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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Thats what i did with my track car - just welded up a frame out of angleiron to bolt the race seats to. I also ditched the stock seatbelts for harnesses. However, most people tend to have brackets tho with holes drilled in them which give you a small amount of adjustment - like tilt and height etc, so maybe that counts? Im hoping the new regs will be like the current MOT and very dependent up on the actual testers. My R1 motorbike for example has a loud race exhaust on it, no headlamps, no indicators and a few other race bits, but because my MOT man is understanding it always passes. Nothing illegal, its just how the regulations are interpreted. For example, with the exhaust, it says something like "must not be louder than equivalent motorbike" or something like that, and my man's view on this is that "well all these sports bikes have loud exhausts so its fine". The lack of headlamps and indicators is also fine as for motorbikes you can get a "day light" mot which is primarily aimed at motocross bikes, but theres no law which says you cant apply it to a sports motorbike.
  2. Looks like someone is trying to make some serious profit there, when you think what a stock LHD car like that would have cost and the parts they have bolted onto it.
  3. Wirebrush?! Only joking. Personally id be very careful what you do as if your not careful you may end up making the marks worse. When my missus got her car it looked like someone had driven it through a hedge repeatedly. It had scratches all over it. My local paint supplier recommended this polish / cutting compound stuff which has like sand in it. With a lot of elbow grease it got rid of about 80% of the scratches on the car and made the remaining 20% look a lot less visible. If they are down to the primer then the scratches will need a lot more work.
  4. Im on Linkedin but dont really use it much these days. Theres some good groups on there if you want to network with people in certain industries, and its a good way to get possible sales leads etc... In the main recruitment agencies seem to use it the most I think for trying to poach people for jobs.
  5. WOW!!!! Awesome pictures there!!!!
  6. No mate, I hurried to look after your last post but that 05 plate weren't mine, No worries. Looks like they are breeding around here. Soon they will be common as muck.
  7. rabbitstew

    New Car!

    I got it for 21k fully loaded and im over the moon. My friend bought a new 370gt roadster and paid 35k for it last year. There was a nissan dealer on here selling brand new le mans blue gt roadsters for 25k a cople of months ago, so swings and roundabouts! Please answer the question, are you minted or what, lol!
  8. rabbitstew

    New Car!

    I got it for 21k fully loaded and im over the moon. My friend bought a new 370gt roadster and paid 35k for it last year. There was a nissan dealer on here selling brand new le mans blue gt roadsters for 25k a cople of months ago, so swings and roundabouts! Your right, its swings and roundabouts, I think pretty much most new cars drop in value like a rock. £21k isnt bad at all from the sounds of it, I really like them and think they are nice cars.
  9. £22k?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kin ell.. is there a travelodge next door which would be cheaper?
  10. Same here mate. Noones spotted mine yet, but im sure they have probably heard it and thought it was a low flying plane or something. I`ll keep a look out for you too then! Good man! Yours is black isnt it? 05 plate? I saw a couple of black ones in Cambs earlier in the week and posted on here. Not yours?
  11. Very nice!!! I was looking at black ones when I bought mine but ended up with a gunmetal one.
  12. rabbitstew

    New Car!

    Not being funny but you must have money to burn! My mate bought a brand spanking new m sport 320d a few years back. Think it was a 57 plate. Cost him over £30k all in with all the extra`s he had on it. Fully loaded it. He sold it about 2 years later for £16k. He took a massive hit on it and vowed not to buy a new beemer again!
  13. So my premium should go down if I have been on the course, as I am now a well informed and reformed driver who is very unlikely to be a danger on the road, much less so than when the same insurance company covered me before when I did speed, right? You been taking those pills again?!!!
  14. Same here mate. Noones spotted mine yet, but im sure they have probably heard it and thought it was a low flying plane or something. I`ll keep a look out for you too then!
  15. Not seen a matt black one about, will have to look out for it.
  16. Okay. It all depends upon the local police as to whether they offer you the course or not. Last year I got caught by a mobile speedtrap when I was driving my old shed (not the zed). I was clocked at 82 in a 70 on a dual carriageway. Literally the same week my missus was flashed by a mobile van doing 48 in a 30. She was immediately offered the speed awareness course and I was offered 3 points & 60quid fine. I wrote to the police asking if I could do the speed awareness course as I was really interested in doin it. At the time I was driving about 35k miles a year, and had a clean license, so felt that doing the course would be of more benefit to me than just some points. The police wrote back and said they didnt offer it for my offense and sort of implied that they only offer it for those speeding offenses they regard as being more dangerous. (i.e. 48 in a 30 is dangerous, whereas 82 in a 70 isnt as bad) My missus did the course, she actually enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it. I took the 3 points, paid the fine and had my car insurance increase by about 15% upon renewal as a result.
  17. Wonder what kwik fit would say to the owners "unusal" tyre wear?!! Thats just mad! Maybe its just a case of the driver as been eating more pies than I have?!!?!
  18. They are pretty rare. When I got my zed, my front numberplate holder was cracked and the dealer refused to replace it due to the cost. I just removed it completely and stuck the plate straight onto the bumper, looks miles better imo. Good luck with your search!
  19. I was with virgin at my old house and used to get 10mb. At my new house I live just a few hundred yards from the exchange and live in a quiet cul-de-sac full of old pensioners. I think I am probably the only person in the road who uses the internet, so my speed atm is 20mb with sky. Certainly quick enough for me! Virgin have laid cable down the road however and are trying to get me to move to them, but currently their prices for me are way more than I pay to sky, else id move.
  20. Ah this is funny, i thought the same a few weeks back and nearly posted asking the same question as some mornings its definately been showing -2 or -4 on my missus`s car but the zed was showing just zero degrees. However... this week ive seen lots of minus temps on the zed, -3 the other night driving home from work.!!!
  21. Excellent. 100mb will certainly mean my "research" material will download quicker!!!!! Ahem.
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