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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. How much are they new from Nissan?
  2. I moved house in March so had to change over the address on my cars / bikes - so I had around 10 or 12 logbooks arrive at my house - all red ones. DVLA did save on the postage though, by putting most of them in the same envelope which I thought was good of them.
  3. Not sure about a zed but normally you wouldnt need a whole new door. A door usually consists of a frame and a skin, so its just the skin. I reskinned a Mini door last year and the new skin was about 15quid. Took me 30mins, then obviously you have to paint it. Id say that original skin could be repaired, but you have to factor in the cost of someone spending a few hours pulling dents out and filling / sanding. Id still say that would be cheaper than a skin as you have to take the door off, strip the window out, the trim... Other option maybe to get a second hand entire door, in the correct colour, second hand. Then its a DIY case of swapping them over. Only problem ive found with this option is that when you want a silver door, there will never ever ever be a second hand one in that colour. You can find every colour under the sun but the one you want!
  4. I use a pela oil pump. Very handy for this sort of thing, cost me 45quid I think from machine mart. I mainly use it when im doing oil changes on cars, but you can use it for pumping any liquid. Certainly had my moneys worth out of it with the amount of mates cars I service.
  5. The last car I paid someone to respray also cost me £600, but that was about 12 years ago. lol.... For that sort of cash, id definitely go for the full respray as if you just have panels or bumpers done they will more than likely be very noticable and buyers will then start wondering if its had an accident.
  6. Welcome to the forum. I too went from having pretty quick cars / motorbikes to having diesels. Ran them for about 5 or 6 years I think before deciding to get a zed. Biggest shock you will find is the money you will spend on running costs over a diesel. Im putting 25quid of fuel in mine a day with the mileage I do, and including fuel its costing me £850 a month to run it, or 44p a mile. Compared to the diesel car I was running before it, which came in at about £300 a month. They are fun though, and if you dont do many miles make much more sense!
  7. Ive the Alezan Orange interior and its just as easy to look after as normal leather. I gave it a very good clean and used loads of balm on it when I first got the car as I wanted to make sure no cracks would appear. I use the auto-glym stuff. Theres a kit then do with a bottle of cleaner and a bottle of balm. I make sure I re-do them every 3 months to keep them all looking subtile. The only other thing is that im very careful with the gear stick. When I got my car, even though it had only done 22k miles, the gear knob looked like it had done 220k miles. It was trashed, especially the alloy centre piece. I suspect a previous owner must have had very sweaty hands and drove about with his hand on the gear stick all the time. A replacement one is not cheap, but I got one and now make sure I take good care off it.
  8. Ive changed dozens of brake pads on different cars and the brembos on the zed were really the easiest. It is literally as easy as the youtube video. Not much to go wrong. The one thing i did do, was to pop the anti squeel shims off the back of the old pads and use them on the new ones. Thats about it really.
  9. Finding someone can be done, but is often about luck. Last year my dad heard a rumor that his step brother who had immigrated abroad to America many many years ago had died. My dad roughly knew where he had moved to, but had lost his details. We asked around his old school friends and one of them had his last known contact details. We called the phone number many times, but no answer. So, I hit google and turn into Mr Poirot. I find a phone book on some website for the area he was last known to be living in, search the name and find 3. We call 2, not the right person, and the 3rd is not answering. I then find the neighbours phone number for the address ive found, call them, they answer, and basically ask them if their neighbour is still alive and to call us. Turns out I name number 3 was the right person, he`s still alive and is keeping in more regular touch now. Amazing really the power of the internet. I dont know how id have done it before the internet was around.
  10. Sounds like he doesnt want to be found, if he did he would have kept in contact. Best way would be to workout who he has remained in touch with and speak to them and see if they have heard from him. Good luck.
  11. 350 doesnt have one touch passenger electric window. The 370 does. Which do you have?
  12. Which one did you go for? The original one you mentioned or the over priced blue one?
  13. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=53243&hilit=313+power+restricted Is the thread where the "restriction" in the first 3 gears is explained. I too had read somewhere that the 313 didnt let you have full power in the first 3 gears, but how its explained here, is that you do get full power, but its given to you much slower - i.e. the butterflys arnt as responsive.
  14. rabbitstew

    BMW123d v 350z

    They don't happen to everyone though. You have to be doing a lot of miles to make a diesel make sense. So even with a car that *might* cost you good money to fix as long as your doing enough miles to offset that cost your ok. Yeah definately. I do about 25k a year atm (down from 40k a year a few years back), so for me last time I worked the numbers out diesel would save me a good few quid. Last 2 diesels ive had i did 80k on each of them with no major problems at all save normal wear / tear. The engines still ran perfect, one of them was at 165k miles on the original clutch / turbo etc.
  15. Only 6?! You need to watch "Man vs Food"... he`d have cleaned up about 30 of them. I really dont know how anyone can eat McD food, i just feel sick thinking of it.
  16. Another grey one! They really do seem to be very popular colour now! Welcome!!!
  17. What i did was remove the black numberplate mount and then stick a normal plastic number plate directly on the bumper itself. That hides the holes and looks 100 times better than having the black mount there. If you use decent sticky pads the numberplate bends to the same shape as the bumper.
  18. If it was 2nd hand then the chances are the previous owner had spent all the time adjusting it so it fitted correctly without catching anything. Fitting wise, you must have been lucky. I had a total nightmare getting my old exhaust off - bolts sheering off, or rusted so badly they were impossible to get off without me cutting them off. In the end I just got the angle grinder out and cut the old system off, then had to drill out some of the studs and replace with good old fashioned nuts & bolts. Took me hours and lots of swearing. My car had only done 22k and was 4 years old when I did this, so I didnt expect the exhaust to be quite so rusty!
  19. A dealer is £100-120 an hour up here That probably explains why all my mates get me to work on their cars. A pint of beer is much cheaper than a dealer!
  20. rabbitstew

    BMW123d v 350z

    Cheers - certainly doesnt sound good at all. Maybe i`ll scratch that off my list.
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