Indeed, same applies to insurers charging more for cars kept in garages than kept on the street.
Exactly, and when I tried to insure a Honda Fireblade worth £1200, the insurance companies wouldnt touch me, but they happily allowed me to insure a Yamaha R1 which was more powerful and more expensive.
Not to mention Third Party Only insurance.... why do insurance companies still bother with that? It used to be that was the only way you could afford to insure your car when you were younger, as obviously 3rd Party only meant a lot less payout for the insurance company as if your car was nicked, they didnt pay out, if it caught fire, it didnt pay out, if you crashed it, it didnt pay out etc... and so lower risk = lower premium. But the last few years when ive got quotes, Fully Comp is *always* cheaper than Third Party. In fact with one quote I got the other month, Third Party Only was 3 times the price of Fully Comp! - again that must be purely a mad statistics thing.