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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Thats excellent service.
  2. Thats bad! Id definately go by your trip counter rather than the gauge until you get it fixed. Mines fine, although I notice it does seem to change its mind about how much fuel is left quite a bit. Usually when its down to the last 1/4. It will start of showing nearly red, then about 10miles later it now thinks theres 1/4 tank in it. I figured mine was trying to adjust depending on how i was driving, i.e. harder driving and it would drop to the red, but slower driving and it seems to realise the fuel will last longer and adjust the gauge readout accordingly.
  3. How are you insuring this shed? I looked at the idea of getting a shed and for something similar, id be looking at 700quid to insure it. Which when I factored in MOT, roadtax, tyres and depreciation it was just going to cost far too much.
  4. Result! His is the diesel one, ghia model. Nice cars tho, plenty of room for buggies in the boot which is why he bought his.
  5. I keep trying to drum this into my son's head about his bike, he just seems to think I'm paranoid If you have a van and 2 guys it only takes seconds to lift a bike in and your gone. How many people are going to question you? Is there any CCTV around that area? Most city centres have CCTV coming out of their ears now, so maybe that could be an option to get maybe a picture of the criminals.
  6. Depends what you define as shed. Personally thats not a shed for me either. My mate bought one like that a couple of weeks back, 54 plate i think, £3500. Not a bad car at all, i fitted new brake pads on it for him and he`s booked it in with a service with me in a few weeks time. Nice big boot on them.. can get a couple of bodies in there nicely.
  7. Not being funny, but id never leave my R1 anywhere without chaining it up to something immovable, unless its just outside a pub or somewhere where ive got my eye on it. With a new bike like that, the thieves must have thought xmas was coming early if it was just sitting there. It will definitely be broken up for spares, no two ways about it. Its just not worth the hassle and risk of ringing a bike these days, so they will brake it for spares. Still sucks tho.
  8. These are always a nightmare on cars to get off, the splined shaft is usually alloy and corrodes. WD40 and a bit of leverage - although careful with levering. Also hitting it gently with a hammer helps.
  9. +1 ! Coming from a turbo car, i used to love this time of year, the car always felt so much quicker!
  10. No snow here! And its warmer than last year. Last year it was -7 this week, but it was only just 0 degrees according to my zed.
  11. Not sure id want to be parking under a tree like that, imagine the sap and rubbish going all over the car... it would take you weeks to clean it! Nice looking car though! And welcome to the forum!!!
  12. good idea! Id love not to use my zed over winter, but really havent got any choice as the insurance on a shed is just crippling and makes it financially not viable. So far, im not really enjoying driving the zed though in winter, a couple of bad frosts this last week, incl this morning and my drive to work becomes a nightmare. You really have to watch that throttle else the back end will step out. At least driving like a granddad seems to be helping the fuel economy slightly.
  13. Welcome! You sound like me, used sensible cars & bikes for commuting before going mad and getting a zed.
  14. Why not just buy some rays? They seem quite cheap 2nd hand.
  15. Think some zed owners in general seem to be miserable old gits, theres a couple ive seen around my way a few times (one 370z roadster, and a coupe) and neither acknowledge me when i wave at them.
  16. Mental! Hopefully it wont affect the UK insurance market. The report reckoned the old geezer in the lead car was doing twice the speed limit, so hopefully they will throw the book at him.
  17. You say that, i always used to moan at people who parked taking 2 spaces up, but the other week I went to the local shop and the carpark was nearly empty, only about 4 cars and at least 10 empty spaces. So I pulled into a space got out, then realised I was actually in 2 spaces. But I only wanted to pop in for a loaf of bread and there were plenty of other spaces, so i didnt bother shunting back & forth to make sure i was in just 1 space. Sods law, some bloke wandering past starts having a go at me for parking in 2 spaces! I point out the car park is half empty and he wanders off tutting at me. Normally when i go shopping to the local supermarket I park about 1/2 mile away from anyone else at the opposite end of the car park as im paranoid about getting car parking dents. My last car was ruined from idiots banging their doors open into it and trollies being scraped down the side of it. I really think supermarkets should make their car parking spaces bigger to avoid this.
  18. What a lovely dog. The pic of her on the cushion however looks like she`s about to take a dump! Im crap at names, but i would say like I told my neighbour yesterday who has just bought a puppy - you need to make sure its a name you feel comfortable screaming at the top of your lungs in the local park!!
  19. How brave!? Not really brave mate, didnt have much choice as the car was broken. I remember many times I had to defrost the car, move it out of the way in order to get the motorbike out of the garage. You`d be riding to work with white fields either side of the road. Then after a 35min ride into work it used to take me 20mins before I could feel my fingers again.... so I guess in all fairness, sitting in the warm zed isnt that bad after all!
  20. This this was the first drift video i looked at on the net back in feb time when i started looking at zeds. Some good driving tho!
  21. Those pics are totally totally mental. This morning it was 0 degrees when i got in my car and I had to drive it like a grandad to get anywhere. The back end was spinning up in 3rd and even 4th under the slightest bit of throttle. Reminded me of when I used to use my R1 in winter to get to work on.... not much fun.
  22. Indeed, same applies to insurers charging more for cars kept in garages than kept on the street. Exactly, and when I tried to insure a Honda Fireblade worth £1200, the insurance companies wouldnt touch me, but they happily allowed me to insure a Yamaha R1 which was more powerful and more expensive. Not to mention Third Party Only insurance.... why do insurance companies still bother with that? It used to be that was the only way you could afford to insure your car when you were younger, as obviously 3rd Party only meant a lot less payout for the insurance company as if your car was nicked, they didnt pay out, if it caught fire, it didnt pay out, if you crashed it, it didnt pay out etc... and so lower risk = lower premium. But the last few years when ive got quotes, Fully Comp is *always* cheaper than Third Party. In fact with one quote I got the other month, Third Party Only was 3 times the price of Fully Comp! - again that must be purely a mad statistics thing.
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