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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I always find it expensive browsing as I end up buying all sorts of rubbish!!!!!!
  2. Yeah ive seen them before like that on some of the alezan orange interiors. Ive seen them with top & bottom of the wheel orange, and others with just the bottom bit orange. I think that was on the early cars which they did that as mine is just the normal black steering wheel. Does look a bit ropey tho and his dodgy pictures dont help matters.
  3. Excellent read mate and think you have summed up zed ownership for a lot of us! Its the first 6 months of ownership for me also. I bought my car end of March. Was the first car ive bought where the seller (in this case a main dealer) refused to knock even a penny off the price). When I bought mine there were only 3 face-lift roadsters for sale within about 80 miles of my house, so wasn't many to choose from. This one ticked all the boxes for me and being an ex Nissan car for the first 12 months of its life it was fully loaded with every option and had spent most of its life sitting in a showroom, so very low mileage on it. Month 1 was pretty boring car wise as I went straight on a 4 week vacation leaving my car on the driveway. All holiday I kept worrying if it was okay? Would it start okay? Hope no-one nicks it... etc. Month 2 was more fun. It was cold but I still wanted the roof down. Some nights id get home from work and it would be -7 and id still have the roof down! Also fitted the K1 exhaust... wow... its loud. Did the ipod mod now I can listen to songs from my phone through the bose stereo -although with the loud exhaust its not ideal listening. Month 3 and im getting more and more used to the drive into work and the novelty of filling up with petrol every 3 days. My Tesco clubcard points are racking up very fast now with the amount of petrol im getting through. £20 a day just to get into work & back. Still, that power is great.... 2nd gear throws you back in the seats. But wait.... is that a clicking noise i hear? Luckily it was just the fan belt which was worn - so a new one of those fitted. At this point I also discover the Nissan warranty doesn't cover the paper its written on. They wont give me a 20quid fan belt because whilst they are surprised it wore out at 20k miles and was clearly damaged when I bought the car, they class it as a consumable. The roof also develops a bit of a sticking problem occasionally so back to Nissan it goes and once again... not covered by warranty as electric roof is classed as "trim". Luckily the garage fixes it as a good will gesture - it needed "re-aligning" or something. That K1 exhaust is still very loud. Month 4 and i realize my hearing is going. The K1 is killing me, i can no longer hear soft noises or whispers. Hmmmm... start to consider swapping it out for a scorpion. Commuting is taking its toll as the mileage clocks up and I start to wonder if I made the right choice. Those tyres are looking a bit low... and the road tax is soon up for renewal. Month 5. Some days I find im not enjoying the driving experience. But then I put the roof down, floor it and yey, its awesome. And man... that K1 is seriously loud. Starting noticing strange reactions from people who clearly are jealous, like the guy who shouted "gaylord" after me as I drove out of the local Tesco car park. Month 6 comes and ive done 10k miles already. Fit new DS2500 pads and notice the old ones are worn down to the metal, that's £250 odd. Time for a P1 service, so I do that as well, luckily that's cheap at less than £30. I also notice the front tyres were actually smooth on the insides! No wonder the car had started to tramline. So, a set of new Falkens... thats £510. Oh, and the road tax needs renewing.. £260ish for 6 months. Bit of an expensive month this month with over £1100 spent on the car. Also notice my hearing is definitely getting worse... having to ask the missus to repeat things she says now. Month 7 is where we are now. Insurance renewal is coming up so it will be an expensive month. Also dreading the winter - been considering getting a shed or a cheap 4x4 but the insurance just makes it unaffordable for me. Also been thinking about a remap. Had a few instances where the car really does not feel as quick as it should do. It feels like its missing maybe 50bhp. So, think I need to get it on the dyno and see if its on the money or a bit low on power... but not sure if I can afford that just yet. Also coming to the conclusion that maybe the baffles in this K1 are shot and I really should swap it out for something less noisy before I become totally deaf. All in all a mixed bag really. I think using the car every day for work takes away some of the magic of ownership. When it comes to the weekends, rather then going out for a fun drive we tend to just use the missus`s car as its twice as economical and it saves the wear / tear on mine. Opting for the roadster was a great idea and even though it was an expensive car, I think having the roof down really adds loads to the driving experience. The running costs certainly aint cheap, but then I knew that when I bought it. Im also worrying about whats the best mileage to sell it on... should I sell it now whilst its got low mileage, or risk having to fork out for items like a clutch or a P3 over the next 6 months? The car was always a 12month thing for me, so think i`ll stick with it until next summer and see how it goes. Really do need to swap that exhaust out tho......
  4. Yeah, i bought mine in March and the advertised prices of the same spec car actually increased over the summer months by over 2grand!
  5. Thats what my folks say. They think im mad having a car which drinks fuel and costs an arm and a leg to tax / insure.
  6. Sounds like a nice car and well done on getting a deal on it from the dealers... not often they knock much off. The traction cutting in is more than likely down to the tyres. Other people have had the same problem and its been down to mis-matched tyres. Welcome to the forum!
  7. Yeah one of my mates has the same sort of opinion of me driving a zed. Especially with the big shiny exhaust tailpipes, he`s always making references to chavs and boy racers etc... it gets kinda boring after a while.
  8. You need to check out my previous post on a similar subject about reactions to the zed. Ive had mixed. Some people think "wow, seriously awesome", but others think "w@nker" and such like reactions. All very strange.
  9. Woah!!!!! I hope you are making her feel really bad about this!! On the plus side, id expect many weeks of her trying to "make up" for this terrible thing she has done!!!!
  10. No word of a lie - my girlfriend (who let's just say is not quite the clean freak I am) had a mouse living in her old car (which was in regular use at the time) for several months. She's an animal lover and couldn't bear to evict the little fella. Needless to say, I am in charge of keeping the Z clean! ......Dont tell me she used to take a little bit of cheese with her every morning as well Mouse in car is VERY impressive!!!! Its that time of year when spiders come in from the cold. We have loads in the house atm. Ive got a full time job throwing them back outside for the missus. I really dont know how she spots them, but if theres a spider in the room she knows about it straight away. She must have some sort of spider sense!
  11. I did something very similar like that, but worse to the front wheel on one of my motorbikes. Had a hell of a dent in it. My local bike place took the tyre off, then heated the rim up and popped the dent back out. Its been fine ever since. So based on that, id say unless the wheel is physically cracked then its repairable.
  12. I had a 370 auto for a few days whilst my manual 350 was in the garage for some work. Initially I found it took quite a bit of getting used to. Having an auto in such a sports car for me seemed to really seem strange as I would more associate an auto with the sort of cruising luxury family car. The auto box was the 7 speed paddle shift one. In fully auto I found it a bit clunky unless you were driving slowly - for example around town etc.. I found myself just poodling about hardly touching the throttle. The kickdown in auto was anoying. For example, if you were doing 50mph in 7th and floored it, the gearbox would drop down 5 gears to 2nd because (if i remember rightly) flat out in 2nd was 60. So you`d be now be in 2nd for 50->60, then it would change up to 3rd. Where the car did come into its own was when you found a nice bit of quiet bendy backroad and switched to semi auto and used the paddle shift. It really seemed to change the feel of the whole car and the paddle shift worked really well as you roared upto a bend, braking hard and knocked it down a couple of gears then powered out of it. But, once back onto the normal roads and less spirited driving, the paddles seemed a bit awkward. Maybe it was just because I wasnt used to them as much? I had the car for a couple of days and did something like 500 miles in it, so hardly an indepth driving experience - but I did try the car in all the areas id normally use it.... around town, backroad thrashing as well as my normal daily 100mile commute to work. MPG wise, it came in roughly the same as my manual 350z at the 25->27 region so I suspect the manual 370z will be about the same.
  13. I think I may have a spider in my car now.... there was a cobweb going from the drivers headrest to the dash this morning. God knows how he would have gotten in there but he`ll soon be blown away hopefully when I put the roof down later.
  14. (looks at postcount)... your right! so I am. Oh well, best use it up on this thread whilst its such an appropiate subject!
  15. I know the boot on the zed is small, but even I think I can comfortably fit a baby in the boot of mine. Problem solved!
  16. haha it was more of a lip read! Excellent!! I was wondering the same thing and had visions of you being pulled over by another zed onto the hard shoulder just to ask if you were on this forum! I`ll have to keep an eye out for you guys as very often im on the M1 going to Coventry & back some weekends.
  17. Woah...... they are NOT ginger, they are Alezan Orange. i love a bit of ginger me ! Only ginger I like is the biscuits I dunk in my tea!
  18. Looking good. The only bits I dont like are the white centre console bit - I think it is too bright compared to the rest of the interior - although the white door trims do look good. And, the black wheels. You just cant see them! They may as well be mega cheap steels or 17" jdm ones if they are black. But, thats just my personal taste! Rest of car looks cracking. Really nice, esp with those headlamps.
  19. Im sure ive seen Corsa`s around my way with those exhaust trims on. I guess halfrauds must sell them.
  20. apart from clearance issues with the brakes Not if you use 12inch spacers.... and where would you buy them from Just buy 20 pairs of hubcentric spacers and build them up in layers
  21. Not quite sure how you`d get your knee down on one of them!
  22. Does the zed have like a dust guard behind the brake discs? On some of my cars ive had the same problem and its been the dust guard catching the disc - or some rust caught between the 2. Simply bending the guard away slightly fixed the problem.
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