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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. So you warmed up your bum and then stopped for a sausage sandwich I really hope that isn't a euthemism.....
  2. I thought xbox was pretty much the same sort of architecture as a pc? Maybe it isnt... i`ll have to google and see! EDIT: Just been googling and it looks like microsoft only do Forza 4 on the xbox as they want people to buy consoles! Shame as my the graphics card alone in my mediapc cost me more than an xbox would.
  3. for clubbing?! Seriously though, watch that Diazepam... its evil stuff. My doc gave me some when i did my back in once and for the first few days of taking them it was fine. I felt mega chilled out. But then they turned it into an emotional wreck. I suddenly found myself crying my eyes out whilst watching the start of Gladiator... I realised they were turning me into a girl so I stopped taking them there & then!
  4. lol!!! I remember seeing footage of cars done up like this last year and i assumed it was some old 60`s or 70`s film..... madness!
  5. Its a shame when this sort of thing happens. It happened to me in my last job. My boss loved me, then suddenly over night he changed and started giving me more and more work until I was snowed under. He then told me he was going to sack me and there was nothing I could do. HR obviously wasnt happy he came out and told me that as companies have to go through a correct process - which they then immediately started. i.e. "we are doing a restructure and you may be made redundant, we are reviewing options and will make a decision in a few weeks time"... It was all so false as I already knew what the decision was!!! Your right, the grass isnt always greener, but sometimes it is. Companies in general dont like promoting people if they are good at their jobs as they know they may not get anyone else in as good as you! So, sometimes the only way to move up in the world is to change companies unfortunately. Luckily you have got your old job back which is great news!
  6. Is this out on the PC yet? Ive a wicked media pc I use for gaming... havent used it for a while now, but saw a trailer for this game on the telly the other night, so may have to get it!
  7. Apparently Orange will now pay £140 for your old iphone 3gs - according to my missus. So, she could effectively upgrade for free nearly.
  8. Its funny, my old Golf Diesel had heated seats and i never used them. But actually tried the ones in the zed yesterday and they were nice! Had my roof down this morning... 9 degrees on the dash, but sun out = roof down for me!
  9. +1 Thats all i ever use so i can get me clubcard points Same here!
  10. I got home from work last night and the missus couldnt wait to tell me excitedly about all the new features iOS5 has bought to her phone. Conversation went something like: Her: "It has a Friend finder - you can see where all your friends are on a map" Me: "oh, you mean like Google Lattitude which came out a few years back does" Her: "I can sync photos with the cloud" Me: "Like google picasa / photos does?" Her: "If I send emails via the icloud it stores them in the cloud so I can log into cloud and see them" Me: "gmail?" Her: "Theres a notification bar, you can pull it down to see things" Me: "You mean like android does?" Her: "I can wirelessly sync now" Me: "Android..." etc. etc..... Have to say that these things are an improvement over the old iphone software and for someone like my missus who didnt know these things were already out there & being used for years, you would be really impressed with them! Personally I think Apple are being quite cheeky, trying to sue Google / Android phone manufactorers for "stealing" their ideas when Apple is clearly doin the same!
  11. totally mad!!!! Just need a big fur coat to wear when driving it.
  12. I think it depends on what type of owner you are and the car in question. I find the more time you spend looking after the car - whether that is customising it, cleaning it, working on it or driving it then you start to build up a relationship with it. You get to know every nut / bolt and every characteristics of the car. You know when its happy and when its having problems. You know how long a set of tyres last, what RPM each speed is in each gear, what gear you need to be in for which bends etc. etc. You may have even been through a lot together, when its broken down and you have been stressed, then relieved when the problem has been fixed etc... Ive had cars and bikes which to me have just been machines. Ive worked on them, done 100`s of thousands of miles in them but whilst I have that feeling of "knowing" the car and at home driving it, I happily sold them on and wasnt too worried about them. I guess at some point a mechanical object switches from being just an object to being a more personal thing. Something you think about, something you care about, something you have become attached too. Maybe something you have owned or had a "relationship" with for many years. I guess its very much like relationships with women. Some you just stick with as they are okay, but if you moved onto another one you wouldnt be too worried. Then others seem to hit that special place in your heart. Ive 1 car in particular in my garage ive owned for maybe 15 years now? Thats longer than any relationship ive had with a girlfriend! Ive rebuilt the car in the past, know it inside out and have many happy memories with it. To me, its now got such a high sentimental value that i`ll never sell it. To the extent that if someone offered me £20k for it, id probably still turn them down. Ive not got that "relationship" with the zed yet. For me, im still cautious of it. Like dating a new girlfriend. Im careful, havent really thrashed it, treating it nice and gentle. Ive not lavished too much money on it yet buying it pressies as I dont want it to throw it all back at me and for it to all go wrong. I also dont want to get too attached as I plan to probably move on to something else in 12 months time and hate saying goodbyes!
  13. I didnt realise you couldnt organise your photos? Cant you just create folders and copy them into folders? On android it syncs automatically with google photos / picasa on the web. That vibration assignment is very handy. Theres quite a few apps out there already which do that kind of thing - let you set your own vibrating patterns.
  14. Well my missus was very keen to get iOS5, so last night she plugged in her iphone and set it to update. I was very keen to watch as my galaxy s2 just automatically updates itsself over the airwaves. The other week when I swapped my s2 for a different one, it was just a case of typing in my gmail address & password on the new phone and automatically all my photos, contacts, apps, email settings, the whole lot just magically "appeared" on the new phone without any plugging in or anything. So I was keen to see how the iphone compared. So iphone plugged in. First of all itunes says it needs updating... off it goes and d/l a new version of itunes, plus safari browser and some other apple bloatware. Then it backs up the iphone, then installs new os, then restores iphone. Whole process took about 2.5 hours i think, maybe slightly longer as we had tea and watched grand designs, eastenders plus about 3 other shows. By now the missus can barely contain her excitement and refuses to come to bed until her phone has finished updating. So, its getting about 11.30 now, so i go to bed. Next minute I hear a scream and think "christ, burgler". Rush downstairs with the baseball bat and the missus is going mad because all her iphone apps have vanished. She then manages restores all her apps to the phone by resyncing which takes a good while. Next problem is that all the apps seem to have been reset into alphabetical order when she had previously spend hours organising them in the order she wanted. Still, looks like its all finished now so we can go to sleep. Thank god. This morning she gets her phone out to see what ios5 is all about and theres another scream. There goes my lie in. Turns out all her contacts have vanished. A bit of googling reveals other people have had the same problem and the solution seems to be to turn off the icloud syncing for contacts, plug it into itunes and resync it all yet again. This takes a little while so the missus is now anoyed cos shes late for work. But, luckily it seemed to work! Now her phones back up and running, shes looking forward to seeing what iOS5 brings! And im looking forward to a bit of sleep!!!
  15. Thats very true. Before.... After... And my mate still let me try his 200mile old Gixer out...
  16. If you look carefully that motorbike is practically vertical, its hardly leaning over at all! On my bike, I lean it over so far the exhaust is scraping the ground, so i dont have to hang off it at all - just stick knee out and there you go!
  17. Looks like theres quite a few of us 6 month people here!!!
  18. Bit of bad luck there. Unless its a common thing to happen at 80k?!
  19. I found an article on one website where this place actually tested all the main brands of super unleaded on a dyno in a scooby and found the best was Tescos momentium and Shell super unleaded. I always use the tescos one as its cheaper. About £1.40 atm I think.
  20. Ive noticed the same sort of reactions to me when im sitting there in my zed. Dont think my number plate helps tho........ ?
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