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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. The normal 3litre Z4 only has 261bhp and 232lb/ft of torque, so thats significantly less than the 308bhp and 264 lb/ft of the 313 350z and a lot less than the 370z has. I guess a normal z4 may be able to keep with the older lower powered zeds but would struggle against the 313 or 370 who both have similar power / torque to the z4m.
  2. Yep! Its either looks or performance with some cars. Golfs just do not handle well when low. I had a GT TDI and fitted some coil overs to it. I could drop it so it was actually resting on the ground if i wanted. The problem with the golf is that it actually has very low ground clearance under the engine / lower wishbones anyway. I ended up lowering mine by about -50mm I think, so the wheels looked like they fitted the arches properly, but without having them up and under the arches. Even then, the car would grind on speed ramps and any country lanes which had tramlines from tractors would cause the car problems. But from the outside the car really did not look much lower than standard. I think its because VW put such a big gap between the wheel & arches on them. But, some people I know wanted the very low look and they would drop it even further. I just do not know how they actually managed to drive the car on the road. Ive left the zeds suspension as it is. And as stock I seem to have about 1cm more clearance than my old golf. It still grinds on some speed ramps or slopes so I have to drive over them extremely carefully.
  3. The roadster is definitely not girlie... but then im biased!
  4. Yeah, i dont think it would really be worthwhile going from an older 350z to a newer 350z. Like you say, you`d be better off getting the 370z or the m. When I test drove the 370z, I really didnt think it felt any quicker than my 313 model, but id think if you went from an older zed to a 370z your`d definately notice a difference.
  5. I think the reason why some get confused between the z4 and the z4m is that to the untrained eye they pretty much look the same and you see hundreds of z4`s. Looking on the net at some performance figures. z4m 338bhp, 269lb/ft torque. 0-60 in 4.8seconds, 155mph, weighs 1420kg 370z 326bhp, 270lb/ft torque, 0-60 in 5.1seconds, 155mph, weighs 1496kg So, really there is very little in it looking at those very limited figures. But, really you`d need to try them both back to back and see what they are like in the gears on the road. As for them being rarer... ive just done a search on autotrader, 60mile radius of my house and there are 8 z4m`s for sale, including both coupe and roadster. Likewise, searching for the 370z, there are 26 for sale within the same area. However, on the road, I definately see more z4`s and z4m`s than I do 370`s. In fact ive only seen 2 370z`s being driven. Of course, im only looking at the 370z here. If you want to compare against all 350z`s then of course, there are more 350z`s out there, and if you are comparing a 276bhp car against a 338bhp car then surprise surprise its a no brainer as to which one would be quicker. At the end of the day, really its down to test driving both cars, looking at the running costs, insurance, servicing etc and deciding which you prefer. Everyones different, so some may prefer the zed, others the z4m. ** Edited to reflect the 370z rather than the 313 350z. Out of interest, there are only 8 313 350z`s for sale in the same area which seems to make them as rare on the garage forecourts as the z4m. **
  6. Just the air filter?! Thats like a 2 minute job to change!
  7. If it was a P1 id happily do it for you. Im not far from Northampton. Not sure what extras are in the P2 without looking in my service book.
  8. Welcome! Loads of helpful people on here!
  9. I considered one when i bought my zed, but i see so many z4`s and z4m`s on the road they havent got the rare niche factor of the zed. Performance wise, i think the z4m is slightly quicker off the mark, but once moving there is very little in it. Price wise, the z4m is more expensive to buy and run.
  10. I dont think ive ever ever seen an accord estate! So, they are pretty rare!!!
  11. I looked into this the other week as my zed was due a service. The DE engine is recommended to change them at 36k. The HR engine (which mine is) says 54k. Out of interest the plugs for the HR engine cost twice as much as those for the DE engine!
  12. Well having done my research I was eagerly awaiting my renewal from Adrian Flux to come thru. It hit the door mat this morning and was for £950!!! Thats nearly double what I can get elsewhere!!!!! So give them a bell and they could only reduce it to £800. So, looks like i will be moving elsewhere. :EDIT: Ive just spent about 50mins on the phone to Admiral with them trying to sell me their multi car policy. My god how complicated can they make things. Them: "Have you considered our multicar policy as you can save money" Me: "Yes. I got some quotes online and it worked out you wanted £500 to insure a 2nd car even though the overall risk to you would be a fraction of what it is now" Them: "Would you like me to go through a quote now to see how much money we can save you" Me: "No" Them: "Are you sure, you can save money and it makes sense.. blah blah blah blah sales spiel" Me: "Okay then" [20mins of confirming the details for an old shed of an old diesel car my missus drives which is worth about £1500] Them: "Well, if you insure both cars with us, we can save you £35 on your 350z, isnt that brilliant" Me: "and how much will the other car cost me to insure when the current insurance runs out in Jan?" Them: "At the moment its showing as £500 as you can only use your ncb on one car at once. But you will need to requote in Jan" Me: "So in Jan when you requote me for it, your price may have changed and you may no longer be competitive on that car" Them: "Thats right" Me: "So if you quote me something silly in Jan and I decide not to insure it with yourself how much extra fee will you charge me on the 350?" Them: "We would increase the insurance on your 350z to £750. Me: "But you are quoting me £100 less than that atm to insure the 350z on its own outside the multi car policy so surely im better off insuring the cars separately" [and so the conversation went on wasting about 30mins of my day with them trying to get me to go on the more expensive multi car policy] Its a shame really, as I was really hoping they would allow me to use my ncb on both vehicles like some people have said they do. Quoting online for old shed with my ncb and I can insure it for about £200 which if they had offered me I would have accepted.
  13. The standard Audi wheels are £1,800 without tyres. Isch don't think so. Plus they look horrid too. Gonna try & get the spigot rings swapped first. Will measure them and order the right ones from CS. £1800 second hand on ebay?! wow! they arent cheap then! Sounds like the Spigot rings are definately worth a go then.
  14. If they are after market wheels then id assume they are more expensive than original audi ones. So if it will resolve the issue id be tempted to buy a set of stock wheels off ebay, and sell yours off. You`ll probably end up making a profit on the deal and resolving the vibrating issue.
  15. I have a t-shirt similar to that which says "Who ate all the pies" on the front of it in big letters! I wore it when i went on to Spain earlier in the year and this really obese English family who were in the the queue at the airport in front of me were not impressed. They seemed to think I had deliberately worn it to insult them.
  16. Seriously? What kind of retard would actually sit there and watch crap like that on FB? I hate MP games so I'll pick this up in a couple of years to whizz through the SP bit over a weekend. Still haven't played Blops yet for the same reason. It's such a shame they concentrate so heavily on the MP bit as the CoD games used to be a day-one for me, but I was bitten so harshly over MW2 and the poor 3 hours of SP gameplay from it that I'd rather save the cash now. MW1 still remains the absolute pinnacle of the series for me, it was perfect in every single way. One of the programmers where I work is always watching those replays on youtube... god knows why! I agree, MW1 was incredible and I spent ages playing it non stop until I completed it. Even now if i want a quick blast I redo one of the various levels. Unfortunately I havent had the time to spend playing computer games since MW1 was released, so im well behind on the CoD stuff. Never really got into MP either, I prefer SP.
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