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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I think we have covered all the options here now. So, if the OP fancies a zed for a track day car and can get one for £5000 before doing it up, then I suggest he does that. I for one would be interested to read about the project and see how he gets on.
  2. That physically made me feel sick when I read that news story. Sickos like that should be treated the same as they treated the animal. On another note, every Christmas I go for a nice walk around my parents village to walk off the Turkey. What I really dont understand is why do people put their empty cardboard boxes out near the front of their house. I can see exactly what pressies people got for xmas. Plasma tellys, xboxs, new mountain bikes, microwaves etc... as the empty box is sitting on the pavement outside their house like a big sign saying "look at what ive got for your to break in and steal". I always either chop my boxes up and put in bin bags, or take them straight down the tip myself.
  3. Result! Levering it off is always a bit daunting! But glad it all worked out!
  4. A very close friend of mine suffers with mental illness. As others have said, these days its treatable with drugs. Normally the first point of call is the Doctor to arrange for the person to have a psychiatric evaluation before they decide what medication would help. My friend was on various different medications over the years, and typically they take a good few weeks before the they start to "work". But, as a result she was able to live a normal life. Mental illness is more common than people realise these days. Years ago it was probably regarded as something bad, but these days you will be surprised at just how many people experience it at some stage or another in their lives. Its also something which can be very up or down. My friend was back to "normal" for about 8 years before she had a big relapse out of the blue and was actually sectioned. That was probably 9 years ago now and shes been fine ever since. She still takes the medication, and still has regular checkups with her nurse or doctor. But, she is able to enjoy herself and lead a normal life. She is also lucky she has a lot of very good friends.
  5. +1 Id pop down and have a chat with them first. Depending on how badly the exhaust is blowing or broken they may be able to fix it. If its just rotted through with old age then you`ll be lucky to repair it and have to swap it out. At which point, unless you get a 2nd hand Y pipe you`ll probably be looking at an aftermarket one in which case you`ll be better off getting the remap after fitting it.
  6. id agree with that. When I was 32, i was dating this hot bird who was 23, I had a nearly new 1000cc sports bike, nice sports car, was in the fittest shape of my life, had loads of friends and had a good job I liked. Wish I could turn back the clock to then, as its been mainly down hill since then.
  7. Looking at the prices Z4M`s are worth, I really think you will struggle to have much cash left if you sold it to buy a zed and prepared it properly for track days. It costs more than you think! Like others have said, there are much cheaper options, like the mx5 route - you could get one of them for £1500 or less, and have it on the track for fraction of what buying an cheap 350z (cheap usually means old, high mileage, maybe issues etc.). Even better, id buy a car someone else has already spent the time & money on track preparing. A lot of people start of with something like an mx5 or whatever, run it for a couple of years, love it track daying and then move up to something else, selling their old car off. That way you will have some cash to stick in your house deposit fund, and have a track car.
  8. When I used to supervise track days at Rockingham a good few years back, we would have hauled that driver in to have a word with him.
  9. Okay, Date of Liability is the date the last tax disc ran out. And Vehicle Status is whether or not its currently taxed. So in this case, its not been taxed since 19/11/2004. Its not been exported, so its either been sitting in someones garage since then, maybe put on the race track, or it could have been written off.
  10. You can get some data from the DVLA website https://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPo ... ution=e1s1 Thats the one. Click on the "vehicle enquiry" button on the left. You just key in the reg number and make of car i.e. Nissan, and it will tell you the make / model and when it was last taxed. Ideal to see if its still actually on the road. Im not sure how you can go about buying previously issued but no longer in use number plates. I guess if the car has been registered as scrapped, then DVLA will flag that plate is no longer in use, but whether or not they ever re-issue them im not sure. Normally if you have a plate on an old no longer in use car which you want to get, you have to MOT it, then you can transfer the plate onto a retention certificate.
  11. I often wonder where my old cars & motorbikes are. The other day I went onto the DVLA website and keyed in all the reg numbers to see if they were still on the road. Amazingly only 1 of my previous cars was still on the road and none of my motorbikes. It also told me that my Ducati 748SPS I had back in 2000 had been exported.
  12. Doesnt make much odds to me really as I just use the full website on my galaxy s2. I can see where people may want an app to reduce data costs and make it easier to display on phones which may not have a good browser or small screen resolutions however.
  13. See thats where you have to be careful. Ive got 6 or 7 shotguns at least, plus rifles, but if I was to shoot a burglar id be up the creek without a paddle. In America it would be fine, but over here its a no-no. But bit of wood, maybe a fire poker or a baseball bat is "acceptable".
  14. So wrong..... lol!!!!! I wanna rush out & buy a Fiat now!
  15. Bah Humbug..... your no fun Mr Rabbitstew Thats what she always says. She calls me Mr Grump.
  16. Looks nice! Not sure why they bothered transferring the ownership of the car throughout the entire family though to rack up 4 owners. I'm surprised their pet dog hasn't owned it at some stage.
  17. If you get stuck the pedals will sell easily enough on ebay. I sold an early Boss OverDrive pedal on there earlier in the year and there was a bidding war on it!
  18. My missus wants some of these for xmas. Needless to say Santa wont be bringing any.
  19. Ah... not any more. A few years back a burglar broke into a house in the same town I lived in. The home owner caught the guy and gave him a severe leathering with a baseball bat. The burglar tried to take the owner to court and the judge just threw it out laughing at the guy. Since then there have been several cases on the news of burglars being beaten up or even killed and its been regarded as perfectly reasonable in order to defend your home. Where you do have to be careful unfortunately is with regards to what is classed as "reasonable". For instance, if I happened to be cleaning my gun and then shot a burglar then that might be regarded as a little excessive. But, if i beat him around the head with a lump of wood, then that may be classed as okay.
  20. Holy cow. Was that a transit parked under it? I would not want to be trying to explain that one to the insurance company! "I only went back to the van to get a screw driver....." Theres no end of wind turbines around my way, I darent drive by them now after seeing that clip!
  21. Must be doing alright then, midlife crisis car AND girlfriend, lol +1
  22. Mad! Just was reading about this on the news. I had visions of it spinning around so fast that the propellers end up flying off like ninja stars causing no end of damage!
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