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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Glad you have agreed a figure. In some ways its quite exciting having the money sitting there, no worries about selling the old car and are now free to get something new. Good luck with you hunting!
  2. He said he included fuel in that amount.... I was spending around £6200 a year on fuel when I was running my zed.
  3. As above, you need to put things into perspective. Garages, in my experience, do like recommending work which a car may "need". For example, my wife just took her Ford Edge for a winter checkup at the local main dealer. Its only done 8k miles. One of the "advisories" they gave her was that the tyres only had 4mm of tread on them. I mean, WTF! They will probably last her another year at the miles she does, but they were trying to scare her into getting a new set. As someone else mentioned, another classic is "brake discs have a lip on them". So what? Nearly all brake discs do. As long as its not badly worn then its fine. The car cant be that bad if its just passed its MOT. If your worried, id go through the list and try to prioritise which items will definitely need replacing shortly and which can be ignored. Then go to a more reasonable garage and get their opinion on those items and costs. If you do decide to sell, then, especially with your mileage, id get some sort of diesel hatch. Run that for a year or so, then move back into something sporty. Thats exactly what I did. I sold my zed and ran a 123d coupe for 4 years before jumping back into a sporty car. Modern diesels are nippy enough and you`ll save a fortune on the mpg. My 123d was 0-60 in 6 seconds as stock which wasnt far off my HR zed and handled like it was on rails.
  4. I guess it will only serve to move the pigeons onto a different tree so they wont be too bothered about it. Probably a bit more city-dweller-friendly than getting the 12 bore out like we would do around my parts.
  5. Facelift was 2007, which is also the year the later 313hp HR engine came out. But, there was a load of late registered non HR cars which were registered 2007 & 2008. A quick check under bonnet should show dual air intakes of the HR engine. In general towards the end of the 350`s production run it seemed the cars had a higher spec to try and clear off the old stock, so a lot of cars will have sat nav and the GT pack. Roof material was the same as far as I know. In general the 350z hood is a bit clunky and prone to sticking. My car was only 4 years old when I got it and only had 20k on the clock, but even then the hood kept getting stuck as the Nissan main dealer was trying to demo me the car.
  6. Thats been up for sale a good few times over the last few years.
  7. That green/purple combo reminds me of Dot Cottons kitchen!
  8. I just showed the wife an article on the new BMW i8 Roadster and her immediate response was "Get one, get one now!!!!!!". Not sure what to make of her response really. Tempting as its not often I get the go ahead to buy something like that, but not sure id like it over my 997, and I can imagine depreciation on it wouldnt be nice.
  9. When I part ex`d my zed a good few years back, the glasses guide was a load of rubbish. It didnt even list the HR model so it basically said my 2007 HR was worth the same as a 2007 revup model. It also didnt matter that my car had every single optional extra on it, it only gave the value for a bog standard poverty spec car which is what the dealership offered me. As others have said, start saving copies of any adverts you see for similar age/spec/mileage cars to yours and send them over to the insurance company so they can clearly see what the market price is for your car.
  10. There are companies like zipcar who do something similar to this already - although you have to walk to the closest parked zipcar rather than it coming to your door. Oh and drive it yourself.... but you know what I mean.
  11. Thats pretty good. This year was the first year ever that my premium actually increased by a large amount. No amount of haggling or searching comparison sites would bring it down to last years levels.
  12. Droooooool..... if I could get away with one of those as my daily I certainly would, but unfortunately I need 4 seats....
  13. My daily driver is still going strong. Bit wet this morning which makes it look more grey than black....
  14. Ive got to drive to Newcastle & back on Friday. 4 hour`s each way for me. Pretty sure thats up north somewhere.
  15. Ive got the same vice as keyser. Got it from a carboot sale or auction if I remember for hardly anything. Its pretty much indestructable. The amount of hub bearings and stuff ive done in it. I use a length of scaffold pole on the vice handle to use it as a press. My dads also got the same vice but with slightly wider jaws. He must have had it for at least 50 years. I use a cheap homebase pillar drill, only cos my parents bought me it for Christmas one year. Like keyser says, ideal for small jobs, but I wouldnt use it for anything substantial.
  16. Id be taking the money too, but obviously make sure that it is a fair market price they are offering you.
  17. Also dont forget that most of these dealers dont actually own the cars they buy/sell, they get them on finance and so they will be paying interest per each week the cars with them & not sold.
  18. I think the garage gave you a very good deal if they are only putting a 15% mark up on it. Usually the trade price a garage gives you is roughly 25% less than they sell it for, and the private sale price is roughly half way in between the two. People usually accept the lower trade price as it can be less hassle than trying to sell your car privately and makes for a quicker process. Dont forget they have to pay for their showrooms, staff etc, putting a warranty on the car etc, MOT, any prep before putting it on their forecourt.
  19. Working in Cambridge I occasionally see the Granchester show being filmed. Even for a small scene outside an old church they had shed loads of people & trucks with cabling & lights everywhere. Mad.
  20. Wow. Not sure I would be brave enough to do that, but then again, a lot of my friends have done exactly what you are doing. Best to do it all now before you settle down & have kids as you will have zero time to do anything like this after then. Have fun!
  21. Excellent choice of car. I nearly bought one of these when they were a lot less money. Maybe one day!
  22. Seems a reasonable price to me. TBH if you have basic tools its very easy to replace the disks & pads yourself. The pads in particular on the bembo`s are super easy to swap. I upgraded mine to ds2500 pads and found they were an improvement over standard albeit more expensive.
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