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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Wow! That interior is err... a little red isnt it!!!! Looks like a minter tho.
  2. Jesus... 250quid sounds like a bargain to me. If i had the spare cash id be tempted to buy them for a winter set to save my minters from getting wrecked.
  3. Little bit of snow around Cambridge atm. Seems pot luck as to where in this region you are, some are getting rain, others snow, others sleet. Its not settling, so dont expect many problems. Funnily enough the roads in to Cambridge today were the quietest they have been for months!
  4. The only thing I could hear yesterday was grid flying up off my tyres so I knew there was a gritting truck out somewhere... resulting in me cruising at 30mph in a 60mph to avoid damaging my bodywork. Sure enough, I eventually caught the gritting lorry up and rather than risk getting sandblasted by it, I actually had to do a nice detour down different country lanes to get home. That and the A14 being screwed resulted in a 1hr 40min drive home for me. (I only live 36miles away)
  5. British Army issue combat boots, socks and a load of stuff from toolstation.
  6. Thats what I thought. Clearly this guy is either a simpleton or was having a laugh?!
  7. Yep they arnt bad. My ex missus had one for a while, a 51 plater. She paid £3500 for it, then the gearbox went which cost £1500. I sold it 1 year later for 1200quid and struggled to sell it at that. Ah the new MOT... ive not got one of them yet. Not sure it will make too much difference, as previously it would say on the MOT certificate "Advisory given YES / NO". Most garages to seem to "loose" the advisory sheet tho, but if you key in the details on DVLA`s website it would give you details of all the previous MOT`s and what those advisories were for.
  8. And dont forget that at most garages its the YTS kid who does the tyre fitting. As for paying 30quid to have a tyre fitted, last year when I had my VW golf I went to a part worn tyre place in Coventry and had 2 brand new Goodyear tyres fitted for £15 each. That included the actual tyre as well!!!! They were brand spanking new, not a mark on them. They must have been the spare wheel out of a car or something as they were on crappy steel rims.
  9. Last pair i bought for my R1 cost me 120quid! But that was like 2 years back. Cost for fitting tyres also seems to have gone through the roof. I used to always buy my tyres online and have one of the local garages fit them - national tyres or kwik fit. Kwik fit used to charge me a fiver a wheel, and last time I had national tyres do them they cost me 7.50 a wheel fitted incl balancing & new valves. But, when I got some new tyres for my zed a few weeks back I asked around a few local garages and I was quoted 20quid PER WHEEL to have tyres fitted. I guess its because they wont make money on selling you a tyre and want to discourage people from buying online.
  10. Christ, you have a really good memory. I cant remember what i did yesterday, let alone 3 years back!
  11. Up on the science park if your around that area, Ive seen two z's around before bronze and a silver I usually turn off the a14 at Histon to come in to Cambridge, so one junction before you. Dont tend to see many zeds on my travels. Have occasionally seen a black one and have seen a grey one on the a14 a couple of times, but thats about it!
  12. Alconbury? I drive by there every day, i`ll have to keep an eye out for it.
  13. Oh no!!! Not another Cambs person! Soon they will be common as much around here! Im in Cambs every day, so i`ll have to keep an eye out for you!
  14. Mines a bit out of sync too. Mainly because in its first 4 years it only did 22k miles, So at the 4 year marker it had a P3 but it was only at 22k miles. I then bought the car and because im doing mega miles im servicing it now on miles rather than years, so i did a P1 after 9k miles @ 31k and will then be doing the P2 after another 9k miles, which will workout at 40k rather than the "5 years or 45k miles" which the book suggests. At some stage the miles & years will start to match up as im rapidly clocking the miles up. I had to smile when the OP said "comfort of the 12 month dealer warranty"..... you`ll soon realise its no comfort at all and covers very little. Its more down to the good will nature of the dealer as to whether or not they cover any problems.
  15. Which I think means its been scrapped and DVLA have been notified. I just ran the details through of a car I scrapped and got the same message. Could it be that its had a private plate put on it? If it has then the original plate will be unassigned to a vehicle at the moment? Aha, you are correct. I just tried my original reg number and get the same message, so Chris`s zed may not be scrapped after all, and may still be out there but with a private plate on it. If you have a private plate on your car, the original one whilst not assigned to a car is still linked to your car, as when you transfer the private plate off the car, DVLA give you the original plate back - or at least they have done whenever ive changed plates.
  16. You would have thought if the plane was safe enough to spend ages flying about burning fuel up, they could have just carried on to turkey. Still, better safe than sorry.
  17. You could have sold it to R800NER for 5 grand!
  18. +1 on classical music. Piano solo playing a bit of classical is supposed to stimulate the brain. -1 for me. I find music distracts me and I end up listening to that instead and my mind wanders, then i spend ages picking the next song to play..... nightmare for me!
  19. Which I think means its been scrapped and DVLA have been notified. I just ran the details through of a car I scrapped and got the same message. My poor baby Sad indeed. But, think of it as it was an organ donor and its helped loads of poorly zeds remain on the road rather than going to the big scrap yard in the sky.
  20. Thats exactly what I do. I find writing stuff out makes me remember it better than if I just read it. And condensing the information into concise notes really makes you think about things. The biggest problem I found is getting distracted. I hate studying, so end up wandering off to make a coffee, then get distracted by something else. Or quickly check on facebook and end up browsing the net for hours. I find mornings are better for learning things, my brain seems to slow right down in the afternoon unless im doing something I really enjoy doing.
  21. No problem. The key thing is to be strong and look out for her like you are doing. When my friend was at her worst I personally found it very tough, but it was a real eye opener for me and I learnt loads about mental illnesses and how to cope with them.
  22. Which I think means its been scrapped and DVLA have been notified. I just ran the details through of a car I scrapped and got the same message.
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