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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. One trick I do is to video it all. Get in close with the camcorder (or your mobile these days) and video the bike at various stages - focus on the leads so you know where they go etc. If you take your time and label things up you should be fine. Not just wires, but pipes - like the fuel tank probably has 2 or 3 pipes going from it alone! I swapped the whole engine out on my R1 last year, did it in about 4 hours taking my time. Only prob then is once you get it all back in, you have to assemble it all to make sure its all running, then strip the tank, airbox, seat etc. etc. off in order to get to the carbs to re-balance them on mine. Expect the SV maybe injection, so not sure how you balance that, maybe you dont!
  2. Had mine for a just over a month now I think and was worried I'd miss a turbo.... (last 6 cars where tuned up turbos) and haven't so far surprisingly! enough torque from all gears for me and enough speed that feels safe to lose my license if I want! That was one of the things I was worried about too. Im used to my turbos and love the kick in the pants they give you when you floor it. But I had no need to worry as the zed certainly does throw you back in the seats!
  3. I did exactly that many years back. I had an 850cc mini which cost me £20 and because a mate used to rally them I bought some bits of him and throught it would look cool if I fitted his old rollcage into the car. The car only had about 18bhp as stock, and with the heavy old cage it made the car even slower. Safety wise, it made it safer, but for me it was mainly the looks. Even though it made the car significantly slower, the insurance companies wouldnt touch me. In the end the cheapest quote I got was nearly double the insurance I was already paying (£500 ish third party only), so I had to remove the cage. It is all a grey area really. Like others have said, once your consumable bits wear out, how many people still have OE brakes, tyres, exhaust, oil filter, etc. etc. You tend to have whatever the garage fits. Does the insurance company care if you fit falken tyres rather than bridgestones? In practise probably not, but they could do I guess if they get upset about it. The only car ive had written off and an insurance inspector come out to see was a Peugeot 106 diesel which someone piled into the back of me and wrote my car off for me. The interior was totally worn out, and a set of seat covers were going to cost me about 30quid. So, for £25 I bought the entire interior out of a Peugeot 106 GTI and fitted that instead. Simply because it was cheaper, as well as the seats were more comfortable (sporty bucket ones). Insurance company didnt even comment on it when they came and did the appraisel of the car.
  4. Good luck mate. Ive stripped no end of bikes down and rebuilt them and the biggest problem i found is running out of time or other projects coming up - so by the time you come to re-assemble the bike you forget where all the bits go! argh!
  5. Well looks like its got a k&n air filter on it and a nismo badge, so maybe its got a few other things under the hood. But without a dyno graph or proof of what its got then id take the adverts claims with a pinch of salt. Car salesmen are nearly always full of BS and its great when you can catch them out. I remember years back seeing an old mini on a forecourt, something like a 1980 one if i remember rightly, and the salesman started telling me how it was a mini cooper. I soon put him right, they didnt make a mini cooper in 1980 and the engine number did not match the cooper engine numbers (being a mini geek I could reel them off the top of my head at the time). Not to mention 10inch wheels without any discs up front kinda gave it away. Makes you wonder why they even bother trying.
  6. Does anyone remember when the iphones were unable to send MMS`s? Then Apple added it as a "feature" for (i think) the 3gs?! When all other phones had been able to send MMS for years! Another +1 for whatsapp for me, very handy app, Available on iphone, android and blackberry, so that pretty much covers all my mates.
  7. Theres a long list of cars id like to own one day, ranging from old hotrods, through to classics, through to super cars. I actually nearly bought a clio v6 before I bought the zed, but after doing my research into the I changed my mind.
  8. Depends on the insurance company. Most will ignore any safety increasing or performance decreasing mods, but will happily loads for anything they think will increase performance. Im with Adrian Flux and I asked them about the exhaust situation. I pitched it to them that Nissan wanted a small fortune for a new exhaust so it would be cheaper to replace it with an after market stainless system. They said as long as the new exhaust did not increase performance then they were perfectly fine with that and it wouldnt cost any extra. As far as im aware on my 313 model, a K1 will add no extra power, unless i then get the car remapped etc...
  9. Awesome cars. I bought a 58 Ford pop sit up and beg many years back to hot rod but unfortunately it was too rotten.
  10. Ive seen the figures before, arent they listed on the wiki for the 350z?
  11. I did this when I fitted the K1, and my local tyre place had it up in the air with all 4 wheels off the other week also. They just used 4 trolley jacks to get it in the air. I jacked up each corner at a time, then stuck axle stands under solid points under the car until it was all up in the air.
  12. My god. He has a really rare orange roadster and sticks some mad white wrap over half of it. wtf. And I will be very supprised if he gets £15.5k for it.
  13. Spotted at Finedon hand car wash just now. Import. Azure blue. Nice looking car.
  14. I'm game once I get back home after the borders run mate. Haven't had the practice yet though, so ill need a few hours. Man im tempted to buy a console just to join in with this, it would be great fun!
  15. I actually suggested that in one my old jobs. They should introduce compulsary boxing matches between sections. The rage I had in that job, I would have battered the hell out of half the people there.
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