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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Jesus, 75" or 88" tellys.... thats mad. Im going to have to check them out i think!
  2. What always amazes me is when you get a bigger new telly and you think "wow, this is huge, i cant ever see us needing a bigger one", then 12 months later you are sat there thinking maybe you should have got a bigger one. I went from 32inch to a 42inch plasma, then a 50inch plasma. Wifes now mentioned she wouldnt say no if I got a bigger one. The room is massive so it can take it, so I may well be looking at 65inch next. Ideal for her to watch Eastenders on, whilst I watch my shows on a 13inch laptop screen.
  3. I remember back in the late 90`s a local builder to me was using a Sierra Cosworth as his works van!
  4. A friend of mine had something similar. Turned out it was something to do with fluid in his ears, apparently they control your balance and it was giving him dizzy spells. Dr gave him some pills which sorted it all out.
  5. Keeping the volvo and having the zed for a weekend toy may be out of the question if your 20 and paying £1500 insurance on a volvo. The insurance on the zed as a second car with no NCB will be a massive. Also the costs of mot, servicing, tax, tyres etc on 2 cars soon adds up and off-sets any savings you may make on petrol. I ran my zed as a daily, 450 miles a week for a year, then ran it along side an old diesel for 6 months. Didnt really save much tbh. I would also shy away from buying 2 broken zeds and trying to fix them up into one. Would be a nightmare. Stick to buying a good example if you can. By all means you can tinker and service it yourself. They are easy enough to work on for basic servicing etc. They are fun cars and represent good value for money now. Read up as much as you can on the various versions, options, problems etc and check what your insurance say etc before you rush out & buy.
  6. If this is for a road car, it would be worth checking what your insurance thinks. In the past I have had a car which became virtually un-insurable after I fitted a cage in it.
  7. I have got an R1 and a Ducati 996 in my collection and they are a very different kettle of fish. It took me a while to get used to the V-Twin after a life time of wringing the neck out of high rev`ing 4 cylinder sports bikes. To be honest, for me, nothing compares to a screaming 4 pot, but a V-Twin is still fun but in a completely different way. Mines running open race pipes and the sheer hooligan anti social noise of the V-Twin is amazing. When you open it up the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. They are very torquey, so you find yourself just leaving it in higher gears rather than dropping it down a couple when you over take. Performance wise, it cant hold a candle to the R1. The R1 is quicker, brakes quicker and handles better. But you can have a lot of fun tweaking the settings and improving things. The RSV was very popular when it came out and a lot of my mates had them and liked them. That and the Honda SP1 might be another one to consider.
  8. Spotted on my lunchbreak, grey 350z Coupe, loud single exit exhaust on it cruising through Cambourne, Cambridgeshire today at about 12:30. Reg was: MM** HDL
  9. My 997 turbo ticks all the boxes as a daily driver and a good all rounder for me. 30mpg, 4 seats, all the performance you want and yet can happily poodle long in traffic or around town. Cheap insurance. Servicing/maintenance wise its cost me just £400 over the last 30,000 miles. I can get both kids in the back along with all their bags/toys if they want to go to the in-laws for the weekend, and I can get the weekly shopping in the boot no problem.
  10. If the 370 wasnt depreciating and you have the space id say keep it. I have done precisely zero miles on my motorbikes over the last 2 years or more, and havent had the time to lay a spanner on my project car since 2013. But ive still got them, hoping each year that "this is the year" when I can use them. Im lucky that they are actually increasing in value, other wise I would seriously have to consider selling them off. You can always buy another one! As it is, my project car has been sitting there since 2005 needing work and with values going up I have been considering selling it. But I figured having had the thing since 1996 it would be shame to get rid of it now.
  11. I have been running the MPS4S on my 997 since last May. Probably done 10,000 mile or more on them now, including all over winter. Im very impressed with them. No problems with grip, even in the damp. Compared to the Pirelli P-Zeros I took off, the Michelins are actually quieter, although the 997 hasnt got the quietest of cabins at the best of times. One of the first set of tyres where I felt I could actually "feel" the road. I will definitely be getting the same again when the time comes.
  12. I ran a TransAm for 11 years as a daily ... don't forget the car I'm getting will only do max 2K miles a year I have always wanted a Bandit TransAm but they seem to have gone up in price this last few years. Maybe one day!
  13. Id suggest that kit is pretty rare for a very good reason!!!!!
  14. The father-in-law fitted some after market sensors to his car last year and painted them with touchup paint to blend them in. This screwed the sensors up - it thought the paint was an object it was about to hit. As cars seem to do have colour coded sensors im not sure how they paint them without the above problem, unless its dependant upon the type of sensor.
  15. Does seem a bit strange to me. Why spend £60k on a 370z then only do 6000 miles in it before selling it? Surely you`d want to use it. I know id certainly want to get my moneys worth out of it. Sounds like its barely even run in. If the plate is worth anything, why not just put it on retention and sell it separately. Can be done in 5 minutes now online apparently and costs (iirc) less than £100. Sounds like the owner just wants a quick sale.
  16. Need to sort my daily out at some point, its getting trashed atm. I only get time to wash it once every few weeks and so its getting ruined in this winter weather. I washed it yesterday and noticed some weird stuck little specks all over it. Bit like tree sap but really hard. Managed to get some off with a bit of scrubbing but think it will take a good day to get them all off unless I get it machine polished. May have to book it in somewhere soon. Either that or just wrap it...... hmmm.
  17. As a biker, from watching that clip, my opinion is that regardless of what speed he was doing, the guy is not a very good rider. There's a lot of hazards he should have taken into account on that short clip and reduced his speed accordingly. Traffic, the cross roads, all those SLOW markings. Personally id be doing a speed where I can stop in time if I need to. You never know what idiot drivers are around. The usual cause of accidents like this, is that the biker comes into the bend hard, realises the bend is sharper than they expected and panic brakes. Braking on a leant over bike has the effect of standing the bike straight up. So the only direction you will go is through the hedge. The ironic thing is, if the biker just kept their cool and leaned the bike over further, and managed the throttle, they could have made it around the bend perfectly fine. Ive seen this happen loads of times, especially happens when your racing against a mate, trying to catchup and let yourself get carried away and overcook things. However, looking at the video, the bend is so mild its virtually not a bend. On the face of it (legalities aside) 118mph shouldnt be a problem. However the rider seems to make no attempt at all to lean over. He`s on the middle white lines nearly and just goes straight off the road. Very strange. In wet conditions you could get tyre slipping on the white lines which could throw you off, but its a sunny July day. So who knows what actually happened, maybe some mechanical issue? From the longer clips online, the guy apparently had no idea what road he was on, or where he was, so he may just got distracted and overcooked it. Sentence wise, there does seem to be a huge variation in what judges give out. Had the biker been coming the other way and did the same thing he could have hit a car full of kids coming the other way etc. As it was, theres no doubt really he was street racing as you have the video evidence of him racing the other guy and looking at the longer clips online, they both do some very questionable overtaking earlier. Personally I think the sentence or penalty should have been more from the way they were riding. As a side note, its making me think about NOT wearing my helmet cam when im out on my bike now!
  18. Very sobering reading indeed and puts your own problems into perspective. I dont know whats going on atm but over the last few weeks I am hearing more and more things exactly like this, where people are tragically dying young and out of the blue etc. either through accidents or cancer/illness. Maybe its co-incidence, or maybe its a sign, but its certainly making me think a lot about life & death atm. My condolences to everyone.
  19. rabbitstew


    When I was in Australia back in 2011 for a friends wedding, one of the bridesmaids kindly let me take her boyfriends Monaro for a test drive. (very kind of her as he wasnt even at the wedding lol). I did write a review up on here at the time, but basically I wasnt overly impressed with it.
  20. My BMW 123d M-Sport coupe was £36k (if i remember correctly) new back in 2011 with all its options.
  21. An air rifle is ideal for pigeon control inside barns etc. Wont leave a hole in the roof. Something like a nice PCP rifle will be deadly accurate for a quick clean kill. If they are wood pigeons then even better, they are very tasty.
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