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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Saw a black juke identical to my missus`s this morning as I was driving along, so got ready to do the appropiate hand gestures in case it was my missus as I approached it, but luckily stopped myself at the last second when I realised that it was actually some grey haired 80 year old woman driving it and not my missus. Phew... that could have been *very* embaressing. Found another strange problem with the juke yesterday. The passenger electric window seems to have a mind of its own. It goes down fine but just wouldnt go up. Then after a bit of banging of the door panel is may or may not go up. Its as if the switch is sticking. I noticed the red interior door trim seems a bit tight on the switch. Will have to investigate further at the w/end.
  2. Mine does the same occasionally. Window just doesnt want to go up. But flicking switch down then up seems to work, so i think it may just be the switch contacts. One to check at the w/end.
  3. I quite like "i wanna dance with somebody". Whenever that comes on I find my self singing along to it, especially the line which goes "i wanna feel the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaat" which she does at a high pitch. Always makes my missus laugh as normally im into death metal.
  4. I just had my road tax renewal hit the door mat this morning £460 ! Had the insurance just before xmas which was nearly a grand, new tyres before xmas which was £500. And my MOT needs to be done next week which apparently is £58 at the place im going to. Then people wonder why the car costs me £860 a month to run!! Still, im looking forward to my drive home tonight. Might even put the roof down!
  5. In my experience of Nissan hood issues, they will just glue that bit down. You have more chance of finding rocking horse poo than them replacing the hood.
  6. Ive been using my missus`s old 90bhp diesel shed for this last 2 weeks to try and save a bit on the fuel costs. Her shed does nearly 50mpg compared to my zeds 25mpg. Makes a big difference when you do nearly 100miles a day commuting. Anyway, decided to use the zed today for the first time in about 10 days, and OMG. It felt like someone had turbo charged it. It felt so much more quicker than it did last time I drove it. I floored it in 2nd and nearly left a brown smoke trail. Even gently touching the accelerator in 6th at motorway speeds and the car instantly takes off. Amazing! So, for anyone who is wanting more power from their zed, id highly recommend buying an old shed, use it for a week or 2, then get back in your zed. It will feel like you have gained another 300bhp. Nice, cheap performance mod!!!
  7. +1 The biggest problem ive had when trying to make career decisions in the past is that it is nearly always a trade of between doing a job which will earn you money, but you dont really like. Or, doing a job you love and not getting much money for it. Its a very lucky person who gets paid loads for doing a job they love!
  8. Retraining isnt too hard at your age. Id speak to local colleges and see what courses employeers would look for. Ive been in computers all my life, but I remember not so long ago when every man and his dog assumed there was big money to be had in computers and you had carpenters, plumbers and brickies all retraining in computers and "walking" into jobs paying 25k a year. Then of course the market got flooded with computer engineers and people like myself who had been in computers all their life got made redundant. Of course, those people who originally had a different career like plumbers just went back to plumbing and continued making money.
  9. AEX shares rocketing today after they hit gas. Now they are hitting nearly 4p a share!!!! Amazing since I bought them at 8p nearly a year ago. So even though they have gone up by 30% im still 50% down on the deal.
  10. When was the last service. I normally do 10k or 1 year on mine.
  11. What I would say is why not change jobs. In my experience, how companies work is that they will not give you a pay rise whilst you are sitting there on 12k a year doing a good job for them. Who else are they likely to get for that cash? They will come up with every story under the sun as to why they cant give you a pay rise as they know you`ll probably stay anyway. In all my career ive only ever had about 2 pay rises whilst ive been working for a company and they were pathetic little ones. You only ever get more cash if you change companies. It sounds like you are good at Excel, so why not move jobs, go to another company which needs those skills. I usually pay my first line support team more than 12k and they have a mixture of skills, all which are easy to learn. You can of course change career if you hate the type of work you are doing, rather than just hate the company. At 25 you are still a young wipper snapper. Depending on what course you want to do, you could be established in a new career before your 30, easily. I considered a similar thing a few years back when I was made redundant. Most of my mates are tradesmen. Either plumbers, sparkies, brickies, plasterers or even gardeneners. And they *all* are absolutely flat out. They have more work than they can handle and are making more cash than I was as a "qualified" computer person with 15 years experience.
  12. Sounds like he was lucky. If that had been me the old bill would have probably locked me up for 20 years.
  13. £16 for some lube? I pay less than that down ann summers!!!!
  14. Maybe previous owner had a row of spot lights bolted to the front bumper? And that was the on/off switch for them?
  15. "Good" to insure?! thats very much down to where you live and your circumstances. In my case its the most expensive car ive ever had to insure. I went from a Golf GT TDI which was costing me £200 a year to the zed. I have 19 years NCB, never made a claim, live in a cul-de-sac full of old biddies where theres zero crime, im 40 years old and my premium on the zed was coming in at £900 fully comp. In comparison a BMW M3 came in at just over £600, a Porsche Boxster was about £700 and even a £50grand Nissan GTR was coming in at £750. For the insurance cost, i may as well got a lambourghini as im sure that would be cheaper for me to insure than the zed. As a comparison my 200mph Yamaha R1 costs me just £66 to insure! And ive been quoted £80 to insure my 220bhp Renault 5 GT Turbo fully comp, which is quicker than my zed After playing with numbers and locations it seems to be down to the fact insurance companies dont like RWD cars, mines also a roadster so higher insurance group i think, and even though I live in an old peoples home nearly, my postcode seems to be a higher risk than my previous home which was in a crime ridden city centre.
  16. In my experience it makes you a slower more nervous driver. In one of my old cars, I had some idiot pile into the back of me at 60mph when I was stationary. My car was written off and I was off work with injuries for weeks. The police didnt prosecute the other driver claiming there was "lack of evidence" wtf!!! But months later when I had enough confidence to get back in the driving seat I was paranoid about someone crashing into the back of my car. Id find myself constantly looking in my rear view mirror when I was in traffic, and its strange, but you keep re-living that impact feeling. Certainly made me drive like a grand-dad. Even now I seldom drive fast. Its the thought of injuring yourself and the thought of the financial cost of fixing the car! I used to very much be into motorbikes and still am - ive 3 in my garage. Having crashed them a few times through pushing them too hard, again it certainly makes you a lot more wary of the road conditions and the grip you may or may not have. I shudder now thinking of some of the stuff I used to do when I was a lad and got away with it - or those near misses where I crashed and walked away. What did it for me was I used to work with the california superbike school for a while, helping riders learn to ride properly, as well as supervising trackdays. Seeing some of the riders there have serious crashes and having to go & pick up the pieces made you realise just how vunerable you are.
  17. Im dying to know what this switch does now too! Only thing you can do is to check the wiring which may be a pain. I wonder if the car had overheating problems and its wired to the main fan?
  18. Id definately change it to normal lettering, that plate does look very "pull me" by the police. As it says ZED on it, id be tempted to put it on ebay, can probably get a few quid for it. The person who bought it originally would have paid £250 from DVLA for that reg. I know cos I looked at them!
  19. I believe you can only enter the first few digits if any only going by what I have read here I dont have the bird view I do have the birdview. You cant enter postcodes. Which initially seems a pain, esp when nearly all sat navs and the newer nissan sat navs do let you enter post codes. On the 350z system you enter city, then street name, then house number. To be honest, ive always been used to using postcodes, so when i first got mine I thought it must be a bag of sheeet, but it actually has not caused me a problem at all. Its just as easy to enter city, street the number, and the maps on the system actually seem to be better than the newest maps on my old tomtom. Its even got my work industrial estate all mapped out. Ive not yet found any addresses it doesnt know.
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