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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. For me thats the whole point really, making people smile. Like the one on my motorbike, its very subtle and at first glance people dont get it. I remember parking it at work one day and about mid afternoon the security guard actually took time out to come and find me to say he was outside having a fag and nearly choked when he worked out what my number plate said. And with the "be shot" plate, ive lost count of people who have given me positive compliments about it - which made the weeks of searching and the relatively high cost compared to some other personalized plates worth while. I think most people dont like plates which have been messed about with too much, but with mine its really just a case of a 1cm space and thats it. I really dont know why some people instantly think personalised plates are "chav". I dont think ive seen any chav`s whizzing about in their nova`s or corsa`s with private number plates on them. I think some people are just jealous of anything, or like trying to provoke a reaction. Ive a work mate who as soon as I got my zed instantly started making fun of me saying stuff like "its a nissan, is it broken yet?" and "its got a french engine in it isnt it?" and "couldnt you afford a boxster" etc... Then I fitted my sports exhaust and next thing he is saying "its a chav car, you should chav around the town centre with the corsa lads". Its as if he is just jealous and trying to provoke a reaction from me. I just let it go straight over my head as at the end of the day he drives a 16 year old proton!
  2. Mine didnt, but then mines an 07 model.
  3. Excellent. Reminds me of those Red Bull videos on youtube where they drive the F1 formula 1 car on an ice lake, on beaches, on roads and even on a building site. Mad stuff!
  4. Welcome. Plenty of cars out there, so if your not sure then keep looking.
  5. The problem with that is that most of the companies ive worked for in the past, and even my current company frown on "working from home" - even though when I have worked from home in the past I find I get loads more done, due to less distractions.
  6. With an MR2 you`d be better off selling that on ebay. I got a part ex price for the old shed I was driving at the time and they offered me 500quid for it. I put it on ebay and got £2300. Basically they will just stick it straight in an auction to shift it, so will just give you the price they think they will get back for it in the auction.
  7. I bought my zed from a dealer and it was the 2nd car ive ever bought from a dealer. The last car I bought I managed to knock about 3 grand off the window price with a lot of haggling. But this time around the Nissan dealer would not budge a penny. In the end I paid the full window price but got 6 months road tax (260quid ish) and a fresh MOT thrown into the deal. The dealer had already forked out for a full P3 service, alloy wheels refurbished and the front bumper re-sprayed to remove all the stone chips, so they had invested a bit of cash in the car. Not only that, apparently they had another buyer snapping at the door, so they knew if I didnt buy it the other guy probably would. Before I bought this zed, I did see another one at a different car dealer and made them an offer - but once again, they refused to knock anything off that one. The only thing they offered was 6 months road tax, so I walked away. It doesnt hurt to try though!
  8. I do a lot of shooting, so its quite appropriate for me. The guys down my local shooting club love it. Did you work out what the other plate says?
  9. Same here. Thing is Chesterfields will go through an ANPR camera and an MOT, not sure yours will Mines been fine with ANPR and ive even had police cars behind me and not had any problems. I guess its because I havent altered the lettering or messed about with the plate other than the space between the 5 and the H is slightly less than it would normally be. Some plates I see are all over the shop with letters changed to look like other ones, mounting screws in strange places etc... Ive never seen the point of doing that, just makes the car look stupid.
  10. That bonnet looks fine to me. Bit of filler will soon sort it out. Be interesting to see what you can repair it all for though price wise. I used to repair smashed up motorbikes and cars many years back, but then the prices got silly, so if you bought a car needing about 2k of repairs, you`d end up paying about 2k less than a perfectly decent one would cost. So the money wasnt really there any more.
  11. Oh, and heres another one of mine...
  12. You learn something new every day. I didnt realise you could actually turn the screen off. I just leave mine on all the time.
  13. He must have a very very understanding wife. Ive got 4 projects in my garage and have no spare time to even look at them let alone work on them.
  14. More info on the lambo here.. http://www.kiengineering.com/The_Bull.php
  15. erm ..... isn't that contrary to employment law ?? (i'm no solicitor by the way ) I know the company looked into it at the time and if i remember rightly by law you didnt have to pay any sick pay at all. Its entirely up to the company`s discretion. The employee can claim statuatory sick pay if they are off long term sick or something.
  16. The pics would be good though Reminds me of some tv show i saw the other year about building a kit car and the guy lives in a terraced house. He builds a shed in his garden, builds the car, then has to hire a massive crane and get the council to shut his entire road so they can winch the kit car over top of his house and onto the road outside.
  17. glad it works fine now though, would have been a bit of a git if it hadnt after all that effort!
  18. Had to laugh at that. I remember a few years back when it was bad snow our finance director phoned in saying he was snowed in, and yet I had a much longer drive in than him and actually drove past his street in order to get in. I used to pride myself on always getting into work. Even when I used to use my motorbike 365 days of the year. Id still get into work when others would cry that they were snowed in. Same as dragging myself to work when im seriously ill. Then I realised that work never ever thanked me for it and never did me any favours in return, so it makes you think why bother. My current company have a very strict policy. You are only allowed 3 days sick in 1 year. Any more and it comes out of your pay. Similarly its up to you if you cant get into work cos of weather conditions, but if your not in the office you wont get paid. Fortunately most of my guys are able to physically "work from home" if the weather is really really bad, and its down to me to decide if i`ll let them or not.
  19. Welcome! As above, give us a bit more info and we can probably narrow it down a bit more. Then you can buy the bits from one of the traders on here to save some cash!
  20. More of a stomach churner than head turner for me.
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