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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. 1k to insure. 400 to tax, 100 to fill up, 180 per tyre..... They're not cheap to run are they Depends what you are comparing that against. Against another big engined cars, like an M3, a Z4M or even a Range Rover then the running costs are similar. But compared against a "normal" car, then they certainly arnt cheap. Depends if you are talking about brand new cars and what mileage you do. If you compare a brand new diesel against a brand new petrol, then you`d have to seriously consider what miles you are doing before running a Diesel car becomes cheaper than running the Petrol version as you will pay more for the Diesel car out of the showroom. But, for second hand cars, this isnt really a factor. I used to run a second hand Diesel Golf GT TDI and it cost me about 8p per mile to run, and the depreciation in value was actually less than the petrol versions. Im currently looking at getting a new Nissan Juke for the missus, and we looked at some at the weekend. The Diesel version we looked at was about 17k on the road which is mental for a small car. I just sat there thinking of all the performance cars you could get for that sort of cash. She does about 35k miles a year, so for her, Diesel is better, if she was only doing 20k, then we`d look more at the Petrol one.
  2. rabbitstew


    First thing id check is what brand of tyres do you have? Ive Falkens on mine and its not skittish at all. In fact reading the reviews online comparing the coupe & roadster there is very little difference in handling. The roadster had a whole load of extra reinforcements added to it to improve its stiffness to compensate for the lack of the roof.
  3. Lad that works for me has just bought a BMW M3 convertible on an 04 with 60,000 miles FBMWSH for £7,500. Seen the car and it's a lot of car for the money. Wow. They have dropped. Even 2002 models were 12 grand when I looked at them in feb.
  4. Depends on what you view as expensive. I guess compared to similar cars its pretty much the same to run.
  5. Just drove by a garage in Wellingborough which had a grey 53 plate import 350z on their forecourt for £5995. Thats well cheap. I could have bought 2 of them, plus the missus`s car and still had change instead of buying mine.
  6. Do you have to convert video files to a certain format for them to work on the iOS then? Doesnt it play stuff like divx and xvid as standard? Handy to know as the missus is on about putting Glee on her iphone. (sigh!)
  7. In my opinion nothing. It could imply a previous owner has modified the car a bit, maybe messed about with it. Or, on the other hand, it may just be that the original exhaust got worn out (or broke near the rear silencer - common problem) and the owner realised it was cheaper to replace it with an after market exhaust than an original one.
  8. Indian developer at work asked me yesterday "is your car a hybrid" ?!?!!!! wtf?!?!!!
  9. Welcome to the forum. Key thing I found when I was looking for a zed is to read up as much as possible about them and the different versions and the optional extras etc.. And also read owners reports, and try and see what the problems are. Id also make sure you test drive a few so you get to know whats "normal" in a zed. The clutch / gearbox can sound a bit noisy on them, but thats normal. Check the service history to make sure its all been done correctly etc... Also check up on the running costs as they may be more than you think!
  10. If it was doing it whilst you were parked up standing next to it, could you open the bonnet and try and pin point where its coming from - i use the old screw driver on ear trick. Good luck with the garage, i woudnt expect them to admit to them doing anything wrong tho, but maybe they can help narrow the problem down.
  11. Yep, they drop a bit over winter then pick up come april / may time. Wrong time of year to be selling one atm, esp with Christmas coming up. I bought my car in March, and looking at the prices it actually went up in value by about 15% over the summer before its now sliding down again. If / When I come to sell mine, id be looking at the middle of summer I think for maximum value. +1 so as a buyer - i would advise not to wait until april/march.. as they will ave gone up... but i depends on your situation of course! Yep definately! Good time to buy if your a buyer! Esp around Xmas time and new year as with noone having any money after Xmas and the potential for snow / ice, who`d want to be driving a zed? err.... apart from me, when its my daily runner! I doubt if petrol prices will ever come down. They may slow down rising a bit, but they wont drop back to the good old days of £1.75 a gallon.
  12. Yep, they drop a bit over winter then pick up come april / may time. Wrong time of year to be selling one atm, esp with Christmas coming up. I bought my car in March, and looking at the prices it actually went up in value by about 15% over the summer before its now sliding down again. If / When I come to sell mine, id be looking at the middle of summer I think for maximum value.
  13. Nice price. I saw these at dealers for £16,500 in the summer for the same year / mileage. Does look good all white.
  14. Why is she selling it if she only bought it earlier in the year? To be honest, it would depend (for me) on how many miles it had done between those services. If its only low miles and hadnt missed a P2 or P3 then id be happy. The only concern id have is maybe when i come to re-sell it, would that put off a potential buyer.
  15. Welcome! The more I see blue ones, the more they are growing on me!
  16. I spent ages looking at different places and checking out reviews. There was no way i would let my local kwik fit anywhere near my mint alloys. Ive seen the mess those sorts of places have made before on other wheels ive had. In the end I found a place which had good reviews which werent to far from where I lived and watched them like a hawk whilst they did my wheels. Did a good job and was actually cheaper than the online tyre websites.
  17. Which Zed do you have? A 276bhp one? In which case we have already established that the z4m with an extra 50bhp is bound to be quicker. But when you are talkin about the 313 350z or the 370z then there is very little in it. My zed for example, if you floor it in 2nd, will literally throw you back in the seats, the back end squats down, loads of grip and the revs hit 7500rpm before you know it, and mines the roadster so heavier than the normal 313 coupe. The z4m is a very nice car, but I think at the end of the day its all about personal preference as to which one people like the look, feel, drive and the costs of. I think you need to take off those rose tinted glasses The MY07 zed has more BHP than the MY03 cars but is heavier (yours even more so as a roadster) and has less torque. The on road difference is negligible even if the MY07 'feels' faster in the way that it delivers it's power, in real terms there's virtually nothing in it. The Z4M has the E46 M3 343bhp engine and is considerably lighter than the zed, hence why in performance terms it will knock a zed into a cocked hat. The ride may be compromised and may not be as comfy as a zed, but let's not pretend that it's not quicker than a zed just because you don't like it. No rose tinted glasses here. We have already listed the performance comparison of the 370z and the z4m earlier: z4m 338bhp, 269lb/ft torque. 0-60 in 4.8seconds, 155mph, weighs 1420kg 370z 326bhp, 270lb/ft torque, 0-60 in 5.1seconds, 155mph, weighs 1496kg So noone is saying that the 350 or 370 is quicker than the z4m. The conclusion I think is that there is very little in it in real terms on the road, both are great cars. The z4m maybe slightly quicker on the road due to it being lighter, but thats about it. Its all down to personal preference.
  18. 4k?! Thats rediculous. Nice find!!!! Welcome to the forum. Will be interested to hear how it compares to your boxster.
  19. Welcome! As above, GT pack was a very popular option as you did get quite a few nice extra bits for your money and it does help its resale value. If its an imported car however there are various other different combinations of bits so it maybe slightly different.
  20. When I was at college I had a mate who repainted his car using dulex emulsion. Had a lovely matt finish and that was before matt paintwork was fashionable.
  21. Which Zed do you have? A 276bhp one? In which case we have already established that the z4m with an extra 50bhp is bound to be quicker. But when you are talkin about the 313 350z or the 370z then there is very little in it. My zed for example, if you floor it in 2nd, will literally throw you back in the seats, the back end squats down, loads of grip and the revs hit 7500rpm before you know it, and mines the roadster so heavier than the normal 313 coupe. The z4m is a very nice car, but I think at the end of the day its all about personal preference as to which one people like the look, feel, drive and the costs of.
  22. My mate had a 1991 one of them, and sold it for 2 grand about 7 years ago! Cracking cars.
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