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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. If its like most of the other cars ive done, its actually easier to just replace the whole arm rather than just replace the bushes. In which case you dont need a press.
  2. Iceland steak pie review now added to http://www.piereviews.co.uk Fixed the link for you - Neo
  3. Its making me really think about what i get next. I had the same problem with motorbikes. Insurance companies wouldnt insure me on a Honda Fireblade, but happily would insure me on a yamaha R1 for less than £100 a year. (In fact its £66 this year)
  4. That seems a very reasonable price for tyres & allignment. I need some new tyres soon myself, but am really scared that whichever tyre place I take it too will end up scratching my mint alloys.
  5. Maybe last owner treated it. cool tho, driving along at 70 in pouring rain with no wipes on.
  6. It must be the rear wheel drive thing.
  7. Happens at over 50 for me.
  8. just use a roadster with the boot up. You should be able to squeeze a couple of pies in if you pack them carefully. Thats a cracking idea. I think we have the way forward. Just need to find someone who has a roadster................................. Its amazing how much you can fit in a roadsters boot...
  9. Wouldn't the missus object? I'm willing to lend morale support with your new found fame and glory if you need it, and just happen to specialise in handling scantily clad females. Also happen to know a retoucher and photographer who could probably organise a stack of models if needed, although I don't know many that would be keen on Nuts. You haven't seen my missus. lol [EDIT] hope my missus dont read this!!!!! lol
  10. I was chatting to a mate at work today and we started talking about the newish Nissan GT-R. I then said I dread to think what one of those would cost to insure, and told him how when it came to insure my zed, the cheapest confused.com quotes were coming in at around the 850->900quid mark and even the "specialist" insurers on here came in at around 1100 and 1200quid. So he gets a quote for a 2009 £40k Nissan GT-R and it comes in at 800quid. Baring in mind he`s about 28 and he doesnt have as much ncb as me I was amazed. So, I log into my confused.com account where it keeps all my details, changed my car from my zed to a 2009 Nissan GT-R and it came back at 765quid. WTF? So its cheaper to insure a 40grand GT-R which is clearly a faster more powerful car than my zed? Out of interest I then decided to play with my details a bit. If I changed my status from "living with partner" to "married", rather than the insurance dropping like I expected, it INCREASED. Maybe they assume someone who is married is going to be unhappy and drive more dangerously. Also, if I added 3 points for speeding, that seriously increased the quote to around the 900quid mark. So much for the coppers always saying "oh it shouldnt affect your insurance and most companies ignore 1 speeding offence". Changing the job title to different versions of my job made a slight difference to the premium but nothing worth noting. Its also worth noting that I specified that the car would be left in my drive, ungaraged and the quote was with admiral. So all in all, it`s cheaper for me to insure a GT-R than my zed.
  11. rabbitstew


    Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed they dont need to use their window wipers whilst driving the zed if it rains?! It must be a rake / angle of the front window screen, but in my car the rain hitting the windowscreen instantly beads and the force of airflow pushes the rain straight over the windowscreen, leaving it perfectly clear. It was a bit strange driving along in the pouring rain this week without having the window wipers on. Of course, once your drop your speed down around town the force of the airflow drops so its window wipers on time. I wouldnt have thought anyone has treated the window with rain-x or the like, so just wondered if anyone else had noticed this?
  12. Well that wasnt the case when we first got my missus iphone 3gs about a year ago. 1st Challange was how an earth do you get your contacts onto the phone from your old phone. Normally its just a simple case of copying your contacts onto your old sim, putting it into the new phone and copying them back over to the new phone But no, you cant do that on the iphone. Old sim wont work in iphone. Okay, so lets try it the other way around... iphone sim wouldnt work in old phone. Okay, well next way I normally do it is to just bluetooth the contacts over. Okay, iphone bluetooth does not work with anything other than an approved apple device so that option does work. How about sending them through as business cards? that`s worked for me on every phone ive ever owned. Nope... no such luck here, i phone doesnt recognise them. In the end I had to manually key in aout 250 contacts. At the time I had a samsung 8910i and I was left just amazed as time and time again during normal day to day use id discover something the iphone couldnt do and yet id been able to do for years on other phones. No flash on the camera?! The camera itself was something like 2mp when most phones had 8mp cameras. No slot to put sd cards in? So rather than bunging a 16gb card in for pennies, you had to fork out hundreds to buy an iphone with 16 or 32gb built in. Have to use itunes? You cant just drag & drop music / media straight onto the phone using IE. And what an earth is up with the iphone battery? Smart phone`s have batterys which typically last me 3 days and yet everyone I know with an iphone is hunting for a charger after about 6 hours use. Then the owners say "oh its cos of all the features!!!". wtf? It has 1/4 the features of most smartphones and the battery lasts 1/4 as long. That doesnt make sense! The interface is simple and designed for people who are not technical. And originally when the iphone first came out, i agree, its touch screen interface was ace. The screen resolution was never as good as other smart phones, and its video playback was poor, but it was easy to use. One thing which a lot of iphone users "boast" about in my experience, is "oh theres lots of apps". As if the iphone is the only phone which has ever had this! I had symbian phones for many years and there were thousands of apps for those, likewise android phone, millions of apps. I guess if you counted them all up, there maybe more apps for the iphone, but who really cares? Once people go through the initial phase of downloading weather app, timer app, clock app, angry birds and a few others, you soon realise that there arnt that many other apps out there which you really need, and if you do, they are avaliable on android as well as iphone. I guess one reason the iphone needs so many apps is its lack of flash. On android and a lot of other phones you can just browse the full website in all its glory and therefore not need a cut down app in order to use tesco.com or amazon! Each to their own tho. My missus loves her iphone, so do my mates. Bit like my dad who loves his Nokia Classic because its got big buttons and is easy to use. I just renewed 2 of my phones last month and looked long and hard at the iphone, but when i compared the iphone back to back against the competition it really was a no brainer, so I got 2 galaxy s2`s instead.
  13. Sounds good. I just need a scantily clad female to assist. Any volunteers???
  14. My god. I wonder how many pies id have to get to be "surrounded by pies" ??! At least I could wear the "who ate all the pies" T-shirt my missus bought me for Christmas!!!! Just had a thought... wonder if i could wear a gimp mask? As having my face in a lads mag may not go down well with my boss & customers!!! eeek! Nice work though Cragus!!!!!
  15. Awesome . I used to get home made steak pies from my local butcher before i moved. They were fantastic. He only ever used sirloin. God im getting hungry now may have to have a pie for breakfast !!!! EDIT: For those of you who want a heads up notification of when I review a new pie, I now have a twitter feed! http://twitter.com/piereviews
  16. It could be a full page spread. Pie vs pie....or maybe even Have your pie and eat it. Not sure id be up for eating hairy pies.. prefer mine nicely trimmed and tasty.....
  17. What a write up and I even got a mention! I genuinely believe you could get a pie column in nuts magazine. I'd have to fix your spelling though. PM me your paypal - the Heston pie is on me. Cheers mate, really appreciated. Not sure nuts would be interested in a pie column, but if someone can arrange it i wont say no! Spelling wise, ive deliberately not spell-checked any of my postings as i felt that added to the experience! The blog is developing tho, bought a couple of domain names, now looking to host it myself. Im just glad there are so many pie lovers out there, i dont feel like some weirdo on my own any more!!!
  18. Right, just had the Waitrose pie.... for the verdict check out the blog.... http://www.piereviews.co.uk If anyone else has any requests let me know. I have to really thank Cragus here for alerting me to this pie.
  19. I got android on my netbook when i bought it, dual boot with windows 7. Have to say i never use it. Plus point is that it boots in like 5 seconds. Android on my galaxy s2 however is totally incredible.
  20. rabbitstew


    Sorry to hear that mate. Thats mad. I would have snatched your hand off if I had been looking still. I really do wonder what is putting people off. It ticks all the boxes as far as im concerned, and it should be the best time of year to sell. Sad as it is, its looking like the best option is to part ex it against something else which is more likely to sell.
  21. Phew! Had visions of you repainting a mint one!
  22. Black or white, will be made in china. Wont do much but it will look nice and have apple logo on it. Also, you cant use normal fuel, you have to use apple fuel which costs more. It will only have 2 gears and no reverse. But they will release that as a Reliant "iphone" Robin S update in 6 months time.
  23. In true apple tradition I expect they are saving Flash for the iphone 5. They really do seem to be about 5 years behind the other phone manufactorers when it comes to features. Look at "facetime" - I had that about 8 years ago on my old Nokia. Nearly all other mobiles (apart from the iphone) have had it since and you can use it on 3g. On the iphone4, it only works on wireless but its pitched as a revolutionary new "feature". Bit like the earlier iphone... oh you cant send MMS?! but ive been able to do that since 1998. So Apple release that as a "feature" in the iphone 3gs. Cant use bluetooth? Cant set mp3 ring tone? Battery only lasts half a day. Hmmm.. But it looks cute and has a touch screen so i have to rush out and buy one. iphone 4 can video in HD? So?, my 3 year old Samsung i8910 did that! I really cant wait to see what "new" features they pile into the iphone 5. Technology wise, the only thing they bought to the table originally was a nice smooth touch screen, back on the original iphone. At the time the main competitors screens were just not as smooth. But the other manufactorers soon caught up and left the iphone for dead. Apple cant just rely on their old technology and adding "new" features which are actually old hat. They surely must need to bring something else new to the table? Still, every Apple addict I know simply rush out and buy the new Apple gadget as if they have been brainwashed, so maybe Apple dont actually have to do anything? Just re-package the iphone 4 in a new case, actually make it so it can make phone calls without dropping calls, and call it a new "feature", hey iphone5, a phone you can make calls on... thats new! I still reckon the Apple marketing people are the best in the entire world. Who else can convience millions of people to rush out and buy an Reliant Robin but with a fancy bodykit on it. And they also make you pay for the previlage! Let me think, I can get a brand new Ferrari for free on a 25quid a month tarrif, or pay £100 for a Reliant "iphone" Robin on a 50quid a month tarrif.... I know, i`ll go for the Reliant "iphone" Robin! wtf!
  24. Hope you didnt use your original gearknob mate... Those alezan orange gear knobs cost an absolute fortune. You could have sold it, bought a cheaper one, and paid for the leather paint kit with the change.....
  25. In fairness that Mini can be hustled incredibly quickly, and the BMW is no slouch either on track. You may not be going as quick in the Zed, but you'd be having more fun Yep, I also notice most of those cars didnt get above 110 / 120 which means the zed would have still been in 4th gear and just getting warmed up. Also the smaller cars will have much shorter gears. Drop in a new final drive to the Zed and it will fly around Not to mention restricted power in the first 2 gears on the zed.
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