For me thats the whole point really, making people smile. Like the one on my motorbike, its very subtle and at first glance people dont get it. I remember parking it at work one day and about mid afternoon the security guard actually took time out to come and find me to say he was outside having a fag and nearly choked when he worked out what my number plate said. And with the "be shot" plate, ive lost count of people who have given me positive compliments about it - which made the weeks of searching and the relatively high cost compared to some other personalized plates worth while. I think most people dont like plates which have been messed about with too much, but with mine its really just a case of a 1cm space and thats it.
I really dont know why some people instantly think personalised plates are "chav". I dont think ive seen any chav`s whizzing about in their nova`s or corsa`s with private number plates on them. I think some people are just jealous of anything, or like trying to provoke a reaction. Ive a work mate who as soon as I got my zed instantly started making fun of me saying stuff like "its a nissan, is it broken yet?" and "its got a french engine in it isnt it?" and "couldnt you afford a boxster" etc... Then I fitted my sports exhaust and next thing he is saying "its a chav car, you should chav around the town centre with the corsa lads". Its as if he is just jealous and trying to provoke a reaction from me. I just let it go straight over my head as at the end of the day he drives a 16 year old proton!