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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. rabbitstew


    I hadnt thought of it like that, but your right!! it is!!!!
  2. We just installed something similar at work and a similar setup is on my list of things to do at home. +1 on the dog idea. My parents had a Labrador - soft as anything but he had the most vicious sounding bark ever. If you didnt see him you`d assume it was some mental German Shepherd. That and me putting a foot square sign on the gate saying "Beware of the Dog" made sure that noone would dare try and break in. Even getting a sign from the petshop - you know the ones where theres a pic of a Rottweiler and it says "Beware, I live here"... and stick that in your window helps. I did that at my old house and any delivery drivers used to always nervously ask "err... wheres the dog" whenever I opened the door to them. Id also be tempted to get an alarm system, or even just the alarm box outside. I bet 7/10 people who have been burgled then go and fit an alarm, and if I was a burgler id know this and avoid any houses with alarms. Also check to see if they have taken anything like your spare car keys... if they have then they will come back and take your car. Did anyone see this in the news earlier in the week... kinda makes you feel a bit better about this sort of thing... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-storie ... -23615327/ "Mugger ended up with 2 black eyes and shot in the foot after attempting to rob 18 stone cage fighter"
  3. +1 They know you will get the insurance money and go out and buy shiney new tellys and stuff, so will return to get them. They should be shot.
  4. rabbitstew


    Ive heard everything now. "Self healing Paint" ?!?!!! When we were down Nissan the other week spec`ing up a new Juke, anything other than flat paint was an extra £488. Funnily enough the only flat paint colour they did was white on the Juke, so unless you wanted white then that was an extra £488 on the price of the car straight away. The salesman did try to sell me some sort of self cleaning paint protection which meant apparently id never have to wash the car again - just rinse it down with a hose and apparently all the dirt would just "fall off".
  5. +1 its the YTS kid who does it most of the time.
  6. Or someone found a big bar of chocolate.... Wouldnt find any in my house, the missus eats it all. Yesterday she ate an entire box of After Eight mints in about 10mins whilst watching Eastenders.
  7. Hey, I drive through there every other night on my way home, so i`ll definately keep an eye out. You`ll probably hear mine before you see it however.
  8. half an hour of silence? Probably means Eastenders was on......
  9. Not being funny, but I wouldnt hand over cash without having the goods in front of me. But, i guess not everyone does, hence sites like this popping up.
  10. Welcome! Where abouts in Cambs are you? I`ll have to keep an eye out as I wont be the only Roadster driver about here now!
  11. I think a lot of it is more to do with the software their parts systems use now. I know I used to be able to go to my local dealer and say "im looking for a bit", they would bring up the microfiche and 9/10 times know what "bit" i was talking about. It was then just a case of keying in the part number and getting a price. Now they want the reg number and the whole lot - even my local non dealer parts place is the same.
  12. Funnily enough last year I got flashed by a mobile camera van which was actually dangerously parked on the chevrons where a slip road joined a dual carraigeway. Any drivers coming up that sliproad would not be able to easily see the vehicles on the road due to the van being in the way. It was sods law really for me, as at the time I was doing about 35k miles a year and had had a clean license for as long as I could remember as im paranoid about getting points. Id just overtaken a lorry and had a massive long queue of cars behind me desperate to get past me, and the camera van got me just as I pulled back in to slow down. 81mph in a 70mph. I wrote to them asking to do the speed awareness course and the local police force said they didnt offer it for this offense. To make things even more interesting, my missus got flashed about 3 months later, speeding in a 30 zone - which personally I think is much more dangerous than going slightly over the speed limit on a dual carriageway where most days the cars are doing 85mph anyway. And she was immediately offered the speed awareness course. It was a different police force, so I guess each areas has its own ideas as to who they should offer the course to. Maybe its only those speeding offenses they think are really dangerous, rather than "mild" ones. She actually found the course very interesting and enjoyed the course, she learnt loads and even now, a year or so later, she still tells me about stuff she learnt on the course and has remembered - like how to workout the speed limit on a road if theres no speed limit signs, and stuff like that.
  13. micra's have chains too Most likely Aux belt as said. +1
  14. I didnt even remove the gear knob when i did mine, just pushed the stick down into 2nd or 4th which gave me enough room to get the console out.
  15. Well like I said, we will have to agree to disagree. Your research appears to be different to what Glasses, Carsite and the other numerous websites are saying and I noticed myself. Virtually all cars depreciate year in year out. I would not expect Jamies car to be worth next summer than it was this summer. But, I would expect a garage to sell it for more money in June than they would get in the Jan / Feb. So, if it was worth 16.5k this last summer, it may well be worth 15k next summer, and maybe 13k over this coming Dec / Jan.
  16. Yep it is. Thats brilliant. If its got a copy of the invoice, then it sounds like the previously may have been royaly ripped off. What would be even funnier is if the invoice is from the local NISSAN dealership!!!!
  17. Be interesting to see how that looks overlayed with speed camera locations.
  18. Welcome to the club! You will find loads of useful info and advice on here, so id recommend reading up as much as you can about the different models and things to look out for. January should be a good time to buy as garages may be struggling to sell them due to the weather etc.. Good luck!
  19. If I did that id be filling it up nearly every day. I tend to refill at about 330 miles and that works out at about 75->85quid. I could probably get a few more miles out of it, but dont like to run it on empty.
  20. Admittedly convertibles are sure to sell better in the summer months but not increase in value If Roadster prices went up in the summer I'd be stock piling them in January (as the prices have gone down) and selling them for profit in June Well maybe I was very mistaken when i looked at selling my missus`s car, but the prices I looked at definitely did go up. And again, when I looked at zed roadsters last year, they were more expensive in the summer months. And likewise, when I bought mine in Spring this year, the prices I saw on autotrader for similar spec zeds to mine, in June were 15% more than what I paid for mine in the Spring. Like I said we will have to disagree, as it sounds all your research into roadster prices are giving you different results to the ones I saw. As a side note, i just googled "convertible price rise in sunmmer" and there seems to be loads of articles about how convertibles go up in value over summer, such as this one: http://conversation.which.co.uk/transpo ... ing-in-uk/ Which mentions a glasses guide on auction prices where convertibles went up in value by 16% from Spring to Summer. And some of the other links seem to suggest convertibles go up in price by 20% in the summer months. http://www.convertiblecarmagazine.com/u ... is-summer/ Says that carsite.co.uk website saw the prices of the mx5 (for example) increase by 18% in the summer months in 2010. So maybe you should start stockpiling them ready for the summer months.
  21. Not being funny but have you ever seen any cars for sale at the prices quoted in Glasses guide? The only thing that guide is good for is giving you a rough idea of the sort of price a dealer would pay for your car as a part ex. For a market price, you need to check on ebay, local papers and autotrader to get an idea as to the sort of price people are advertising their cars for. Even then that doesnt tell you what the actual sold prices are. £14k? Maybe... In the summer when I looked, the prices for 2007 roadsters at garages were £15k -> £16.5k with 25k on the clock. A 2008 should be a faction more, and the lower mileage should also increase its value. The biggest factor will be the time of year like others have said. Last year, from the figures I looked at, the roadsters were worth roughly 15% less over jan2011->march2011 than you would get selling the same car in June/July2011. I think what happens is over winter the roadsters seem to drop to similar prices to the coupe`s, then when its sunny they rise back up again and are more expensive than the coupe`s. People will still buy in winter as they know they will get the car cheaper. Its just a question of whether you will accept less and a maybe sale now, or wait until summer hoping to get more. Of course, the car may sell easier in spring/summer next year, but by then it will be 2012, and the prices may have dropped a bit more anyway. People say about the 370`s getting cheaper etc.. but people who want a 350 may not want a 370. I know im one of them. Roadster prices do not go up in the summer. Almost all cars depreciate. Roadsters may not depreciate as much as Coupe's in the summer but they still depreciate. Jamie is selling his car for £14.4k now, in 6 months time the car will be six months older and therefore worth less, not more because it is sunny. Only high end car prices will fluctate according to seasons. Anyone telling Jamie to keep it for another six months needs to think about: 6 months road tax: £200 or so Insurance: £300 for example Depreciation: £200 a month roughly x 6 Servicing, MOT's and consumables. Before you know it, it's cost you well over £2k to keep it in the 'hope' that you get a buyer in the spring..... Well we will have to disagree with your first point. Last year when I kept a close eye on the Roadsters the prices went up over summer which is why I bought mine in the early Spring this year, and sure enough after buying mine, I noticed prices increase. The year before when my missus was thinking of selling her Peugeot 206 CC, I also noticed the prices went up over summer for that car also. The 2nd point you mention, surely he will have those same costs if he sold it now and bought another car? i.e. insurance, tax, mot etc... Those will only be an extra factor here if he decides to keep it as a second car sitting on his drive until the spring and therefore incurs an extra expenditure as a result. To be honest, I think in order to sell it now at this time of year he will have to sell it for such a low price that he will be better off keeping it and selling it next year. Alternatively, trading it in maybe an option.
  22. +1 id get Michaels gran to do the service.
  23. Not being funny but have you ever seen any cars for sale at the prices quoted in Glasses guide? The only thing that guide is good for is giving you a rough idea of the sort of price a dealer would pay for your car as a part ex. For a market price, you need to check on ebay, local papers and autotrader to get an idea as to the sort of price people are advertising their cars for. Even then that doesnt tell you what the actual sold prices are. £14k? Maybe... In the summer when I looked, the prices for 2007 roadsters at garages were £15k -> £16.5k with 25k on the clock. A 2008 should be a faction more, and the lower mileage should also increase its value. The biggest factor will be the time of year like others have said. Last year, from the figures I looked at, the roadsters were worth roughly 15% less over jan2011->march2011 than you would get selling the same car in June/July2011. I think what happens is over winter the roadsters seem to drop to similar prices to the coupe`s, then when its sunny they rise back up again and are more expensive than the coupe`s. People will still buy in winter as they know they will get the car cheaper. Its just a question of whether you will accept less and a maybe sale now, or wait until summer hoping to get more. Of course, the car may sell easier in spring/summer next year, but by then it will be 2012, and the prices may have dropped a bit more anyway. People say about the 370`s getting cheaper etc.. but people who want a 350 may not want a 370. I know im one of them.
  24. Welcome! And you`ll be able to participate in the numerous "which is better, boxster or 350z" threads which seem to pop up on here every so often!!!
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