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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Lol, my first impression when i saw some driving gloves... "oooh, they would be ideal for a bit of strangling...." much to my missus`s worry I hasten to add.
  2. The answer is driven by statistics.. this particular insurer will have a worse claims/loss ratio from cars with trackers fitted to those without. Madness when you common sense check it but that applies to a lot of things in this industry Ollie Sky Insurance +1, as we have all said before its down to statistics, and those statistics only concern what is an increased risk to the insurer and not what actually reduces the risk to them. So in this case, they may have had to pay out more for cars which have trackers fitted than not, so they jack the premium up. Sad but a way of life really.
  3. that made me chuckle.
  4. Ive had mixed experiences with dealers, some bend over backwards and try every trick in the book to get you to buy a car. Others just show complete dis-interest in you and would rather you walk away. Ive been to 4 Nissan dealers so far and have to say 2 of them showed no interest in me at all. In one I spent a good 15 minutes or more looking around a brand new car in their showroom before finally a member of staff came over to me - and it wasnt because they were busy. The other 2 were very good although at one of them the sales guy was a bit overpowering trying to close the sale. The worst I experienced was actually when I was looking for my Yamaha R1. I had just sold a Ducati and had about 9 grand in cash in my pocket. I found a nice sounding R1 at a dealer, so phoned up to say id be there later to look at it. When I walked into the dealers they showed no interest at all. They didnt have the bike prepared, it wouldnt start, they hadnt even cleaned it, they wouldnt let me try it out (i suggested i leave the full value of the bike as a deposit), they didnt even want to talk about the price of the bike. In the end I showed him my big wadge of cash and said "look mate, its a shame because you have just missed out on a sale" and I walked. I had barely driven off the forecourt and the guys manager was on the phone begging me back, promising me the world. Needless to say I went and bought one from somewhere else.
  5. Can you reach it through there? i.e. under drivers wheel arch, or do you have to remove the wheel arch? Something for me to know for my next service which is rapidly approaching.
  6. What I sometimes do to break the boredom on the 40 mile drive home from work is to count everyone who I see committing a driving offence. Whether they are speeding, or driving dangerously, or talking on their mobile, or have a car which isnt roadworthy etc.. etc... The other night I counted 30 offences! Id love to be a traffic cop. I could have done all 30 of them and bought in a nice bit of cash in fixed penalties.
  7. I service my cars and my mates and did the P1 on my zed a few weeks back. In the book the P1 is just oil + filter. Cost less than 30quid from my local car accessory place. Its an easy job. Only pain is getting the undertray off from under the car in order to get to the oil filter. Its not hard, but a bit time consuming. As a matter of course you should be checking stuff like coolant levels, screen wash levels, exhaust condition, brake pads and all the other bits on a fairly regular basis anyway, regardless of whether its time for a service. I normally do this as part of my Sunday morning cleaning ritual. Whilst the car is in the air to get the undertray off, id check the front ball joints, suspension etc.., check tyres are all okay, have a look at the brake pads through the spokes on the wheel - do they look low? And generally have a quick look about under the front of the car. The airfilter takes 10 seconds to check so id have a look at that to see how dirty it is - if it looks black then you can easily change that too. Sparkplugs arnt listed to be changed at any particular service, its down to the mileage. I cant remember exactly what the recommended mileage to change the plugs are now, but i think it was something like 52k miles is when they need to be changed.
  8. I wont ask why you were searching youtube for farts...
  9. Reported and they have put her reg out for observation. Nice one. I see no end of loonys on the road but never report them and afterwards wonder maybe I should have in case that loony then goes on to later cause an accident. What do the police actually do as "observation" ? Do they dispatch a car to her house and keep an eye on the way she drives to work in the morning? Or, is it just a case that if several people report it they then investigate. As unless they see evidence of the dangerous driving its just one persons word against anothers.
  10. Interesting question though and something ive wondered myself. Around my way more and more wind turbines are popping up all the time. Initially there was just the one, but now if I stand in the right place I can see about 50 or more in total, they are in every direction! And I see in the local planning that people are applying to build more. When they built the last lot near me it was fun watching the trucks delivering the blades at 6am. The roads are proper bendy and narrow, so they had one guy running behind the truck with a remote control steering the back axels of the trailer etc..
  11. I was just really glad id been honest and not given them any incorrect details.
  12. This is also the reason why you must never let anyone borrow your ladder. I never knew that. Im getting worried now though. I serviced my mates car the other week and fitted new brake pads for him. Does that mean if he has an accident he can blame me as I touched his brakes. Maybe I should have got him to sign some sort of disclaimer. What is the world coming to.
  13. Good post, ive been thinking of getting some sort of cover too with the winter months coming.
  14. Admiral must be mega paranoid about fraud atm. Ive just had a very strange call from some bloke claiming to be from their audit team and wanting to put me on a conference call with DVLA to confirm my details. So then DVLA confirmed my details and I gave them permission to confirm them with the Admiral guy. He wanted to check I had a full license, date i passed my driving test and any points I had directly with the DVLA woman. Luckily id been honest and he was happy. Never ever had that happen before.
  15. I saw my first one this morning! I wasnt far from an american airbase, and this was LHD, so guess thats where it came from.
  16. Can anyone explain to me how the frig this is someone elses fault?! I read the same thing and couldnt believe it myself. When I first read it i thought maybe the lights werent working, or it was one of these crossings where there was no gate, but not at all. I really dont see how it can be network rail`s fault. Should they have had some guard standing there physically restraining people from walking onto the tracks?
  17. Have to say those 370 wheels look awesome on the 350. If I hadnt just forked out on a set of new tyres for mine, id probably have gone for these.
  18. Jesus... and i love how it says "customers who bought this also bought..... " and shows you a microfibre cloth for 21quid.
  19. Yep! You were a bit unfortunate with that one, normally id go away and think about a purchase, but think this was the only time I actually bought it there & then. I think even the sales person was surprised. Sounds like you havent got anything to loose really mate, id be tempted to advertise it and see what happens. Like you say, people do still buy them over winter - indeed, you may find people looking thinking they will get a bargain because of the time of year. If it doesnt sell, then keep it a bit longer and retry when the warmer weather comes out.
  20. All sounds good! Do some research on the exhausts before you buy mate. The Japspeed stuff has very mixed opinions. Some love them, others hate them. Some have fitting issues and say they are badly manufactured, others say they fit fine. Im running a K1 on mine and its fine if you wanted it on a car you arnt doing many miles in - or a weekend toy. Mine is staggeringly loud to the point where my hearing has definitely got worse. But, when you floor it, it really does sound amazing! Its just the drone at 2000rpm (about 70mph) which does my head in. There are endless different manufacturers out there of exhausts, but the one most people seem to go for as being best value for money is the scorpion.
  21. Jesus.... 2 grand repair bill within first few months of ownership. That would have left a really horrible taste in my mouth.
  22. Looks just like a newer version of mine! Nice! Really think you will struggle to sell a roadster atm. You will be better off waiting until May/June next year I think. When I bought mine at the start of the year, I kept an eye on the prices, and according to the prices on autotrader, the asking price of roadsters similar to mine actually went up by 15->17.5% during the summer months. And thats pretty typical of convertibles in general.
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