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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Very nice. My mate has a blue one, which he had remapped... Got some serous power out of it.
  2. Its hard not to think of the "what ifs" though. But only having been "investing" in shares this last 12 months ive soon realised that in order to make serious money you need to do like the bankers and invest about 100 million quid. You probably only make 0.1% or so on each buy / sell but with that volume of money it adds up. For anyone investing a lot less then you`ll be forever trying to make money unless you know something others dont. My investments are about 60% down this last year below what I paid, so id have made more money just keeping it under the mattress. But, i only invested a small amount which i could afford to play with and dont plan on worrying too much about it.
  3. £4700?!!!!!! Jesus Christ. It has 110k miles but full stamped history, sales receipts, tyre receipts and vehicle inspection reports. Oh and it feels and looks in better condition than my old car which had 65k. Sounds like a good deal then! Its deals like this which make me think I should have gone for something similar and spent the rest of my cash on mods.
  4. And I thought I was the one who ate all the pies?!!!!!!!!
  5. Good luck with knocking much of any dealer to be honest. When I was looking at the start of this year when the weather was still rubbish and very cold, no garage would knock anything off the full advertised price of their zeds. I had cash in my pocket and had a budget of 15grand for a zed. I actually walked away from 2 cars because the garages would not drop a penny on the price. In the end, the car I bought, I had to pay the full advertised price for it, and after hours of haggling managed to get them to throw in 6 months road tax. Ive never had that problem before with other cars ive bought, usually dealers are more than happy to knock off a nice bit or include extras like mats or roadtax etc. Whether or not they assume if your forking out a lot of money on a zed you can afford the full price - or whether they think they are easy to sell. I really dont know.
  6. Welcome! Plenty of zeds out there, so dont rush into anything and take your time to shop around. If you buy from a forum member then at least you`ll know its been looked after.
  7. Ive been running a K1 since April time, and im sure my baffles are shot. Ive not taken the bungs out yet, but the noise it makes with them in is incredibly loud. At 2000rpm which is about 60 or 70mph cruising you can feel your brain rattling. When I first fitted it, I used to get headaches, but now its made me a bit deaf so im used to it. It still makes the missus feel sick however. I measured the in cabin noise using an app on my phone (okay, so I doubt if its 100% accurate), and it was coming in at 110db max on my drive home. Bare in mind ive a roadster, so there isnt as much sound proofing with the roof down. The funniest thing happened this week though. I was driving along and overtook this car. This other car then followed me for about 8->10 miles trying to catch up with me. When we finally stopped at some traffic lights the guy wound his window down and told me my car sounded amazing, best thing he`d ever heard! He`d followed me for all that distance just to tell me! Im always getting people nearly breaking their neck turning around to see what car im driving when they hear it.
  8. Mines always been like this, only had 20k on it when I bought it earlier in the year. After a few miles its fine and only seems to happen when the temperature gets below a certain amount - it was fine in summer.
  9. Been meaning to watch this. Have heard mixed opinions and most people seem to compare it to the Sopranos.
  10. There was an article in my local paper the other week where the delivery man thought a wheelie bin left outside on collection day was a "safe" place to leave the delivery. They then refused to pay the owner any compensation because she couldnt prove what was in the package. Makes you wonder sometimes. EDIT: Heres the link to the story! http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Home/Po ... 122011.htm
  11. You git. I had no breakfast today, opened up this thread and now im starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arrrrggghh!!!
  12. Bit disappointed with the goal keeper there, he should have just clothes-lined the guy then given him a beating, instead of giving him a few kicks which didnt really hit the mark very well. Bet the fan didnt expect to get a kicking from the goalie tho!
  13. Welcome!!! You`ll find a zed a bit "different" after driving turbo cars. Id test drive one and see how you like it!
  14. Some funny ones here... some are also not suitable for "sensitive" people... http://www.sickipedia.org/search/1/?q=advent
  15. 10 degrees, clear skys here this morning. Had the roof down on the way into work. Cant remember the last time its been like this so close to Christmas!
  16. Yep 11 degrees near Northampton last night and 9 degrees on my drive in. I nearly put the roof down but there was a little bit of rain so I didnt. I remember last year it was seriously cold and we even had snow.
  17. Plus fitting too which is about 1-2 hours. Plus it's not super 4's. The V makes it a pain to change. Changing the plugs on a HR is dead easy though. Phew!
  18. £200 for some spark plugs... thats mental. The ones on my missus`s old car cost me £10 for 4 and took about 10mins to fit. Im hoping I will sell my zed before I need new plugs!
  19. Thats probably because my missus already bought them all - she came home with 6 different cakes / puddings for xmas meal, and about 10 different types of cream / ice cream to go on them. Now our guest have 60 different combinations to choice from... sigh... all i want is xmas pud and cream.
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