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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Yip......and why bother spending money developing 'logic'.........just use the statistics excuse that allows you to charge everyone more. I can't imaging there are too many people on the insurance companies directing board campaigning for lower premiums for their customers - lower premiums = lower profits. Exactly, and they only ever concentrate on the statistics to increase premiums. They never look at those which can reduce it. I remember when I tried to insure a Renault 5 GT Turbo years back. I had 2 immobilisers and an alarm on it, but because they were not "approved" they completely disregarded them. I also kept the car blocked in on the drive by 2 other cars... again, insurance company didnt even care about that, and it was also behind a locked gate with a f**k off nasty German Shepherd dog wandering about - once again insurance companies didnt care. But I ask you, if you were a thief, would you go to all that hassle of breaking into 2 other cars, moving them, picking the lock on the iron gates, then breaking into the 5 turbo, spending ages trying to over ride the 2 immobilisers and alarm whist having a big nasty dog sitting there watching you? or would you just go up the road and nick another car? As far as the insurance companies were concerned, they charged me exactly the same as one with no alarm, no dog and parked on the road in full view of everyone. I remember getting one quote from a company who advertised on telly that they were the cheapest, and it came in at £2800, third party only. At the time i was 30 and had 11 years NCB. Here we are, 10 years later and ive a quote for the same car, but this time with no NCB and insurance companies are quoting me £88 fully comp. Go figure?
  2. Having had some idiot driver pile into the back of my car whilst I was stationary a few years back, writing my car off, I can see why I may have been then classed as a higher risk of having an accident myself, as for months afterwards I was a nervous wreck driving. I kept looking in my rear view mirror and was paranoid someone else would run into the back of me. I had flash backs, and really hated getting behind the wheel of the car. I guess all of that made me more likely to be watching the car behind me rather than the car in front of me.
  3. Welcome! I looked around the same list of cars as you did by the sounds of it, and I also settled on the zed! Luckily I have the missus`s car for bulky items, although she isnt always happy with me with the rubbish I pile into the back of her car.
  4. Sounds like a good project, and i would take the opportunity to mod the car at the same time.. with different bumpers and paint etc... I used to repair accident damaged cars myself, back in the day when you could make a few quid out of it. But then it seemed the price of a damaged car rocketed up, so by the time you factored in the cost of parts you were better off buying a non damaged one! Good luck!
  5. No worries, the centre console stops it coming out forward, so you have to slide it out backwards. If you take your time over it the guide here is spot on. Only problem I had was figuring out how to get to the top screws holding the console on because mine has sat nav rather than the cubby hole - but for that you just pop the bit of trim around the sat nav buttons up using a credit card and you can get the screws through there. Good luck!!!!!
  6. I took the whole plastic dash panel out. undid screws then slid it out backwards. It really was just like the guide said.
  7. Dunno mate. Haven't tried the other type but these grip nicely!!!!
  8. No question about it. Return it to stock. At the moment good or bad, the tastes are not to everyones taste. People may assume some boy racer has been modifying it and driving it hard. The majority of people would rather buy a stock car and modify it themselves - even if it will cost them more. Likewise dealers may not be so keen on taking something non standard in as they know it will be harder to shift. Finally, in my experience you will get more money from selling the mods off seperately than you will get if you left them on the car.
  9. Mine was a total nightmare. My car had only done 22k miles, but omg the nuts and bolts on the exhaust were seriously rusted and seized. No amount of penetrating solution and gentle persuasion would loosen them. In the end I had to cut the old back box off. Once free from the main system, then trying to manuvour it off its rubber mounts was again a nightmare. Even lubing them up with WD40 didnt help and I had to get a crowbar in and lots of swearing before I got it off the mounts. Wouldnt recommend it.
  10. Yep, top are definitely roadster seats, in the optional alezan orange. The middle of the seat is a mesh material to improve ventilation through the seat when you are driving around with the roof down in blazing hot sun. Visually I think they look better than the solid ones in the coupe`s, although its a personal taste. The other thing with the orange interiors, is that the early cars had the bottom half of the steering wheel in orange too, whereas the later cars didnt - it was just the gear knob, seats and handbrake surround.
  11. bloody hell!!!! i think you have a leak in your tank!!!!!! Nar. Use my zed as my commuting car. 100 miles a day.
  12. Handy to know, I didnt know you could use more than 1 voucher at a time. I tend to always fill up at Tescos and havent noticed any decrease in the prices yet. I put in around 85quid every 3 days.
  13. When I had a 370z for 48hours the other month I noticed the brakes arent Brembo are they? On the road I didnt notice any difference with braking between my 350 and the 370. Both were using stock pads etc, so im not sure it would be worth the hassle / cost of swapping them.
  14. Hi Mate, only one I have on my pc is..
  15. +1 on that. They look so much better without the bungs in!! Still contemplating painting them matt black with some heat resistant paint, but worried it may look tacky! Mine has the bungs painted black and looks good.
  16. Pretty sure mine just slid out after undoing those screws.
  17. wow!!!!!! they sound awesome. They will definately be on my shopping list. £2 is top wack for a small pie, but the by the sounds of them, they have to be tested by the expert. I`ll grab some next time im in tescos....
  18. I certainly intend to use mine for my wedding next year. My car looks loads better than half the wedding cars ive seen!
  19. Looks good to me. 3 owners is good for a 7 year old 350. Had there been much wrong with it you would expect a lot more owners.
  20. 7k!!! That does sound like a bargain!
  21. Welcome!!! Some nice cars for sale on here if you look around!
  22. Id be interested in how loud my K1 is outside the car. In the cabin the noise meter app on my phone recorded it as 104db with the bungs in.
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