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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Sad day indeed for the seller, but a happy one for the buyer. Im under pressure from the missus to start thinking of my next car. She is already asking if my next car will have a big boot etc.....!!!! And there was me thinking of another 2 seater... sigh... At least I wont be changing mine until mid next year with a bit of luck.
  2. I havent been up to Edinburgh for a few months, but will be going up there in Jan/Feb again I expect, so will make a note to try that place out as normally I stay over a couple of days whilst im there on business.
  3. In my experience of other cars, a clutch is a clutch and a flywheel is a flywheel. Ive never had to replace a flywheel just because a clutch has gone. Normally when a clutch goes it starts slipping, and you notice it straight away. You can even live with it a few weeks because the car is still driveable. Its a case of replacing the pressure plate and off you go. But, maybe the zed is different? Is it just me, or is this about the 3rd thread from someone who is 21 and buying a zed?! Just goes to show that these cars are becoming more and more affordable! And even the insurance quote seems to be getting more reasonable. Not that im jealous!!
  4. Okay couple of options here. Firstly you dont have to have insurance to sell the car. But, it means you have to SORN the car and keep it off road - which means potential buyers cant really take it for a test drive. You can get monthly insurance - if you are not using your NCB on any other vehicle then you can use it for this. I did just this when I sold my last car. I got monthly insurance through adrian flux. Unfortunately because I was using my NCB on my zed I had no NCB on the car I was selling, so it cost me as much for 2 months insurance as it did previously for the entire year. But, I had no other option really as I wanted to be able to take potential buyers for test drives in it. Depreciation is going to be hard to predict. zeds atm tend to drop in price over winter and go up slightly in spring / summer. But, big engined cars in general are dropping in value cos not everyone can afford to run them. So, who knows what price they will be in spring - will it be worth more than it is now? Not sure. It maybe easier to sell though in Spring than in Winter. But then you have storage costs, and things like MOT`s running out etc. Id be tempted to try and sell now just to get rid of it.
  5. They do this in London - I've seen a few threads on BikeRadar of people complaining of Police giving them a talking to about it. So some bobbies have the right idea at least And therein lies the problem, cyclists break the law, they get caught, they complain about it. If I jumped some lights in the car, got caught and had a talking to, I would hang my head in shame and just take it on the chin, I am in the wrong. There seems to be a lack of culpability for ones own actions ... Correction. If you did it in your car and got caught you`d be in court with points and a fine for dangerous driving, your car insurance would rocket. Do it on a push bike and its regarded as "normal".
  6. Glad its not just me who gets abuse. Ive had someone shout "gaylord" at me in a supermarket carpark, a morbidly obese woman who was staggering across a busy main road rather than use the crossing mouthed "tw@t" at me as I stopped to let her waddle past and some scruffy dole dossing looking chav shouting "w@nker" after me as I drove into the street I work on. Not had any abuse for a few weeks now though and predominantly the positive comments by far outway the number of bad instances from jealous people.
  7. Yeah sounds like the OP is actually getting a raw deal here. Most companies pay 40p (or 45p now I think it is like you say), per mile for the first X thousand miles of business travel. With my old diesel car which used to cost me 8p a mile to run, id make a nice bit of profit out of it. After the X thousand miles it goes down to 12p a mile, although I believe you can claim the difference back from the taxman? I did work for one mega tight company once who would only pay for petrol used and I had to give them petrol receipts and stuff to prove it. That was purely because their finance team were worried that people might "make money" out of getting 45p a mile... sigh!
  8. Looks nice mate. Its funny, ive seen quite a few cars with orange wheels recently, so it must be becoming popular. Think the black colour looks better though, and will hide the dirt. Im seriously considering getting a set myself atm.
  9. Brilliant!!!! My missus`s company have just signed off on her getting a company car. Previously when ive had cars, the allowance was around £600 a month. Her allowance turns out to be £250 a month... which is really narrowing the field down a bit. Shame they dont pay for her fuel too.. she`ll just get a 12p a mile allowance after that.
  10. If its working fine on your iphone, then if i was you, id be tempted to setup something like outlook or outlook express on your laptop using the same settings just for your work emails. They would be something like pop3.yourdomainname.com and smtp.yourdomainname.com for pop3 and something else for imap. Pop3 is where you set your email client (iphone or outlook etc.) to check for new email every so often. IMAP is when email is automatically sent out to the client. It also sync`s so any emails you delete on your iphone will also shown as deleted in outlook and vice versa (if you set it up like that). So, IMAP seems more popular these days with people. There should be a guide somewhere on the 123 REG website detailing the port numbers & server names you need. Its pretty straight forward.
  11. You can get the Falkens for about £100 a tyre a think ....every little helps! I got a full set fitted for £500 a few weeks back. I get on okay with Falkens myself, but I dont really push my car hard.
  12. Very nice. Was watching Transformers 2 last night with the missus and she goes "oo look, theres your car" and I had to then point out to her it wasnt a zed it was an R8. She replied "but its the same colour"..... sigh. I still really quite fancy an R8... not sure if i`ll ever get one... maybe when I retire....
  13. Are you having problems with their webmail interface or just their email servers in general? What I do is to use gmail to pick up all the email from my various domain names into one account. Then I can access it either directly through my web browser & gmail, or through my outlook (setup via IMAP), or via my mobile phone (again, IMAP). So at all times everything is sync`d. Im sure some of my domains are with 123 REG and ive not had any problems to mention.
  14. I've just had a chat with him over the phone and he said pretty much what you said, he'll have a look but may/probably will be a case of cutting the damaged section out and welding a new section in, either way he's only charging for paint as he owes me a massive favour after I bailed his business out earlier in the year. which is why I'm considering getting a spoiler and front splitters at the same time to get my monies worth Excellent, sounds like you may have a result then. One thing is for sure you will be paranoid now about parking anywhere!
  15. Yeah at least it was my "shed" bike and not my R1. To be honest, it may work out cheaper for your mate to just repair it properly. He could spend hours pulling the dent out with a slide hammer and filling it, trying to get the curve of the arch right, then painting, when it may be quicker just to use a nibbler to nibble the damaged panel out and re weld a new one in. Either way, see what he says. As others have said, if its going to be too much cash, id start to consider getting the insurance company involved, but not unless I really had to. My missus made a claim last year and her insurance went up by so much the following year that she had to sell her car and buy a cheaper one.
  16. Man that looks like some serious damage there. Very nasty. But we all do silly things sometimes. No 1 on my silly list has to be trying to bump start a motorbike at 4am on my patio when im half asleep. The bike started up full throttle and dragged me along side of it flat out towards the back of my house. Luckily (?) it then piled into the wall so not only did i have scrape marks down my legs from being dragged along, I was smashed into the wall and then the bike then fell on me. Hell of a bang, all bodywork smashed in, front forks bent and my neighbour looking at me from his upstairs window wondering what the hell id done. I say it was "lucky" that it smashed into the wall, as had it been 1 foot to the left it would have smashed through my patio doors, gone across my living room before smashing into my 42" plasma & hifi system. I would not fancy trying to explain that one to the insurance company. Ive never bump started a bike since.
  17. Dont even get me started with horses on the road, they really should be made to wear nappies Big time. If a dog takes a dump on the path then you have to clear it up else be fined, but somehow its okay for horse to dump 1/2 ton of steaming manure and the owner just leaves it there! Cyclists riding 2 or 3 abreast does my nut in. They have their own cycle lane which drivers are not supposed to drive in, and yet they happily want to hog up the road outside of the cycle lane and hold up traffic.
  18. Yeah, there was a discussion about it on another thread. It all seems to be down to my postcode. Whilst i live on a quiet cul-de-sac full of curtain twitching old pensioners, and the only bit of excitement is when someone dies or falls over & breaks a hip, the insurance companies regard it as a high risk postcode. After checking all the comparison sites and adjusting my job title and saying that I park on the street rather than on my drive I managed to get the premium down to £660 in the end with a different insurance company.
  19. I may be wrong, but as far as I know the VIN plate on a car does not have to be anything special. You could just stamp the correct numbers on a bit of tin and rivet that onto the car. Where this may cause a problem is when you come to sell the car, any buyer would not be too impressed with a "dodgy" looking VIN. I think Nissan may be your best bet if you want a correct looking plate. Not sure what difference it would make to them as to whether the car is an import or not, you`d have thought they could just order a new blank vin plate and have it stamped with the correct VIN for you.
  20. Thats really cheap for your age. I was getting quotes in at about £900 this year and im nearly 40 with 18 years NCB! Welcome to the forum, theres loads of stuff on here to boost your knowledge and even some nice zeds for sale.
  21. Not come across this yet, but working in Cambridge I see literally dozens and dozens of cyclists every night on the way home from work, cycling in the dark with no lights, swerving in & out of cars, scraping down the side of cars trying to squeeze to the front of the queue - only then to hold up all the traffic as the long queue of cars are then stuck behind a cyclist riding in the in the middle of the road. Also, the amount of cyclists I see jumping red lights is unbelievable. Nearly all of them do it in Cambridge. I guess ive gotten use to it as I encounter these idiots on a daily basis, but its a real wonder more arnt run over by cars or vans or seriously injured. As a cyclist myself, i treat the road as I do when im in my car or on my motorcycle, so it amazes me at how some of these cyclists think its okay to act how they do. Its a real shame the police arnt more interested in them, they would only have to sit at the traffic lights near where I work and they could literally make a killing fining cyclists as they jump the red lights. If they are going to start banging on cars, then how would they feel if drivers started running their bikes over?
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