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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Me too! Coldel is our ebay watch list!
  2. If your definitely going to be selling, id get the number plate swapped back asap. Autotrader is expensive to sell on and seems to mainly be car dealers. The best places for private sales are places like piston heads, or good old ebay. Ive sold my last few cars through ebay. With millions of people looking on there, you can be sure that whatever you put on there will fetch the market price (i.e. what someone is prepared to pay for it). You may get the odd time waster asking stupid questions, but all in all ive had some nice quick sales on there.
  3. lol!!!!!! another garage classic! makes you wonder.
  4. Id want to have a ride in a roadster with a scorpian fitted before buying one tho. The roadsters really have very little or no sound deadning in the roof - if someone is standing next to the car whispering you can hear every word inside it. My K1 exhaust is a killer in my roadster, but a lot of people have said on the coupe`s they find them okay.
  5. Have to say mine were as clean as that. But, you give it a week or so and they will be BLACK inside again. Its very disheartning.
  6. Hmmm.. ive had a goatee beard for the last 20 years and my missus finally convinced me to shave it off a few months back. I look about 10 years younger now!
  7. In my experience you`d have been neck and neck with both those cars, but you certainly wouldnt have left them for dead. Ive been quite surprised at what can keep up with me.
  8. Ive had mixed feelings about these since they came out. Sometimes I think they look good. Other times the back end looks like someone has sat an elephant on the back of the golf and the boot looks tiny. I actually parked next to one last weekend I was surprised how low down they are!
  9. 1) The roof. Whenever I put it down it transforms the most boring drive into a fun exciting experience - always makes me smile! 2) Maybe not a "feature" but the insurance. OMG. I just cant believe how much these cars cost to insure.
  10. TVR`s are one car which has never done it for me. I remember some fat CEO type bloke trying to show off in one of those like that quite a few years back. He saw me in my Renault 5 Turbo and just "had" to get by me. Unfortunately there were some bends coming up ahead so he didnt have room to get by me. So he`s sitting there 1cm from my back bumper, grinning like a show off. Then his jaw just dropped as I left him for dead around the bends and blew him away on the straight coming out of the bends. Im not one to speed more than I can help it, and knew the road was a bit bumpy, so after I had proved a point I dropped straight down to 60mph. Sure enough I can see him now catching me in up in my rear view mirror, his car bouncing all over the shop, he was clearly one of these idiots who thinks because he is fat and has a "flash" car he is god. Anyway, I kept at 60mph and sure enough he eventually caught me up and flew past me looking all smug that he had "beaten" me. God knows what speed he must have been going, but I had the last laugh as he clearly didnt know there was a massive bump in the road ahead and ended up nearly loosing control - he was all over the shop, full lock, I really thought he was going to end up in the ditch. Really makes you wonder about some drivers!
  11. My mate built a scooby with a dyno`d 450bhp for 2grand all in. A 1998 one. He also has another one he uses for hillclimbs / sprints which has 700+ dyno`d bhp. He built both in his garden shed out of mainly 2nd hand bits etc.
  12. My god. Im not being funny, but is a 1ft bit of alloy pipe with a bit of a bend in it really so expensive?! Berktechnologies must be laughing their heads off!
  13. I only ever use the mpg and the temp on the clock, and I know its 6 "clicks" of the button to get from mpg to temp, then 2 "clicks" to get back to mpg... sad i know....
  14. Bet you thought you were going mad. I never realised there was a clock in the pod to be honest, as the OEM sat nav has a big clock in the corner so i tend to use that instead.
  15. Yep, it is a cheap mod. You just need a 3.5mm to L & R Phono lead, which you can get for £2.99. One thing to check is some leads whilst they look thick and chunky are mainly just the rubber casing with very little wire inside.
  16. Regardless of what you decide to buy, id definately get one which has already had a lot of work done to it. Maybe one which is already done up as a track or rally car. You will not believe the amount of money you will end up throwing at a road car to turn it into a track car. You may think initially its just a case of stripping it out and bolting some 60quid bucket seats in it and a pair of harnesses... but thats only the start. Before long you want a roll cage, then exhaust, air filter, engine mods, then shocks, wheels, tyres, brakes... the list just goes on and on. 2nd hand race / rally cars are cheap. People loose a fortune on them. So id be looking there to be honest!
  17. No, its spot on. Not sure how you would get it any better to be honest. Guess it may depend on the quality of the mp3 player you are using and the bitrate of the mp3`s themselves, but my galaxy s2 phone, through 3.5mm jack into my bose sounds incredible. Actually sounds better than the radio and my CD`s in the multichanger. Prior to using the 3.5mm lead I used an iPod lead and pluged my old ipod into it and the quality was no where near as good.
  18. my god, i *really* hope i dont loose that sort of loot on my zed.
  19. Im not aware of anything which can do this. With some other makes of cars which have multichangers in the boot you can get a box which plugs into the multichanger socket and does this. But with the bose, the cd changer is all built inside it. You can do the ipod hack which is detailed on here, but just use a 3.5mm jack plug lead. Thats what ive done then you can plug any phone / mp3 player or anything basically into it. It will all play fine through the bose, but you will not be able to control the mp3 player via the bose system.
  20. Id certainly recommend getting some decent ones first time. Ive fitted them to a few cars in the past and they just started getting rusty within weeks - but then i used the cheapest i could get my hands on.
  21. Sounds even more interesting. So the handbook is saying that the only performance improving mods are some sort of air intake and a different exhaust. Theres no way just those would add 30bhp to it unless its been remapped, and you`d have thought any mods like a remap would also have been listed in the nismo "supplement". Alloy bonnet / boot? What are they normally made out of the zeds? Steel? Sounds interesting tho!
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