on top of it with some light alloy polish rather than go through all the hassle of repolishing.
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